calories vs fat intake and weight loss

dawnemjh Posts: 1,465 Member
If I am consistently at my daily goal for calories, or even under a little, but over in fat, or reaching fat goal, could that stall my weight loss? I occasionally go over my fat intake, and not sure how this is impacting me. I do eat healthy fats like low fat cheeses/nuts/and peanut butter, but still not sure if this is potentially causing a plateau.

Thoughts anyone??


  • tanya1282
    tanya1282 Posts: 20
    I am wondering the same thing...
  • agdeierl
    agdeierl Posts: 378 Member
  • WifeMomDVM
    WifeMomDVM Posts: 1,025 Member
    I sometimes go over on fat. I TRY my hardest to go over on protein if anything and not carbs either (they can be converted into fat). A day here or there won't hurt but long term if your diet isn't balanced I don't think you will achieve maximum results. It may be that you just end up with some stubborn fat that you can't lose.

    So far going over on my fat 4-5 days a week has not stalled my progress but we will see if that holds true when I get to those last 5 lbs or so!
  • Sethro1
    Sethro1 Posts: 4
    As long as you are creating a calorie deficit, you WILL lose weight... even if you're over on fats. You may, in the long run, carry your weight a bit different if you stay over on fats, though. Also, it can affect things like cholestoral and blood pressure.

    One little bit of advice I have is to take a separate Vitamin D and Biotin pill before bed. Both of these help break down and matabolize recently digested fats. Also, remember that not all fats are bad. Nuts and fish are high in fats, but those fats are actually heart healthy.
  • dawnemjh
    dawnemjh Posts: 1,465 Member
    I usually do go over in protein and fiber, and almost never go over carbs. Fat I usually either reach the max or maybe go over by a few grams or under by a few grams. I find that when I have peanut butter (i am totally addicted) I tend to go over...but I havent just recently started going over. My diet has changed all that much over the past few years, its just that I never tracked fat or carbs until I started MFP. I would only track calories...
  • get_it_gone2012
    I would say it depends on the type of fat. Big Mac fat... maybe not so good. Milk and peanut butter? Probably okay. :)
  • pandafoo
    pandafoo Posts: 367 Member
    i agree with Sethro1 - losing weight is all about creating a calorie deficit. even if you eat extremely healthy foods, but eat more calories than you expend, you will gain weight. likewise if you eat horribly and high fattening stuff but remain under your caloric limit, you will lose weight. in the end, anyone can lose weight eating healthy or unhealthy foods, but losing weight is a separate issue from being healthy and having good health outcomes.
  • dawnemjh
    dawnemjh Posts: 1,465 Member
    i agree with Sethro1 - losing weight is all about creating a calorie deficit. even if you eat extremely healthy foods, but eat more calories than you expend, you will gain weight. likewise if you eat horribly and high fattening stuff but remain under your caloric limit, you will lose weight. in the end, anyone can lose weight eating healthy or unhealthy foods, but losing weight is a separate issue from being healthy and having good health outcomes.

    well put!!! I know that I eat 99% healthy fats when I do consume fats, so I am not going to worry about that anymore! Thanks everyone!