

  • mrsanderson404
    NYLL54....I don't do cheesecake often....maybe once every couple of years as it is not my family's fav...we are more cobbler and pie folks.....but I do love to cook!
  • Grandee47
    Grandee47 Posts: 261 Member
    I had such a good day today! I did chores in the morning, but went shopping in the afternoon for my mantle at Ross's and Pier One. I am not a shopper by nature, in fact, I usually don't enjoy it, but I found lots of stuff "on a shoestring" and that makes me really, really happy. We have an oversize mantle and it's been bugging me, so having this problem solved is great.

    I did weigh myself this morning and it showed that I lost 5 pounds this week. Since I was on a clear liquid diet for three days, I think I'll give it the weekend before taking an official weight. I feel sure that it'll go up a pound or two, so Monday will be the official for sure. If it doesn't go up, you'll hear me celebrating!

    What I have not been doing is walking. Mary, you have really stuck with your swimming this week......you're an inspiration. When Dee starts the new challenge next week, I will once again put the walking goal and this time I'll stick to it! I have been tracking consistently so I feel good that I've kept up with that.

    Lynn, 80 people for Easter? Holy Cow!!!!!! And these birthdays in April.....mine's April 8th! Great time of year for a birthday.....it truly is a rebirth every year having a birthday in the spring. Also, Lynn, I haven't ever "juiced". It would probably be great for my gastroparesis as I can't have raw vegies. I'll look into it.

    Gotta go. I'm bushed. Like everyone else it seems, I have a bit of a cold and it's wearing me out. Have a great weekend everyone!:happy:
  • LM_105
    LM_105 Posts: 515 Member
    Hello all,

    Just not been possible to get on the site much the last few day, work busy and then meeting up with friends. I just don't know where the time goes. I am not doing so good diet wise, I am logging everything but am over for 2 days after being under for the first 3 days this week. Will try to put that right this weekend.

    Have ready all the posts but just dont have the brain to list and comment at the moment; warm wishes to you all.

    Lynn and Barb = thanks.

    Take care and enjoy the weekend!
  • lyn54
    lyn54 Posts: 415
    I had to post this for Frogmama and all the ladies who like frogs.:bigsmile:
    ..An older lady was somewhat lonely and decided she needed a pet to
    keep her company. So, off to the pet shop she went. She searched
    and searched.. None of the pets seemed to catch her interest, except
    this ugly frog. As she walked by the jar he was in, she looked and he
    winked at her.

    He whispered, I'M SO LONELY, TOO.. BUY ME

    The old lady figured, what the heck! She hadn't found
    anything else. So, she bought the frog. She placed
    him in the car, on the front seat beside her. As she
    was slowly driving down the road, the frog whispered

    So! The old lady figured, WHAT THE HECK, and
    kissed the frog.

    IMMEDIATELY the frog turned into an
    absolutely gorgeous, sexy, young, handsome prince.










    She's old....... NOT DEAD!!!


    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    guess I should pay closer attention to my reading. april 4th birthdays not today. sorry hope I remember in april.
    Vicki M
  • Grandee47
    Grandee47 Posts: 261 Member
    You are toooooooooooo much, Lynn! That's a hoot! :laugh:
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Lynn, you are on a roll today. You crack me up!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member
    :flowerforyou: Grandee, I just noticed the beautiful cat in your picture. Is that your cat? I also noticed all the weight you've lost already.....congratulations.

    :flowerforyou: Lynn, I don't sleep with my pedometer, but someone I know used to tuck hers in her undies when she got up to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night so she'd get credit for all the steps she walked :laugh: :laugh:

    :flowerforyou: Vicki, you are such a caregiver, taking care of hubby, kids, grandkids, it doesn't surprise me that you need to be reminded to take care of yourself.

    :flowerforyou: Ldspill, I agree that the women on this thread are the sisters i have been looking for.......my new favorite quote is "It doesn't matter how slowly you go, so long as you do not stop"......so even if our oars have a hole in them, we should should keep on rowing.

