Need to RANT!



  • shyaamist
    shyaamist Posts: 34
    Ya know what... honestly the only person you are accountable to is yourself!!! Show me a person that never has treat and I will show you someone that hasn't learned they can eat well, have treats and will keep the weight off!

    Screw anyone that doesn't like what you are doing! In the end, you are the one that deals with it, nobody else!

    ***Keep it up! You can do it! :flowerforyou:
  • alainabanks
    alainabanks Posts: 3 Member
    Honey you are right on.......:explode: :explode: if I want chocolate I am gonna have chocolate! But the idea is to not go over board leave it at a treat and enjoy it, better yet savor it yummmy!! Don't make it a binge and don't beat yourself up over it! The stressing is what goes to your hips not the piece of chocolate:)
  • good for you! We all struggle with portions, sugars, exercise,... sometimes you just need a treat to keep you going mentally and emotionally. Let's hear it for treats!
  • maz123
    maz123 Posts: 63
    you so need a treat sometimes or every week otherwise you would just throw in the towel ive lost 3 lbs this week and ive had a treat. i always have a treat otherwise i end up binging binging binging. like you said you are the adult feck the begrudgers ! :)
  • bayles1
    bayles1 Posts: 408 Member

    Just had pizza here and dont care what anyone thinks.Take the notice of all the doubters and just do what works for you.

    Good Luck.
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    And dark chocolate is good for you! There are all kinds of health benefits associated with it. Honey has nutritional benefits to it, also.

    I also hate calling it a 'cheat treat'. That makes it sound like it's bad. It isn't bad to have a treat. You can't deprive yourself. I read it on a post recently: I'll take a small slice of chocolate cake over some 'sugar free' or 'fat free' cookies any day.
    It's all about moderation and in the end losing weight comes down to one fact: burning more calories than you consume. If that treat fits into the calorie goal then great; but if it doesn't? Nothing wrong with that either. Some days are over, some are under but it all balances out in the end.
  • mean people suck, that's why my diary is private
  • Ben2118
    Ben2118 Posts: 571 Member
    We aren't machines, we do not all function exactly the same way! Some people may be able to go without a "treat", some won't, but if having a small bit of something every now and again stops you from going AWOL then great! DO IT!
  • Toaster88
    Toaster88 Posts: 146
    It's well noted that if you don't treat yourself, you will tire of your diet, and fail. If the numbers are going down, you're doing fine. I ride a bike 40mi a day, and had a guy always yell at me for eating peanut butter. I had to ditch him.
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    Lol .... good for you .... my treat happens to be alcohol :-)
    Me too, I'm just waiting for someone to scold me about all ALL THAT WINE!!!!!

    That can be me!:laugh: (just kidding). But I do have a link in my signature that explains the effects of alcohol on your body's calorie burning efforts. I was never a drinker so I don't have to worry about alcohol. But if I decide to party up one night, you bet your butt I will!
  • lauriemb
    lauriemb Posts: 1 Member
    You actually SHOULD have treats! Keeps you from overeating other food because you're not satisfied. I've been working with Jenny Craig for 3 months now and have lost over 20 lbs and treats are actually a part of my eating habits! Stick to it and don't worry about an indulgance here and there!!
  • paniolo5
    paniolo5 Posts: 186 Member
    I'm not sure I've seen anyone "yelled at" for eating badly, so I guess I'm glad I've missed that! What I have seen is people complaining about not losing weight, yet they've been eating mostly unhealthy - fast food, chips, sweets, etc with an occasional piece of fruit thrown in. My advice is if you can't tell from your own food journal as to why you might not be losing weight and you ask for help, then don't shoot the messenger when they point out the error of your ways.

    That being said, I eat what I choose to eat. I shoot for healthy 90% of the time (and have failed miserably the past few weeks!) and my treats and wine are the other 10%. It works for me & I feel good. Will I ever be solid muscle and a "10" at the beach? Nope, but I do not care. That's not what it's about for me. Life HAS to include chocolate!
  • tmaksparkie
    tmaksparkie Posts: 279
    Everyone is right, if you don't have a treat once in a while then you will binge I have done it and won't go back to that. My weekly treat is a mocha coffee with whip at caribou every Saturday while I shop. It is the best.
  • I agree hun..I look at other people's diarys but I never say anything negative about it..thats their business...Have a good day :)
  • dekarlo08
    dekarlo08 Posts: 102

    I also hate calling it a 'cheat treat'. That makes it sound like it's bad.

    I never "cheat" because I'm not on a diet. I'm changing my lifestyle, and my lifestyle includes some chinese food every now and then. And chocolate...and wine... You see where I'm going with this. If you let people make you feel like you're "cheating" you'll never get where you want to go. Don't worry about people like that:drinker:
    TOYGRRRL Posts: 251 Member
    Amen... Everything in moderation is my firm belief. If you cut out everything with fat or carbs from your diet you are not going to make it in the long run. Our bodies actually need a little of these things. Make better choices and no binging and you will be better off and happier. You cannot make this lifestyle change if all you feel is deprived constantly. Though I have to say, if you can cut out as much as possible if not 90% of all processed foods including the processed sugars you will be better off. But the occasional treat of a piece of cake on birthday celebrations, chocolate and alcohol (wine or cocktails) is not going to mean you are not dedicated to a healthier you.
  • gehlerc
    gehlerc Posts: 651 Member
    Treats are a part of life. We're all trying to build a life that is both emotionally and physically healthy. *And* we're all individuals with individual needs.
  • lotty1987
    lotty1987 Posts: 176 Member
    Cheers guys uv made me feel loads better xxx iv had a down week but i have worked off over 2000 calories this week so im proud so i think eating what i want will not hurt my long term goals
  • paroxysm
    paroxysm Posts: 56
    I love treats and sometimes eat a few a in a day =) I think they are vital to a healthy mind and body.
  • radicalreader
    radicalreader Posts: 207 Member
    News Alert ... Last night I CHOSE to a brownie bite. You know why? Because I am NOT on a diet.
    I am on a lifelong quest to make my body healthier and stronger by making informed choices about my nutrition and exercise.
    Every other CHOICE this week involved lean protein, whole grains, and a ton of fruits and veggies.
    Last night I baked brownie bites to donate to a bake sale and I CHOSE to end my day with a brownie bite.
    I was still within my calorie limits and I met all of my other nutrition needs.
    It was hot and fudgie and I was happy.
    Today I chose a banana rather than another brownie bite because the one last night satisfied my chocolate craving and now I was really in the mood for a banana.
    Another day, another choice.
    And because I did not deprive myself last night, I could make a healthier choice today and (knock wood) will stay committed to this healthier lifestyle longer than I could stay on any diet.
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