Advice on elipticals!

kimiel Posts: 108
edited September 24 in Fitness and Exercise
Seems like everyone is getting one or uses one at a gym. I have looked at some and it seems like you kind of get what you pay for! Also, I would like to know any kind of results that anyone has gotten from using one. I have heard that they are easier on the knees than a treadmill.Any feedback would be appreciated! Thanks in advance! :-)


  • Heather75
    Heather75 Posts: 3,386 Member
    I love ellipticals. They work pretty much everything you would whilst running without the impact on your joints. They work your entire body.
  • kelika71
    kelika71 Posts: 778 Member
    I have both, a treadmill and elliptical. My treadmill is collecting dust! Having been born with bad knees, the elliptical is like a godsend! Not only that, it's helped me bust through a plateau, gain muscles in places I never knew I had and I'm burning more calories while saving my knees.
    My vote: Go for it! :)
  • Hi there -when I was a regular gym attendant I found that yes, elipticals were much better for a person with knee problems (as I have had in the past from old child hood injuries, dance injuries etc) and because of that I was able to vary my workouts on them, do intervals, and generally able to go on them longer. Even if it was just 20 minutes (as some places have that time limits during peak/busy times) I found that I felt much more comfortable as opposed to say 20 minutes on the treadmill, even though I would alternate use of both from time to time. I am hands down an eliptical girl when I have access to one!
  • rockabillydarlin
    rockabillydarlin Posts: 240 Member
    I like the elliptical better than the treadmill too. Most of them come with programmed work outs that help you focus on certain areas, too (gluts, quads, etc.). I have ankle problems from many years of soccer and dancing and the elliptical doesn't bother it as much as the treadmill and I find it's less impact on my chest, too, which hurts when I run on the treadmill. They're a gift and a curse, I tell ya!
  • CarterGrt
    CarterGrt Posts: 289 Member
    I have a Nordic Track unit which is something of a combination of stair climber and an eliptical. My recommendation is to try them out in the store before you buy. For me, I had two concerns. First, I wanted something that had a pretty wide range of motion. I have long legs and some of the units had what felt to me like an unnaturally short stride. Second, get something that is rated for much heavier than you need. We got one that is rated for 300 pounds and it is just a much sturdier and well constructed piced of equipment.

    I am not big on all the electronic gadgets so this wasn't a selling point for me. Mine came with a few routines, but I mostly use it in on/off mode and set my resistance manually.

    Finally, I would look for something with a place to put a book or magazine. This sounds trivial, but you will be spending some time up there and having a nice rack or shelf is a nice feature.

    I also did online searches on several models to weed out some that got really bad consumer reviews.

    Good Luck!!!

  • dmoses
    dmoses Posts: 786 Member
    I love my elliptical. I'm on my second one now, and I truly believe it made a huge impact on my weight loss. I invested in a Sole E35, and it's been worth every penny to me.
  • 3kidsin3years
    3kidsin3years Posts: 116 Member
    Hi there!

    We just bought and elliptical last summer and it's challenging to figure out what to look for, to say the least! =) My husband has had knee surgery on both his knees and his knee doc highly recommended ellipticals, so that's what we have/use, and he seems to do well with it, he uses it most days. We bought a Sole E35 and are pleased with it. It makes little to no noise, just a quiet whoosh whoosh while in motion, it's easy to hear the TV while using it. I think I'm with you, you do get what you pay for. We live in a place where we can't shop around, so we just studied online and did our best. Things to think of: who all will be using it and what length of stride does everyone have, weights of the people that will be using it (even though the users intend to be fit, you might not be there right at the beginning, men are heavier than women, etc), if you want programs for different purposes, want to be able to download to your computer, etc. And if you are in a place where you can go to the store and try them out, that would be the best way to figure out what you want. We got the "basic" version that we hoped would last a while. We are pleased with it so far.

    Good luck and happy running!
  • I did recently purchase one. Here's what I can tell you. They are very low impact, so they are easier on the knees and ankles then jogging/running.
    I also believe you get what you pay for, but that's just me. So I got a Sole e55 off amazon.
    In terms of workout, I think it is harder then walking, but easier then jogging/running.
    It seems pretty hard to do the first couple times, but becomes much easier(read do-able) pretty quickly.
  • kimiel
    kimiel Posts: 108
    My husband and I looked at some models in Sears one day. It seemed like the nordic track brand was the most expensive, but defintiely the most sturdy with the most features and the resistance could be set at a lower level for a beginner!
  • jae6704
    jae6704 Posts: 458 Member
    I love my elliptical. It is a nortatrack with IFit. I have lost most of my weight with it so far. I have one bad knee and it isnt bothered with this machine. I will say that mine squeaks but I deal with it. I would go to a place where you can try them out fist to make sure the stride length works for you.
  • anubis609
    anubis609 Posts: 3,966 Member
    I have a Reebok RL1500. They're pricey, but I got mine from Costco when they had a sale on it. I absolutely use it to its full capability. It's helped me lose weight with almost great ease, and even more so when I started introducing HIIT routines with it. My specific HIIT routine on the elliptical is pretty intense but the calorie burn payoff is worth it. I left knee is jacked from prior gout flare-ups and so it's not as strong as it used to be. So, the elliptical has always been my equipment of choice.
  • My surgeon told me to workout on the elliptical and I love it. Much better for my knees than the treadmill. I own the Precor 21 with the heart rate monitor and several programs with option to change the intensity range, the crossramp and the various programs with reverse & forward provide a really good workout. EFX5.21ii Smart Rate I highly recommend Precor. Heavy eqpt. Really consistent - no problems after 5 years! My husband and I both love this.
  • My husband needed the long leg expanse as well, and I wanted a place for water and book. We got it all! Love the Precor.
  • kimiel
    kimiel Posts: 108
    Thanks for all the replies so far! Great advice!
  • Buy nice or buy twice. Make sure you look at the user functions. The more you can personalize it the better.

    To the poster that has a Precor, I'm jealous. That is top of the line fitness club equipment right there. :)

    The elliptical machine is my favorite cardio machine hands down!
  • buttonsandbones
    buttonsandbones Posts: 7 Member
    We have a Rebock something or other. It's a few years old. I love it. Easy on the joints and I notice my abs are tighter when I'm working out on it. I can tell I've really worked out when I get off of it. Good luck! :smile:
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