Not Strong Enough

I'll tell you, I truly want to be healthy, and active. That is my overall goal. Then after a while, when I do so well, I feel the need to give myself a night of food pleasure guilt free. Do you believe in that? Do you avoid it? I have all these cravings, just don't know how to fight them. There's days where I feel strong, days I need a hand. A big hand. Lately, i feel like giving up. I was just meant to be fat. The first 50 pounds was so easy, did great..didn't eat as much and now, I don't know what to do. I need help. I need strength. :cry:


  • blessedmomof8
    blessedmomof8 Posts: 215 Member
    You sound so much like me! I have gone from 50-53 pound loss to long! And I don't seem to have enough to keep going either! Maybe we can help eachother?
  • Heather75
    Heather75 Posts: 3,386 Member
    You are stronger than you think you are. No one is meant to be fat.
  • beerbomber
    beerbomber Posts: 184 Member
    Nobody is meant to be fat, skinny, ect it is what you make it.

    Quick History:
    We use to be scarce for food, so we would try to eat as much as possible, now food is easily available and we still try to eat as much as possible.

    So the truth is we all have to be accountable for our actions. If you eat to much it's not because we are meant to be anyway it is because it's an easy excuse to make us feel better. I always like to say excuses are reasons we never trully live. So just hold yourself accountable and if you have a craving most times im willing to bet if you don't give in it goes away and if it doesn't indulge alittle that doesn't mean the whole day just means if you want a slice of pizza have a slice or two not the whole pizza.

    Everybody is strong enough to do this and just have to remember that this is your life to do with it as you please and I know you have the strength to keep up the good work. So Keep Up The Good Work. 53lbs is great just keep going don't look back just look forward 53lbs heavier use to be you but not no more so do the same with the rest of the weight
  • woja9640
    woja9640 Posts: 450 Member
    I have only just started using this site in the last month and it has helped me enormously.

    As for the cravings, instead of eatting what you're craving, try something on the healither side.

    For example, instead of eatting a reese's peanut butter cup, how about a celery stick with peanut butter? You will still get the protein from the peanut butter and none of the unhealthy stuff from the chocolate and sugar.

    Remember, be strong and just imagine being able to buy that amazing dress you want and looking fabulous!

    Set a goal for yourself for after losing the weight to getting yourself all dolled up (hair, nails) and the new clothes you'll fit into.
  • jam0421
    jam0421 Posts: 1
    Be encouraged dear! Things will get better please trust me. You are who God has set out for you to be strong and healthy. Keep working at it and I promise you it will work itself out, bc that scale isn't always a great representative of how hard we work. I am going to school to be a registered dietitian and I still struggle with what to eat, cravings, and making good/clean choices. So please know that you are not alone and I am here for any help or support if you need anything.
  • OLP76
    OLP76 Posts: 768 Member
    Congrats on 54 lbs loss already...I read somewhere either here or facebook.

    The weight that you put on did not come over night, it took years or months to get where you are...That goes with weight loss, It won't happen overnight to lose weight - it will take years, or months for it to come off...

    Treat yourself to snacks - just do it in moderation. :happy: I wish you the best on your journey - You have come so far :wink:
  • stanvoodoo
    stanvoodoo Posts: 1,023 Member
    I agree, no one is meant to be fat. And no it is not easy and we will all hit those dreaded plateaus. We just have to keep going and and find other things to curb those cravings. Sugar free pudding works well as does exercise.
  • WalkingGirl1985
    WalkingGirl1985 Posts: 2,047 Member
    Ooh yeah, i do get the jello 60 calorie ones..have that as a bed time snack. That helps the chocolate cravings..what about healthy pizza you can make?
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    Once you reach your goal weight/health level do you think you'll indulge now and then? Do you plan on eating pizza, hamburgers, cookies, etc. once in a while? If so, go ahead and eat them while you're working toward your goal. Just do it in moderation.
  • beerbomber
    beerbomber Posts: 184 Member
    Lean Cuisine Makes Some Good Pizzas if you want something healthy and filling that taste good but a nice slice from your favorite pizza place wouldnt be bad if you only had 1 or 2
  • rockabillydarlin
    rockabillydarlin Posts: 244 Member
    You're already doing so well! But I understand about the cravings. I'll always say, "Oh, I'll just start over again tomorrow!" But then I fall back into unhealthy habits. Treat yourself every once in a while, but don't go crazy. For example, Taco Bell is my favorite fast food restaurant, and I was really craving it today. Instead of getting a ton of food, I just got one thing and I drank water instead of soda. It was 500 calories, but I made sure to plan my meals and exercise so that I'd be able to fit it in.

    We all give in to temptation sometimes. But just keep thinking about those wonderful clothes you want when you shed the weight! Think of some goals other than being healthy (which is my number one goal). I'm getting married in 2012 and I want to look amazing. That's my short-term goal!
  • TimarieS
    TimarieS Posts: 49 Member
    Ooh yeah, i do get the jello 60 calorie ones..have that as a bed time snack. That helps the chocolate cravings..what about healthy pizza you can make?

    They sell personal sized whole wheat pizza crusts, top that with a homemade pizza sauce (you can find really simple recipes on the web), a lil mozzarella made with skim milk, whatever veggies you like and some turkey pepperonis or sausages
  • Lorelei19
    Lorelei19 Posts: 107 Member
    I gotta say from experience that if you don't indulge in that thing that you've been craving for days, you'll end up giving in and pigging out on it. I say give it a day. If you still have an intense craving for it, have it. The hard part is going from indulging in the Large McDonald's Fry to the Medium or Small. Give yourself a taste of it. Let your body know that you're still going to give it what it wants, just not as much.

