I've eaten too many calories already what should i do?



  • rockabillydarlin
    rockabillydarlin Posts: 244 Member
    Definitely go to the gym! It's so satisfying to see that you've "earned" extra calories for your hard work. Also, if you know you will be out or are planning on having fast food (which most of us do, occasionally... the problem is when it's every day!), make sure you can plan your meals around that and get in some exercise, too. That way you can have a "cheat" meal every now and again.

    It also helps to look up the calories on the restaurant's website -- some smart phones have an app for this -- if you know you're going to be eating there so you can make a better choice about what you order.
  • TiniTurtle
    TiniTurtle Posts: 595 Member
    i'd try to fit in a workout, otherwise have a VERY light dinner, high in protein & fiber to fill you up & start fresh tomorrow. i use MFP on my iphone, so as much as it annoys my family & bf, i try to look up everything before i order, so i know what i can and can't have for the meal. i eat out all the time because i don't live with my bf & my mother isn't the type to cook :o) so i'm pretty familiar with what resturants have good choices & how much of whatever bad choice i can have to still fit in my calorie allowance without depriving myself. good luck!
  • chazsucks
    chazsucks Posts: 170
    Thanks everyone! really appreciate the input! Can't go to the gym as no one to watch my baby :) but I have day 4 of 30 day shred to complete today anyway plus i have an exercise bike and can go for a walk with littleun in the sling!

    Thanks again xxx
  • msdebg
    msdebg Posts: 33 Member
    Oh wow I did that before too. I totally agree with "accountant_boi". However do not beat yourself up over this, it was a "lesson learning" day. Bottom line: "When you know better, you do better" . Go forth and eat sensibly :-)
  • musicmrse
    musicmrse Posts: 49 Member
    I hope that you are budgeting enough calories per day. I know it would be wonderful to eat just a little and lost weight fast, but you'll be most successful if you take it slowly...about a lb a week. (I don't know how that translates into kgs.) I know Burger King is packed with calories, but it made me wonder when you said it took up most of your days calories.

    And then, everyone else is right. You just have to work it off! Good luck!
  • dwarfer22
    dwarfer22 Posts: 358 Member
    One day won't kill your diet. Oh well, move on. You can work some of it off at the gym or let it go. At least you will be prepared next time you go to BK what NOT to order. I just say relax. I'm sure it was yummy and you shouldn't feel bad about it. Eat your dinner and don't stress about it. Tomorrow is a new day.