How about a "cheat week"? Haha!

jessjess Posts: 88
edited September 18 in Motivation and Support's THAT time. I'm heading back to the good ole' USA.

I'm soooooooo excited, but now is the time I'm really going to be tested. It's easy to lose weight when you're deployed, the chow hall food isn't great, and there is nothing to do except exercise. Now I'm going to be faced with delicious delicious delicious restaurants, that I have missed so much. :laugh: And I KNOW I won't be going to the gym twice a day when I return home like I have been here. No way! I just want to cuddle on my couch with my husband and puppy and be LAZY.

Will I be able to keep this weight off and continue to lose, or is it going to come right back onto my hips and *kitten*, like after I returned from my last deployment? I guess we'll see.


  •'s THAT time. I'm heading back to the good ole' USA.

    I'm soooooooo excited, but now is the time I'm really going to be tested. It's easy to lose weight when you're deployed, the chow hall food isn't great, and there is nothing to do except exercise. Now I'm going to be faced with delicious delicious delicious restaurants, that I have missed so much. :laugh: And I KNOW I won't be going to the gym twice a day when I return home like I have been here. No way! I just want to cuddle on my couch with my husband and puppy and be LAZY.

    Will I be able to keep this weight off and continue to lose, or is it going to come right back onto my hips and *kitten*, like after I returned from my last deployment? I guess we'll see.
  • icandoit
    icandoit Posts: 4,163 Member
    First of all-Thank you for all you do for us and our country, and congrats on coming home. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    Enjoy it when you come home. You more than deserve to cheat. You have a great attitude in your posts, and you will succeed.
    Cheers to you:drinker:
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,788 Member
    Welcome home!

    I think you need a "cheat week" - get it out of your system - then back to the grindstone!
  • Thanks for all you do. You Have the motivation to go to the gym 2x daily now comes the momentum of the good habits you have practiced. Get home and enjoy alot of the freedoms you have fought for and one of those is what you eat and what you do in your free time. There are alot of good choices out there that taste great here is a web site that may help you in some of those choices

    God Bless
  • neverbeenskinny
    neverbeenskinny Posts: 446 Member
    First of all "Thank you"
    Second "Thank you"
    Third "Thank you"
    The military does not hear enough of that from any of us.

    As for coming home - "welcome back". I understand that you have missed the food here, and just want to spend some time with your husband and family without thinking of working out and all that. But I also know that you have built some really good habits, and even with going out to eat, I think that you will be more conscious of what you are ordering and the portion size. You have had many inspiring posts for everyone, and you always are so encouraging. I can't see you letting everything go without thinking about it when you're ordering and eating.

    Good habits is the same as bad habits...they're hard to break.

    Don't worry so much about it. You will know what to do naturally. Just enjoy yourself and your family.
  • Healthier_Me
    Healthier_Me Posts: 5,600 Member
    Thank you for eveyrthing you have done and everything you will continue to do!!

    I agree... you are most definitely allowed a cheat week.
    We'll be here waiting for you and will give you as much motivation as you need.


  • pam0206
    pam0206 Posts: 700 Member
    Oh my gosh, welcome home, GIRL! You definitely deserve some splurging. Enjoy. There's nothing like coming home......
    LEANDRA66 Posts: 4 Member
    Welcome home from a fellow military warrior!! You are so right it's so easy to maintain discipline with dieting and fitness while in foreign countries.:wink:

    One thing that helped me when I returned from deployment was to take a week off and pace myself on all those delicious foods/restaurants. I started back to the gym like a week later on my old routine and yes it was hell!! You don't have the same motivation and you have more distractions.

    I found treating myself to a cheat day during the midweek helped control those urges to just splurge on junk.

    But stay strong and give yourself a well deserved break and you'll be fine.. besides you have everyone in this chatroom to talk to :bigsmile:
  • lahard0
    lahard0 Posts: 13 Member
    My hubby is going through the same thing and we came to the conclusion that eventhough he wont workout 2x a day....we'll increase the length or intensity of his one workout. Also, we will both indulge in the finer foods in the U.S, but will make smarter choices. We'll share more meals and box more meals. Also, we have the book "Eat this, not that'. It is so interesing. For example, some foods that are portrayed as healthy choices are secretly the worst on the meny. It also gives tons of tips about what to eat where, and also...for ex...say you love gives you some values of shakes at different places so you can decide which one will do the least damage. Good luck to you and as a fellow military member...Thanks and welcome home!
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