i just want to eat...someone talk to me!



  • OLP76
    OLP76 Posts: 768 Member
    Well, I'm currently watchin' Smackdown with my Husband Adam - we are campin' out in the livin' room. I don't think we have slept in the bedroom for about a month now. :laugh: When we sleep in the bedroom our Cats, Barnabas, Paul & Emmas like to take over the bed, but when we take the mattress out into the livin' room they don't bother to sleep with us. We don't shut the bedroom doors, cause they have the run of the apartment - its like a donut apt - where they have access to everythin'. Barnabas is the oldest cat, who will be 4 on Oct 3. He is the security guard of our place, and where we live as well - he likes to herd the dogs on the sidewalk to keep on walkin'...:laugh:

    I could go on and on about my Cats - but maybe next time... :tongue:

    Drink some water, do a crossword, or word search. Sing a song...But, if you're really hungry reach for some fruit if possible...I hope this occupied your mind for a minute or so :wink:
  • Belle_Fille
    Belle_Fille Posts: 469
    Same here hun, TOM and I don't know how I managed to stay under today.
    Usually when my chocolate craving gets unbearable, I have my 90% dark chocolate (From Lindt)
    Since its so dark, I can't eat more than a few bites of it and I eat it a lot slower.
    Plus the antioxidants are a LOT more in this dark, and the taste gets sweet after a few times of eating it.

    ill have to find some of that! my cravings during TOM are usually chocolate, or fried foods...speaking of ive been wanting KFC allllll week!!!! ahhhhh
  • sherylhs
    sherylhs Posts: 141 Member
    ive been scrolling the success board telling myself if i want to post my success on there one day i need to control myself. plus weigh in on sunday...blehhhh

    You know Cassi, maybe you should read through your profile again. Re-read your goals and what motivates you. I always found it easier to control crazy eating a few days before my weigh in (back when I weighed in weekly).

    You are doing really well, before you know it 12 lbs will be 22 lbs, and then 32 lbs.
  • Pange33
    Pange33 Posts: 63
    i'm new here hahaha what's a TOM? :)

    Time of Month. Every girls fave boyfriend. He's a player. Visits all the ladies. And treats every single one of them bad. Drains all their energy too, both emotionally and physically. Stupid TOM.
  • darling_nickie
    darling_nickie Posts: 117 Member
    Aunt flow will be here next week for me and right now all I want to do is eat bowls upon bowls of cereal though I am not hungry!

    That is one of my cravings too! TOM can be a pain, hang in there, and don't weigh yourself...it might depress you. It does me!
  • sherylhs
    sherylhs Posts: 141 Member
    Well, I'm currently watchin' Smackdown with my Husband Adam - we are campin' out in the livin' room.

    Gotta love Triple H!!

  • misschristi
    misschristi Posts: 119 Member
    i am feeling the same way...i was supposed to go out with friends tonight and my plans got all ruined and now im here alone and depressed just wanting to binge on anything. i hate this feeling, i am trying so hard not to just go look through my kitchen :/
  • boobee32
    boobee32 Posts: 450 Member
    Not my TOM..but for some reason tonite i am having the same problem. Had a good dinner, then my ww icecream, and now a bup of green grapes...still want to eat..and I have went over my daily goal. I am going to read...hope that gets my mind off of eating.
  • wellyourenotSKINNY
    Same here hun, TOM and I don't know how I managed to stay under today.
    Usually when my chocolate craving gets unbearable, I have my 90% dark chocolate (From Lindt)
    Since its so dark, I can't eat more than a few bites of it and I eat it a lot slower.
    Plus the antioxidants are a LOT more in this dark, and the taste gets sweet after a few times of eating it.

    ill have to find some of that! my cravings during TOM are usually chocolate, or fried foods...speaking of ive been wanting KFC allllll week!!!! ahhhhh

    Do you have enough self control to only have a piece of KFC? (That is by no way trying to be mean, but I know it might sound that way.) Sometimes having what your craving isn't bad as long as its just a little bit.
  • Belle_Fille
    Belle_Fille Posts: 469
    Well, I'm currently watchin' Smackdown with my Husband Adam - we are campin' out in the livin' room. I don't think we have slept in the bedroom for about a month now. :laugh: When we sleep in the bedroom our Cats, Barnabas, Paul & Emmas like to take over the bed, but when we take the mattress out into the livin' room they don't bother to sleep with us. We don't shut the bedroom doors, cause they have the run of the apartment - its like a donut apt - where they have access to everythin'. Barnabas is the oldest cat, who will be 4 on Oct 3. He is the security guard of our place, and where we live as well - he likes to herd the dogs on the sidewalk to keep on walkin'...:laugh:

