jeneey Posts: 48
edited September 24 in Health and Weight Loss
THere is a lot of info on here but I dont have the chance to go through every topic due to time.

I just started yesterday. Today so far goal cal 1390, food eaten 380, exercise -778 = net of 398. What does "net" mean?

Do I need to consume the calories I have excercised off?

Thank you!


  • Yes, you eat exercise calories...I don't every day. But sometimes I need to....I at least eat half of them.
  • pippie1990
    pippie1990 Posts: 9 Member
    net is the total calories used that day it counts up the ones from what you have eaten and minus what you have burnt of giving you the reamaing net figue above it tells you how many you have remaing

    mine is
    goal 2210
    consumed 2008
    exercised of 779
    so leaves me with a net of 1229 and an avaliable 981 to use

    hope this helps
  • blossom76
    blossom76 Posts: 5 Member
    I think your net of 398 might actually be a net of -398, meaning you're currently in the negative.

    Short answer - yes, you should eat your exercise calories, or at least some/most of them.

    Here's a link to one of the threads about eating your exercise cals:
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    Yes, try and eat them.

    Check out the link "Links in MFP you want to read again and again" in my signature. It explains Starvation Mode and exercise calories.

    1200 is the general baseline for Starvation Mode and MFP will not go below that. It's a good number to go by. If you do go under for a couple of days that is okay. But do it for too long and you risk sending your body into Starvation Mode (this is when you consume too few calories for too long and your metabolism slows down, your body stops burning fat, stores what you eat and digs into your lean muscle mass for fuel). Starvation Mode is a biological response and is real.

    **If you have been consuming under 1200 calories for quite a while and are still losing weight you are not losing fat. You are losing muscle mass, glycogen -this is what our brain runs on-, connective tissue, etc. You can also do more damage to your organs and systems because you aren't getting the fuel needed for them to function. This includes your brain.

    My 'comatose' or 'lying in bed all day' BMR is 1188 and I'm 5'2" and 123 pounds. This is the number of calories my body needs just to function internally. I try and stay above this number.
  • I am by no means an expert on the subject but from what I understand you should have a "net" of 1390 at the end of each day. "THEY" whoever that is, says that you should not consume less than 1200 calories a day. So if you didn't eat back your exercise calories you would have essentially only eaten 398 calories for the whole day which could hurt your metabolism. My daily goal is 1270 if I burn 300 from exercise then my goal becomes 1570 with a net of 1270. Hope this helps :)
  • mjf0461
    mjf0461 Posts: 470 Member
    I personnally found that when I eat my exercised calories I don't lose at all. I don't know about others, but I do not consume my burned calories at all. I may go 100 calories over but that's my max. Good Luck...
  • kimmrdodge
    kimmrdodge Posts: 190 Member
    It really is up to you wether you eat your exercise calories or not, I never have. It's a personal choice based on how your body works.
  • kdrew11
    kdrew11 Posts: 363 Member
    It's entirely up to you if you eat calories lost through exercise. You can use it for extra food. This always comes in handy if you have a meal out that night!! Otherwise you can just use it for quicker weight loss! Either way, quids in!
  • jeneey
    jeneey Posts: 48
    so if it is a -398 I need to consume the 398 plus the goal of 1390? :S
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