    :flowerforyou: I got the dogs to the dog park just in time for them to play for 20 minutes before the hail, freezing rain, and high winds, now we are all cozy indoors.
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn:
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Ildi59-I hope you feel better soon.

    Robin – Working does make it hard. My only suggestion is to walk 10 minutes twice a day at work. The calories aren’t much, but the fresh air will do wonders for your mind. The other thing that helps me is to have a good lunch. Otherwise, I pick before dinner. Good luck.

    Doobie – Congratulations on getting the scale moving.

    Zuback – Way to go on the 2 pounds lost. I hope you don’t find them and they don’t find you.

    Mary – Glad to hear you got back in the pool. I remember how excited you were when you swam all the time.

    Grandee- 5 pounds in one week! Wow.

    As usual we are a being a chatty bunch and there are a lot of posts since the last time I checked. I know I missed stuff and just got a few highlights.

    As promised I am updating my weight every week and unfortunately I showed a 3 pound gain this week. It's not just the girl scout cookies. lol More than anything it is the lack of exercise. What ever time I had seems to have disappeared. I'm going to start taking my own advise and walk every day at work for at least one break. I use to do that and even thought the calories don't amount to much, I felt a lot better emotionally.

    The kid's soccer starts tomorrow, so here we go again for the next 8 weeks.

  • ildi59
    ildi59 Posts: 65 Member
    Lynn- That was a good one:laugh:
    Seems like we have a lot of April babies here, my birthday is April 14th.
    Thanks for the good wishes, I feel a little better tonight.
    Good night everyone!
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member

    Guess what my birthday is also April 4, we Aries have to stick together. :happy:

    :bigsmile: I'm another Aries ! 31st March is my birthday, almost an April Fool :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Who am I kidding - most people would say I AM an April fool.

    Just going out to walk the doggies, I'll try and get back later. Need to log my food and exercise for the last few days :embarassed:

    Take Care

    Viv xx
  • cardmaker2
    Hi, I joined a few days ago, how nice to see a 50 plus board, and to see that we older ladies can lose weight too. I am just at the start of my journey , but it looks like you have some good weight losses. I am from the UK, hope to hear from some of you soon. Best Wishes,
  • ildi59
    ildi59 Posts: 65 Member
    Welcome cardmaker2, I'm glad you joined, you'll like this site, we are here to support you.
  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies,

    I AM STILL HERE...still moving furniture into new house with family here visiting, so time is limited. Finally have internet connection set up that works. Hope everyone is fine...I will catch up soon!!!

    Mimi: Thank you for your message. It's nice to be missed!

    Take care all! Hope most of you are doing better than I am with their posting, food & weigh-ins!!! Love, Kackie:heart::heart: :heart:
  • fittocycle
    fittocycle Posts: 827 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies! I'm new to this group but you all seem like such a nice, encouraging bunch of people!
    The scale was down a bit this morning and I'm hoping it "sticks" tomorrow. If it does, then I'll record it as a loss.

    Do you all have any plans for the weekend? I'm hoping we can go see the movie, The King's Speech. Anyone seen it and have an opinion on it? My hubby isn't too crazy about it but I think he'll go!
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Weekend plans, you ask? Grocery store, watch my Jayhawks beat Mizzou on TV (I hope), a quick shopping trip to Penneys to try to find something to wear to get my picture taken for the church directory, go to my brother in laws birthday party, have my niece and fiance drop by, fix a breakfast to take to my Sunday School class tomorrow, study my Sunday School lesson, slip in a walk somewhere, and have my 5 year old and 2 year old grandsons spend the night. (And that is just Saturday.)
    Sunday, go to church, go to my daughter's for dinner, try to go for a walk, and go with the extended family to an Army Jazz Ambassadors concert. And sometime during the weekend to get some sewing done.
    I just realized I don't have time to be sitting here! Got to go get my shoes on!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member
    :flowerforyou: I had some great plans for this morning except that it's raining so I'll start with the computer chores and change my plan later.....the dogs are hoping to go to the dog park but it's raining too hard even for us :laugh: :laugh:

    :flowerforyou: fittocycle, my best friend saw "The King's Speech" three times and recommends it to anyone who will listen. My hubby wants to go see it, but we may wait until it comes out on DVD and buy it....our weekend plans include more housecleaning so the house will be sparkling if someone come to look at it...we are eager to sell it so we can move to the new place we've picked out.

    :flowerforyou: cardmaker, welcome........I started on MFP two years ago and had no idea that it would work so well for me.....I took it one day at a time, took baby steps, stayed open minded to new ideas and bit by bit made changes in the way I live my life so now posting food and exercising, staying active , eating healthy, connecting with others, have become habits rather than strange new behaviour....I wish the same for you.

    :flowerforyou: ildi, I'm glad you are feeling better....will you be exercising today?

    :flowerforyou: kackie, we are anticipating a move as soon as our house sells and I am naturally concerned about how long we will be without internet connection.....moving in with guests sounds very stressful....I hope you are weathering it well....I'm glad to hear from you again.

    :flowerforyou:Mary, with all your family around you, you are so busy, it's amazing that you can find time to exercise.

    :flowerforyou: Viv, I walked my dogs this morning before the rain started.....I thought I would take them to the dog park after breakfast but the rain interfered so now my hubby is running around in the living room playing with them.:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    I'll go do my cleaning chores so when the rain stops, I can go out with the dogs.:smile:
  • ildi59
    ildi59 Posts: 65 Member
    Barbie, I'm feeling better, not 100% yet but put on my walking shoes and did some Zumba and treadmill.

    fittocycle,Don't have many plans for the weekend it supposed to be rainy here. I'd like to make up for the mixed exercises this past couple of days. The beach behind you looks great, looks like where I live.

    Mary, You're an inspiration, sooo busy and still find time for exrtas.
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    Ran for 20 min. without pain last night. Whee!
  • marlouise
    marlouise Posts: 286
    Hello ladies, it is snowing has been a mix of snow, wet snow, rain and both all day. My neighbours are out in full force getting their driveways shoveled. The next door family shoveled and snow machine cleaning up my driveway also, I was very thankful, that mess would have put me back in hospital.
    My dog Buttons put her back out yesterday, sometime in the wee morning hours. Took her to the vet, she received lasor treatment, the doc also said that this instance may be well repeated so we talked about a chiropractor for Buttons. The chiropractor may help me too!
    Worked four hours yesterday, came home in a little pain but not as much, good thing I'm hoping. I have not been contacted by my other job as yet.

    LYNN, the physio doctor has me workiing my buttock muscles and lower pelvic muscles. He proved to me I did not have them working at all. My upper leg tendons and mid back tendons were holding my spine. Thus they locked up when the movement was too much. I did lots of (what I thought was pelvic) exercises with ease, little did I know what was really going on. So now I have to lay on my stomach and clinch my lower glutes tight, and hold them for 5-10 seconds, I do 3 sets of 5 reps. The other exercises are somewhat what the pilates had me doing but I was not doing them correctly,(misunderstanding of instructions). I lay on my back, knees bent, make sure spine, pelvic are in neutral position, contract the lower pelvic muscles, hands are on the edge of my ribs, lift one foot an inch off the floor. Now if you feel your tummy area, or back, or hips move, you are not using the muscles. I am surprised at the force I have to administer to activate the muscles. It hurts abit, until I use them more. I do 3 sets of 10 reps each leg. I have to have something accomplished for my next appointment so I am going to be diligent on these. I do these three times a day, on my off days and twice on my work days. I'm hoping for the best turnout.

    Well ladies that is all for today, hope everyone is doing well, I've been working online today so I have spent my sit down time, supper is in order and another round of exercises. Catch you all tomorrow,
