Muscle vs Fat



  • kevanos
    kevanos Posts: 304 Member
    I understand your point. Somebody who weights 200lbs but has a total boby volume of 0.1 cubic meters has less fat than somone who weighs the same 200lbs but has a toal body volume of 0.12 cubic meters. They weigh the same but the sencond person is much larger.

    Its a good point but your argument is kind of silly.

    If I said gold weighs more than silver, you would say not true, 1lb of anyting equals 1 pound of anything else. But the atomic weight of gold is higher than that of silver. So 1 atom of gold does weight more than 1 atom of silver.

    To use the term weight properly, we would have to say this weighs more than that per unit volume or particle. Volume would ahve to be measured at similar pressures and tempuratures.When someone says bricks weight more than feathers, its understood what they mean, same for fat vs muscle.
  • backinthenines
    backinthenines Posts: 1,083 Member
    Am I the only one having a time warp moment? :huh:
  • keith0373
    keith0373 Posts: 2,154 Member
    I understand your point. Somebody who weights 200lbs but has a total boby volume of 0.1 cubic meters has less fat than somone who weighs the same 200lbs but has a toal body volume of 0.12 cubic meters. They weigh the same but the sencond person is much larger.

    Its a good point but your argument is kind of silly.

    If I said gold weighs more than silver, you would say not true, 1lb of anyting equals 1 pound of anything else. But the atomic weight of gold is higher than that of silver. So 1 atom of gold does weight more than 1 atom of silver.

    To use the term weight properly, we would have to say this weighs more than that per unit volume or particle. Volume would ahve to be measured at similar pressures and tempuratures.When someone says bricks weight more than feathers, its understood what they mean, same for fat vs muscle.

    Gold is a bad example. A pound of gold is only 12 oz vs 16 for everything else.

    You are wrong on the gold vs feathers . . .

    While on the face of it a pound of feathers would seem to weigh the same as a pound of gold, this overlooks the fact that gold is universally weighed using a different definition of 'pound' than that used for most other materials.

    Precious metals such as gold are measured in troy weight. A troy pound is 12 troy ounces, and each troy ounce is 480 grains, making a total of 5760 grains to the pound of gold.

    Most materials use pounds and ounces from the avoirdupois system, and such a standard pound is made up of 16 ounces, where each ounce is 437.5 grains, making a total of 7000 grains to the pound of feathers.

    All this means that a "pound" of feathers (or bricks, or lead) is heavier than a "pound" of gold.
  • keith0373
    keith0373 Posts: 2,154 Member
    Gold and silver would be the same though :)
  • barbacasec
    barbacasec Posts: 106
    holy crap.... really

    this is not where I thought this rant would go... atoms, the difference in weighing gold vs silver....

    and my argument is not silly.... everyone has opinions and thats why people discuss things..... so if someone is wrong about something people can express why they think they are wrong... no need to be condesending and insulting.

    I thought we were all adults. I guess I will keep my opinions to myself from now on.
  • kevanos
    kevanos Posts: 304 Member
    That's a dirty trick. I didn`t see that comming.

    Another reason to hate the imperail system.
  • keith0373
    keith0373 Posts: 2,154 Member
    I wasn't trying to be mean or condesending. I just remembered hearing that somewhere and figured it would get a chuckle.
  • kevanos
    kevanos Posts: 304 Member
    holy crap.... really

    this is not where I thought this rant would go... atoms, the difference in weighing gold vs silver....

    and my argument is not silly.... everyone has opinions and thats why people discuss things..... so if someone is wrong about something people can express why they think they are wrong... no need to be condesending and insulting.

    I thought we were all adults. I guess I will keep my opinions to myself from now on.

    I meant no offense by that. I was just pointing out a flaw in your argument.
  • KrisPage
    KrisPage Posts: 539 Member
    I think you all have good points the biggest thing here is a lb=lb what ever you are weighing, pound and volume are not the same in any way. Fat doesn't turn into muscle, but building muscle burns fat.

    Using a scale as well as meassurements are going to show you the change your life changes are making in your body.

    So use what ever method works for you to measure your self, a scale, a tape measure or if you want to know you volume submurge your self in a tub of water and measure the displacement.

    Good Luck to us all in our weightloss journey!!
  • Mollywater
    Mollywater Posts: 42 Member
    It's interesting how "to heart" people take things that are posted on a public and free forum. Why do people always go for the throat in their responses? Is it cause you can let it all loose knowing no one really knows who you are? Just because we all hide behind a "User Id" doesn't mean we cannot treat people with respect. The OP was just trying to bring up a pet peeve (from how I read it) when people compare a pound of fat to a pound of muscle. The do not usually bring up volume. I totally know where she is going with that. When I was at weight watchers and would hit a plateau, people would always say "Don't worry, your gaining muscle and muscle weighs more than fat". I truly doubt they were all speaking about volume.

