Gastric Bypass

patsaffo Posts: 20
edited September 22 in Motivation and Support
I had gastric bypass surgery 4 years ago, and lost 200 pounds. I gained 50 of it back through going back to bad eating habits, and now I am trying to lose it again. It is very hard to lose. Anyone else had gastric bypass in the past?


  • DeepSeaDoc_Wife
    DeepSeaDoc_Wife Posts: 112 Member
    I did in 2005. I gained 45 pounds back because of marriage and 2 kids. Now i am losing and hope to lose more than I originally lost.
  • I had RNY gastric bypass in 2001. Got down to 157lbs from 340lbs. Now here I am, up 70lbs again. I've put most of it on in the past five years. I've gone back to old habits and added some new ones. I'm renewing my commitment to get those pounds back off. Starting with baby goals though. Would like to loose 2lbs a week. Oh yeah, and I decided to start right before the holidays. What a goof!

    I'm really glad to know someone else is out there who knows what it's like. Most people think surgery is the "easy" way to do it. It was hard and a lot of work and I am sick with myself that I let it go.
  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member
    Oh yeah, and I decided to start right before the holidays. What a goof!

    Don't think of it that way, think of it as allowing yourself treats due to the season but only ONE, not all of them. Little desserts are the worst, super calorie packed and delicious, meals you CAN keep yourself in control as long as you choose lighter options like chicken and salad rather than deep fried potatoes and lasagna. I made it through a pot-luck at work last month just by enjoying chicken (without skin), salad with my own-low cal dressing I brought, veggies with salsa rather than dip (red peppers were excellent with salsa) and one coconut bun for dessert.

    Have a cheat meal on the weekend where you don't count but limit your desserts since they add up fast.

    Don't make all the stress your body went through for surgery be for nothing, I can't imagine what that was like.

    You can do it!!!
  • I agree that most people think gastric bypass is easy, and it is very hard. I am determined to lose this 51 pounds, eating healthy and exercising. I went from 325 to 120, then up to 171, but I am not going to beat myself up. Lots was going on in my life - now I'm back on track and that's the important thing.
  • Yeah, I agree that people often tell me that I took the easy way out instead of being a genuinely hones and disciplined person and losing it the right way.


    Honestly, going through the surgery was one of the biggest most difficult decisions I've had to make in my life (besides deciding to get married, lol) Talk about difficult, battling your mind and everything you've been brought up to think your whole life??? The dumping syndrome, the discomfort, etc...

    With that said Starting at 364 and now weighing 222 as of this morning from having my surgery on 7/20/2010 has made a world of difference and all the hard work well worth it. I would do it again and again. My life is changed.
  • monsode
    monsode Posts: 7
    Hi I had Rouxen -Y surgery in fall of 2002. I loss 115 lbs and at that weight I was to thin. That was about 6-1/2 years ago. Because of being so thin I had to snack more to get enough calories to stop from lossing more weight( I had a VERY physical job) Well need less to say when I stop doing that job and got a desk job, the habit of wanting to snack did not go away! So have gain 40lbs and have to work at keeping it from going higher. But you are so right it is not the magic pill and you still have to make good choices.
    Good luck and dont give up!
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