Need to RANT!

seriously annoyed at some people on this site telling you off for having treats! treats are that treats - today I have had lots due to birthdays and slight depression - if i want chocolate il have it thankyou and i will work it off ! if i go over my sugar allowance once or twice a week I AM ALLOWED I AM AN ADULT

Sorry to all those who are really supportive your all fab ! but really got peeved



  • inskydiamonds
    inskydiamonds Posts: 2,519 Member
    PSH! I have a treat nearly every day and I've lost over 40 pounds.
    Everything in moderation!
    EDBENAGLIO Posts: 424
    HELL YA!!!!
  • Luckymam
    Luckymam Posts: 300
    You had a treat??!!!! HOW DARE YOU!!!!! :tongue:
  • hoosiermama44
    YES!!!!! I just posted something very similar! Healthy, thin people eat treats sometimes too - this is about something we can LIVE with forever and if someone told me I could never ever have pizza again then I'd probably throw in the towel right now! EACH TO YOUR OWN!
  • cmbneeley
    cmbneeley Posts: 160 Member
    depriving yourself will only cause a binge later. have some in moderation and it's all good! i enjoy a small treat pretty often myself. :-)
  • Pril2000
    Pril2000 Posts: 254 Member
    For reals! I eat a couple little pieces of chocolate every night and it hasn't hurt my weight loss goal. Those little bites of chocolate keep me from going out and getting a whole piece of cake instead. That's a victory in my book!

    Do what you want. You're the only person who is accountable and it's no one else's business to criticize. :happy:
  • pen282
    pen282 Posts: 168 Member

    I know what you mean - hasn't happened to me personally but I red alot about eating 'clean' etc and yes, of course it is best but.. I'm human, if I want choc ill have some - like you say,it can be worked off.. :-)
    Each to their own I guess!
  • msamcoates
    msamcoates Posts: 261 Member
    Lol .... good for you .... my treat happens to be alcohol :-)
  • skinnyme125
    skinnyme125 Posts: 396 Member
    yOu are fine. If you don't treat yourself once in a while you will feel deprived and then quit the program I believe it is healthier to have a treat once in a while then to deprive yourself all together. :)
  • Jenlynphi
    Jenlynphi Posts: 183 Member
    I always eat a small portion of what I normally would eat. If I didn't allow myself my treats, I would binge big time!!!!
  • gburkhart2
    gburkhart2 Posts: 72 Member
    I would hope that everyone here is trying to keep you honest and help out. They may not have the "kindest" methods of doing so, but do remember that it is very difficult to truly communicate using only type. In the end, you only have one person to answer to and that's you. Even if you have a treat and you would consider it a fail, it's okay. We all fail at some point. The key is to not get discouraged and continue to move forward.
  • reese66
    reese66 Posts: 2,920 Member
    Well said. It is your journey to be done your way!!!

    You can pass me a piece of the chocolate, yumm, my weakness...
  • skinnylizzard
    skinnylizzard Posts: 460 Member
    Lol .... good for you .... my treat happens to be alcohol :-)
    Me too, I'm just waiting for someone to scold me about all ALL THAT WINE!!!!!
  • Missevanston
    Missevanston Posts: 361 Member
    Who needs people like that! Who *ARE they? Unfriend them! Heck, I am having pizza tonight! It is my daughter's birthday! You have to live! I won't live on island without something sweet or salty to eat ever again! *THAT's what is great about MFP, you get to learn to eat the right way, not NOT eat! GEeeesh! You go girl!
  • em_lou007
    em_lou007 Posts: 117
    Glad you ranted!!

    I agree with everyone so far - you need treats to keep you sane and to keep your motivation going. I don't know anyone that could live on a diet of salad for the rest of their lives (except a rabbit!)

    I had wine tonight and it felt GOOD!!! :laugh:

    keep treating yourselves (in moderation) and enjoying your weight loss journeys

  • kitta3
    kitta3 Posts: 84
    I have a cheat day every saturday, and enjoy it
    no matter what anyone says
    it helps me, I get back on it sunday and do well all week

    if you want it, you do it. its your weight loss plan, its your body, and you can lose weight at whatever speed you wish
    and you can eat whatever you wish.

    if you want chocolate you eat chocolate... you are the one that has to work it off later
    not them!
  • Galathea
    Galathea Posts: 420 Member
    We all are adults. If you wanna have a treat, have a treat! I couldn't go without one all the time. And I had huge success here, so for me it works. If some wanna deny themselves everything and it works for them, great for them. They do what they do, I do what I do.
  • chefchazz
    chefchazz Posts: 427
    you tell em!!! i havent experienced this personally on this site but dude, who the f is ANYONE to chastise ANYONE for their food choices?? someones got it wrong. treats are TREATS!! AND EVERYONE DERSEVES ONE!!! that *kitten*!!
  • njean888
    njean888 Posts: 399 Member
    Finally!!!! Someone with common sense!!!
  • nickiben
    nickiben Posts: 117 Member
    I agree with treats. I have a pack of Curly Wurlys in the fridge for when I feel that chocolate crave, but as long as I dont go over calorie target then I dont feel too bad!!! I dont have one every day- but if you deprive yourself all the time then you could fail - not worth feeling bad over!! :smile: