Ahhh stretch marks....



  • Higglyjiggly64
    My doctor recommended vitamin E oil. It can't hurt and isn't expensive!

    where can you get the oil?

    I was able to by a 3 ounce bottle of it at a local pharmacy.
  • Rurouni_Kou
    Rurouni_Kou Posts: 180 Member
    My doctor recommended vitamin E oil. It can't hurt and isn't expensive!

    where can you get the oil?

    I was able to by a 3 ounce bottle of it at a local pharmacy.

    I got some when I was making massage candles as gifts. I found bottles at HEB (grocery store with a generous "natural" and vitamin section).
  • patricac
    patricac Posts: 255 Member
  • DancingFox
    DancingFox Posts: 88 Member
    My doctor recommended vitamin E oil. It can't hurt and isn't expensive!

    where can you get the oil?

    I was able to by a 3 ounce bottle of it at a local pharmacy.

    I got some when I was making massage candles as gifts. I found bottles at HEB (grocery store with a generous "natural" and vitamin section).

    Whole Foods carries it. I know that, for sure. :)
  • cameola
    cameola Posts: 4
    If you go tanning the marks will go away within a visit or two. I had an area 'under my belly fold' that had 2 little strech marks and they stayed red for a long time because they weren't exposd to the tanning bulbs, that was about a year ago and those little strechmarks are skin color now so I think it took about 12 months for them to fade altogether w/ out lotions or creams.
  • Juliane_
    Juliane_ Posts: 373 Member
  • JStarnes
    JStarnes Posts: 5,576 Member
    If you go tanning the marks will go away within a visit or two. I had an area 'under my belly fold' that had 2 little strech marks and they stayed red for a long time because they weren't exposd to the tanning bulbs, that was about a year ago and those little strechmarks are skin color now so I think it took about 12 months for them to fade altogether w/ out lotions or creams.

    This isn't a good way to get rid of stretch marks... you're trading a natural phenomenon for something that could cause skin cancer.
    I didn't think scar tissue tanned?

    Mine used to be super wide & VERY deep purple in color. Since losing weight they're not so wide (obviously, lol, my stomach isn't as big) and they're pretty well faded to a light pink - very close to my natural skin color. I aquired them with my first PG in 2006...so 5 years & they've finally faded to almost normal.
  • JStarnes
    JStarnes Posts: 5,576 Member
    I'll have to give that a shot.... I want to get rid of the cottage cheese legs too..... I thought that would fade as the weight fell off, but it hasn't? AHHHHH make it all go away!!!!
    The "cottage cheese" won't go away...thats damaged skin (I think it's where fat cells have pushed thru connective tissue...or that's what I've gathered..) Your legs will get smaller, but chances are that "look" won't change too much. :ohwell: I have it too.
  • RoadDog
    RoadDog Posts: 2,946 Member
    Wife has a few stretchmarks from 3 pregnancies. She got them giving birth to my daughters. I love every single one of them. Daughters and stretchmarks.
  • pippie1990
    pippie1990 Posts: 9 Member
    bio oil i have found works really well also know a couple of friends it has worked for as well. Anythign high in vitamin e (one of main vitamins in repairing skin) is meant to be good for stretch marks
  • Shannon7713
    Shannon7713 Posts: 76 Member
    After my first was born I had quite a few stretch marks.... i picked up a lotion with MSM in it..... and wow..... rubbed in on a couple times a day and my stretch marks were gone...... I need to pick some more up since my 2nd child left some as well....
  • millermichellelea
    My doctor recommended vitamin E oil. It can't hurt and isn't expensive!

    where can you get the oil?

    I was able to by a 3 ounce bottle of it at a local pharmacy.

    You can get the vitamin-E gel caps and stick them with a pin - I used them in the past. They close up and you can use one pill for days! Cheap way to get vitamin-E

    I got some when I was making massage candles as gifts. I found bottles at HEB (grocery store with a generous "natural" and vitamin section).

    Whole Foods carries it. I know that, for sure. :)
  • millermichellelea
    Wife has a few stretchmarks from 3 pregnancies. She got them giving birth to my daughters. I love every single one of them. Daughters and stretchmarks.

    That is so sweet!! She is so lucky!!!!!!!!!:smile:
  • sk4399
    sk4399 Posts: 96
    Strivectin - been using it for years!!! It works -- but you have to put it on twice a day until they are gone and it can be expensive. $120 a tube at GNC - use the Gold card on Wednesdays for 30% off

    Do you have to keep using it, or can you stop when they are gone?
  • krisvtx8777
    krisvtx8777 Posts: 163
    I personally think it depends on how bad the stretch marks are whether or not a product will help. I know lots of people that say they have stretch marks yet 'Ive never seen them.
    However for instance me, there's no glossing over them-they are deep and noticeable. And there's ALOT
    I have tried bio-oil it did not help one bit for me.
    I am currently using coconut oil as its helps nearly every skin ailment I have ever had, maybe over time it will help-but I wont get my hopes up! Everything I read says there's nothing that actually gets rid of them. Maybe it depends how deep they are.
  • chrissyb1985
    chrissyb1985 Posts: 110 Member
    U can get it at walmart! If cheaper u can buy the gel caps and stick the with a needle and squeeze oil out too!
    My doctor recommended vitamin E oil. It can't hurt and isn't expensive!

    where can you get the oil?

    I was able to by a 3 ounce bottle of it at a local pharmacy.

    You can get the vitamin-E gel caps and stick them with a pin - I used them in the past. They close up and you can use one pill for days! Cheap way to get vitamin-E

    I got some when I was making massage candles as gifts. I found bottles at HEB (grocery store with a generous "natural" and vitamin section).

    Whole Foods carries it. I know that, for sure. :)
  • jesseBYAH
    jesseBYAH Posts: 446 Member
    Wife has a few stretchmarks from 3 pregnancies. She got them giving birth to my daughters. I love every single one of them. Daughters and stretchmarks.

    Awwwww! You are a sweetheart!
  • cameola
    cameola Posts: 4
    Yea, I know tanning isn't the best way to get rid of them but was just saying that, before I went the marks were bright red, and afterward they blended in with the rest of my skin and weren't red anymore- which is what I wanted. And no, the strechmarks won't tan, so if you go tanning too much all of your skin will be tan but you strechmarks will be white.