    And if it's something general (ie pepperoni pizza), try to find an alternative. Like the Healthy Choice or Smart One's version. You get the taste, and it's nowhere near as bad.
  • kao708
    kao708 Posts: 813 Member
    Once you reach your goal weight/health level do you think you'll indulge now and then? Do you plan on eating pizza, hamburgers, cookies, etc. once in a while? If so, go ahead and eat them while you're working toward your goal. Just do it in moderation.
    Well said, I still eat most of the things I ate when I wasn't trying to lose weight because I know it will be easier to avoid a binge if I don't feel deprived of these things. Good luck!
  • kao708
    kao708 Posts: 813 Member
    Ooh yeah, i do get the jello 60 calorie ones..have that as a bed time snack. That helps the chocolate cravings..what about healthy pizza you can make?

    They sell personal sized whole wheat pizza crusts, top that with a homemade pizza sauce (you can find really simple recipes on the web), a lil mozzarella made with skim milk, whatever veggies you like and some turkey pepperonis or sausages

    I use english muffins or thin bagels as the crust and top with a little sauce, tons of veggies and low fat cheese. Pop under the broiler and you've got a good pizza alternative!

    Jello Mousse Temptations also hold a special place of honor in my fridge!
    EDBENAGLIO Posts: 424
  • CuriousCarole
    I just joined. Glad to be here.

    All of us have weak moments. I've succumbed to them on numerous occasions which is why I now have 70+ pounds to lose instead of the first 10 I noticed years ago. I kept giving up and eating everything that didn't move. If it moved, I cooked it and ate it. That will always be with me - that desire to eat whatever I want whenever I want. I still do it, but the portions are small and the occasions are less frequent. The change in ourselves does not happen overnight. You've made such good progress it would be a shame to gain it back. I think the best thing I've learned is that there is no particular food that will make you gain weight - all food does that IF YOU EAT TOO MUCH. So, if you want a bit of chocolate, don't deny yourself until you grab a Hershey BIG bar and devour it, instead, pop a Hershey kiss or two. It's not easy. If it was easy we'd all be thin. Now all I have to do is start exercising - and I HATE exercise. Don't give up!
  • msbanana
    msbanana Posts: 793 Member
    This it the point where you REALLY need to dig deep. You need to find in yourself and PUSH yourself. NOTHING in this life is easy but if everyone gave up everytime something was "hard" we wouldn't be here. Our ancestors wouldn't have survived. This is not an easy row to how but the more time you spend thinking about how long the row is the longer it's going to take you to get to the end. You need to change your mindset. This is about doing what you NEED to do to get healthy. Do you balk and moan when you have go to work so you can get a paycheck? Do you cry about how hard it is to mop the kitchen floor even though it REALLY needs it? Do you complain that you don't what to change a child's diaper because it smells too bad? No you suck it up and you do it because it's what needs to get done. If you really want to reach your goal- that's what you have to do.

    I eat the way I do because it's what I've had to do to get where I am- yes I have cravings but I keep them at bay. I pay attention to my body, I rationalize WHY I have the desire to eat what I'm craving. Am I craving chocolate because I'm feeling an emotion I can't handle? (stress, frustration, saddness, joy) Am I missing nutients? Am I bored? Is this the way I dealt with situations in the past? ("It's been a great day! Let's go splurge!")

    I go to the gym 2 hours a night 6 nights a week because if I'm going to look the way that I want to look that's what it takes.

    You need to take this lifestyle change on like you would a new job, you need to work this like it's part of your routine. Just like bathing and pooping- you got to make time for it! Eliminate things from your diet that honestly don't need to be there. Take those empty easy calories (like sugar free jello cups) and replace them with real food 60 empty jello calories or an apple both are sweet and fruity one's going to stick around longer and provide ACTUAL heath benefits. Choose food that fills you up so you don't get a quick burst of simple carb energy only to crash 20 minutes later. In the same breath- don't deny yourself.

    Personally, the more I deny myself the more I want something (very much like a bratty 2 year old). So, if I decide I can't live with out it (there is a process- walk away from the temptation, drink 12oz of water (chug 6 sip the last 6) wait for 15 minutes if I still want it I can have it) I account for it and eat it. I have a date with a hamburger and fries. That day will be spent earning the necessary calories to have what I want.

    The point is, as I've rambled on- you need to do a serious self evaluation. If you believe in your heart you aren't strong enough you may be right. Pull yourself off the pity potty and decide if YOU ARE WORTH IT. Are you worth taking the time and making the sacrifices necessary to get where you want to go? If the answers yes, tell yourself what I tell myself regularly, "Suck it up Cupcake! We're in this for the long haul." and get back at it.

    **I know this is harsh but I'm a firm believer in the tough love.**

  • JennsLosing
    JennsLosing Posts: 1,026

    For example, instead of eatting a reese's peanut butter cup, how about a celery stick with peanut butter? You will still get the protein from the peanut butter and none of the unhealthy stuff from the chocolate and sugar.

    GAG!!! i hate celery, unless its cooked into something...raw celery i cant do! but i like to put a little tad of peanut butter on apple slices
  • frogzrkool
    I feel strongly about cheat days! Have one cheat day a week to reward yourself for doing so well during the week! Just get right back on track the next day! If you deprive yourself of the things you love...then you are tempted more! Also, I have a package of those Dove chocolates..they are only 40 calories a piece...i have 1 or 2 a day....It helps with the sweet tooth if you have one like me! lol..Good luck! And Congrats on the weight loss so far! Youre doing great!