New New New - Angela age 27

Hi all! I'm Angela, I'm 27 years old and looking to get back into shape and be healthy again. I had my beautiful son almost a year ago, in March 2010 and I've got about 20 lbs to lose. I"m not only here to drop those pounds though. I am trying to live a healthier lifestyle for my family. I used to be so athletic, in school I ran track and cross country. Since high school I've gotten so lazy, and I am putting my foot down! now I started working out 2 weeks ago. This week I started on the hCg diet and it was the worst thing I've ever done. I have never felt so miserable. Yesterday I decided I will lose my weight the healthy way, and stay healthy, and give up that 500 cal diet. I'm here for support and just to interact with those who have the same goals as myself. I'm easy to talk to also so if any of you ladies just need someone to talk to I might not have all the answers but I'll listen and not judge. Okay, well there goes my introduction. I'm happy to be here everyone!


  • bonboncito
    bonboncito Posts: 234 Member
    Hey Girl I'm also 27 years old. I have way more than 20lb but I know you can do it with this site its so awesome I lost a total of 18lb in about 2 months and its been pretty easy.So if you need a friend you can add me if you would like.
  • angelarozmyn
    hi Angela :)
  • angiesteele
    angiesteele Posts: 366 Member
    Hi! I am Angela and I am 28. :) Welcome!
  • Angela4Health
    Angela4Health Posts: 1,319 Member
    Thanks for the warm welcome everyone!
  • ljbrauer
    ljbrauer Posts: 62
    Hey Angela! I am 25 and working on about 15 lbs right now (maybe more later on) so feel free to add me if you need additional support....I know I could use it as well! :]
  • Aaliyahgurl83
    HI there Angela, I am 27 yrs old also. And my youngest is 16 months old. Im trying to get on the right track too! I just need some pushing and friends to help guide me. I hope this site helps you! I just joined yesterday:)
  • Angela4Health
    Angela4Health Posts: 1,319 Member
    I made a typo lol I am 26 not 27... not that it should make a big difference!
  • MommyLumpkin
    Congrats on making the first step!!!
  • missduffbug
    missduffbug Posts: 217
    Hi lovely - I'm 26 - nearly 27 - and I have 75lb to lose! Been here just over a week and lost 3lb already. The support on here is just AMAZING.
    Feel free to send a friend request - the more the merrier I find!
    Best of luck with your journey :) xx
  • father5
    father5 Posts: 69
    Welcome Angela. I'm 47 but wish I was 26.
  • RockaholicMama
    RockaholicMama Posts: 786 Member
    Hi Angela! I'm Trista and just turned 27 yesterday. I had my daughter April 2010 and I've lost the rest of my baby weight, but like you, I'm ready for a whole lifestyyle change :)
  • mandycox1301
    Hey girl! Im 30....ugh....hate admitting it and I have 2 kids. This site it absolutely amazing!! The support we have at our finger tips is amazing!! I know my family has to get tired of me talking about calories, exercise, weighing in, and all that so on here its mostly what we ALL talk about! (with the occasional venting I am here if you need anymore support!! Friend me if you'd like!!!