
Hello all,

Im thinking of getting the p90x and start with the routine but...
- As I an see, it is for getting fit and stronger.... Good... but.... does it help to lose weight aswel? Or would you recommend that I should continue doing running/cardio sessions by myself + the p90x routine?
- Is it necessary to take the suplements? if so, which one is the essential? (I can not afford to buy them all)

Thanks for your help!! :flowerforyou:


  • thedeegan4
    thedeegan4 Posts: 422 Member
    I would recommend doing P90 plus cardio. I do my P90 in the morning and either zumba or run in the evenings.
  • barbosa22
    barbosa22 Posts: 178 Member
    You may want to try Insanity for more of a cardio workout. P90X will help lose weight but you can also gain weight from gaining muslce
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    It's not necessary to take the P90X supplements, but they are quality supplements.
    it is an extreme exercise program that is not necessarily geared towards weight loss, but you can lose fat during the program. I did.
    Yes, you can continue to run during the program. It is in fact encouraged.
  • jaybaileys
    jaybaileys Posts: 317
    You can lose weight doing P90X. I lost 25 pounds the first 90 days I did it and 4 inches off of my waist. If you get 1 supplement I would get the results and recovery formula. It helps you recover after your workouts from muscle soreness, etc.
  • Callen64
    Callen64 Posts: 4
    I have a friend who does P90X and lost weight.
  • DawnShores
    DawnShores Posts: 2 Member
    You do not have to take their supplements, or even a protien shake prior to your workout. Food is always the best option for you body and your body perfers this but you can use protien shakes if you want too just watch the surgar content. As some have high surgar. Remember eating every two to three hours is recommended and multi vitiamin and make sure you get your Omega 3. P90x will help with the process of loosing fat. Never just go by the scale weight for your progress; use measurements and your clothes along with your Body fat comp. These are better accurate in your progress. If you you strictly by the scale you may see no change but you could be still loosing inches, while gaining muscle.

    Another is your nutrition intake is a HUGE key into your weight loss journey, not just P90x or cardio alone will do the trick, The combo of working out and good nutrition is the key.

    Hope this helps.

    **In training for Personal Training and Nutrition.
  • jlawrence29

    Good to see that you are focusing on getting healthier, which should be the main focus! Let me start by saying I'm a male and completed the program last summer with great results (toned up/increased muscle definition to impressive levels with some added weight loss = compliments galore!!!). Now after an interesting and rough fall/winter, I'm back at it again!

    If your goal is weight loss, the P90x program may not be the best for you (there are variation, but the program as a whole is not focused on weight loss). If you goal is more for improved physical health, increase in strength which will result in loss of inches/centimeters and weight, then "Do your best and forget the rest!" Apologies, as that's one of the quotes from the program and you start to recite them as you go through the transformation. I would also state that running in addition to the P90x workouts from the start most likely would be extremely difficult. Although if you are in reasonable athletic shape/condition after the first week or two, running with the program is definitely possible.

    One of the key factors in success that some people may miss, to get the commercial results or the best results possible, the nutrition guide is paramount! In some regards, the diet is almost more important that the workouts themselves. You need to put the correct food in your system for it to perform and provide optimum results. As for the supplements, if you are really going to be pushing yourself, I would recommend at least the Recovery Formula (or at least a very comparable substitute). Take it as your body tells you, you will know when you need it. It will help with the soreness and have you ready for the next workout. If money is an issue, the main part of the formula is the 4:1 carbohydrate to protein ratio. if you can find another way to get this into your system after your workouts, mission should be accomplished.

    Another good point to add, would be what your current fitness level is or what level has been your highest in your life? This could determine how quickly you see results or if additional rounds of P90x will be needed to achieve your goal.

    I'm not a coach, but have used the numerous message boards for the program to help me find out what would work best for me. I would recommend doing the same. If you do take on the challenge just remember to "Push PLAY, you'll be glad you did!"