    I don't think the OP needs to be criticized for her topic or her opinion.
  • kevanos
    kevanos Posts: 304 Member
    I don`t think there has been a lack of respect going on here, just an exchange of ideas. People take offense when their point of view or opinion is refuted. Nobody is criticizing the OP, perhaps the OPs opinion, but that isn`t a disrespectful thing to do, right?

    I don`t think anybody would ever claim that a pound of fat weighs more than a pound of muscle. That is obviously not true.

    Imagine if you replaced all the fat on your body with an equal amount of muscle, so you stayed the same shape and size but with no fat. You would obviously weigh more. That is because muscle weighs more than fat.
  • taletreader
    taletreader Posts: 377 Member
    its a fact of volume, not weight.


    The same volume (= visual amount) of muscle weights indeed more than this volume of fat. The fact that at equal weights, a more muscular person will look smaller or conversely, a person that's putting on muscle may gain while losing fat may gain weight *is* what people mean by saying "muscle weights more than fat".

    To say that 1 lb of muscle and 1 lb of fat weigh the same is a truism... I'm a bit unsure why it's being brought up. It's a bit like saying that chocolate doesn't have more calories than rice cakes because a 100 calorie pack of chocolate has the same calories as a 100 calorie pack of rice cakes.
  • ZebraHead
    ZebraHead Posts: 15,207 Member
    It's interesting how "to heart" people take things that are posted on a public and free forum. Why do people always go for the throat in their responses? Is it cause you can let it all loose knowing no one really knows who you are? Just because we all hide behind a "User Id" doesn't mean we cannot treat people with respect. The OP was just trying to bring up a pet peeve (from how I read it) when people compare a pound of fat to a pound of muscle. The do not usually bring up volume. I totally know where she is going with that. When I was at weight watchers and would hit a plateau, people would always say "Don't worry, your gaining muscle and muscle weighs more than fat". I truly doubt they were all speaking about volume.

    I don't think the OP needs to be criticized for her topic or her opinion.

    I didn't I was nice :bigsmile: :bigsmile: xtra points for me right?
  • taletreader
    taletreader Posts: 377 Member
    I don`t think there has been a lack of respect going on here, just an exchange of ideas. People take offense when their point of view or opinion is refuted.

    ::ducking:: "rebuffed" not "refuted" [Hey, just demonstrating being really a bit overly peev-y -- for all I'm concerned you can write "refuted" whenever you like...]
    Nobody is criticizing the OP, perhaps the OPs opinion, but that isn`t a disrespectful thing to do, right?

    I *heartily* agree. If someone disagrees with what I'm saying, I'd *hope* they would calmly *say so* on the forum. Especially if I'm saying something that can be demonstrated to be questionable. Disagreement and criticism is a good thing. We'd never have built culture, literature and science without a respectful but frank exchange of ideas.
  • kevanos
    kevanos Posts: 304 Member

    ::ducking:: "rebuffed" not "refuted" [Hey, just demonstrating being really a bit overly peev-y -- for all I'm concerned you can write "refuted" whenever you like...]

    whoa, did not know.

    So it's rebuff becasue I dismissed the claim.

    If I had present an alternative argument it would have been refuted.
  • Bryan190
    Bryan190 Posts: 54
    Can't say I've seen anyone here actually claim that a pound of muscle weighs more than a pound of fat. If someone does say muscle weighs more than fat then they are leaving out the phrase "per unit volume" and perhaps that confuses some people. Density is the parameter that expresses weight per unit volume, and muscle is more dense than fat. Muscle is a bit more dense than water and fat is a bit less dense than water - it's the reason why fat people float.
  • llkilgore
    llkilgore Posts: 1,169 Member
    if you take a 2 people that weigh the same and measure them out cup by cup ..... you will still end up with the same weight you will just have a lot less cups to fill...... but you will still have the smae weight!! I am basing this rant on scale weight not volume!!

    Well, you know it could be that people don't bother to explain that they mean muscle weighs more than fat, CUP BY CUP, because the unit of volume is completely 100% irrelevant to the argument. A given volume of muscle always, always, ALWAYS weighs more than an equal volume of fat, whether you're talking about cups, liters, or reservoirs. That's assuming similar gravitational forces, of course, but then maybe that's too big an assumption too.
  • yyzdnl
    yyzdnl Posts: 127 Member
    These arguments kill me everyone is saying the same thing in a different way.

    So, Which weighs more in space a cup of muscle or a cup of fat?
  • Bryan190
    Bryan190 Posts: 54
    So, Which weighs more in space a cup of muscle or a cup of fat?
    Ah, fat in space, lol! Now we're talking mass, and it's gonna do a lot more damage if your spaceship gets hit with a one-cup size muscle meteor vs. a one-cup size fat meteor!
  • Bryan190
    Bryan190 Posts: 54
    double post