    I could go on and on about my Cats - but maybe next time... :tongue:

    Drink some water, do a crossword, or word search. Sing a song...But, if you're really hungry reach for some fruit if possible...I hope this occupied your mind for a minute or so :wink:

    awee i miss my kitty! Her name was KiKi. she got into sun powder in the attic and i guess got sick and died. thats what my dad told me anyways. :-( she was the smallest grown cat i had ever seen (fit into the palm of my two hands cupped together)! and was SO FLUFFY!
  • vickij2
    vickij2 Posts: 66
    I know how you feel. My son, my only child, died two days before Christmas. I have been up at all times of the night not knowing what to do without him so I reach for food. I guess because it is there. I have found that laying off carbs and eating more protein helps me not to be so hungry. Drink a full glass of water and wait a while until your stomach tells your brain it is full!! Don't Give In!!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • Belle_Fille
    Belle_Fille Posts: 469
    Same here hun, TOM and I don't know how I managed to stay under today.
    Usually when my chocolate craving gets unbearable, I have my 90% dark chocolate (From Lindt)
    Since its so dark, I can't eat more than a few bites of it and I eat it a lot slower.
    Plus the antioxidants are a LOT more in this dark, and the taste gets sweet after a few times of eating it.

    ill have to find some of that! my cravings during TOM are usually chocolate, or fried foods...speaking of ive been wanting KFC allllll week!!!! ahhhhh

    Do you have enough self control to only have a piece of KFC? (That is by no way trying to be mean, but I know it might sound that way.) Sometimes having what your craving isn't bad as long as its just a little bit.
    i dont. because it never seems satisfying. i might get full from it, but it become hungry again very soon. so i just try to avoid it.
  • SierraBurns87
    SierraBurns87 Posts: 8 Member
    Chew on ICE! (the chewable kind like at sonic). You feel like you are eating but it's just water! :)
  • Belle_Fille
    Belle_Fille Posts: 469
    I know how you feel. My son, my only child, died two days before Christmas. I have been up at all times of the night not knowing what to do without him so I reach for food. I guess because it is there. I have found that laying off carbs and eating more protein helps me not to be so hungry. Drink a full glass of water and wait a while until your stomach tells your brain it is full!! Don't Give In!!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Weight Loss Tools

    im so sorry for your loss :-(
  • cintrinepink
    When I start dieting my brain goes into this mode where it starts giving me cravings that I don' t normally get. Just say diet an boom. The self talk starts. So what I do is I give myself permission to have anything I want and then choose to make the conscience decision to NOT have it. I sometimes have to do things to distract myself so that I don't eat something with out thinking about it. I do extra exercise as when you think about the small amount of calories when you work so hard to burn just a few so that the weight will come off it can make you think twice about thinking that small whatever into your mouth with out getting the benefit of tasting it and enjoying. Instead plan your meals for the day as well as your snacks and yes a treat that is something that fulfills that craving you are having. Be creative with it. I use a healthy 70percent cocoa dark chocolate melt it and put in walnuts or whatever your favorite item is and use it as a sweet treat but viola, it is healthy and is not going to blow your daily budgeted caloric intake. My weird treat is gummy vitamins (2) with one whole walnut. It tastes like a sees marshmallow treat. I know like I said weird. Last week it was the 5 calorie key lime pie gum. Gave me the chewing I seemed to need and the sweet sugar that I was craving. Granted I will need to better my healthy choices but I choose to take one moment at a time to get thru those times when I need to be more kind to myself. One of my daughter's always says "I,m feeling fragile right Now! And that so explains for that moment in time to just stop and take care of that inner child who needs help to get past the challenge whatever it might be, whether it is wanting to eat when you are full or being to tired to exercise, or just needing some space, time alone to just take a breath and hear yourself think. When you have the added pressure of your body calling your mind to do something you know is not rational, stop and ask yourself why? What does my body really need instead if just want. Only you can find that answer, and it takes every second to keep answering it as let's face it, for me I have been ignoring those questions for a very long time. We get so carried away in our daily lives being the care takers of everyone but ourselves.
  • ambie35
    ambie35 Posts: 853 Member
    ill have to find some of that! my cravings during TOM are usually chocolate, or fried foods...speaking of ive been wanting KFC allllll week!!!! ahhhhh

    thats what I crave during mine too! Earlier this week I had half a mars slim and a square of specialty dark chocolate that completely satisfied my sweet tooth.
  • AsaThorsWoman
    AsaThorsWoman Posts: 2,303 Member
    i'm new here hahaha what's a TOM? :)

    Time of Month. Every girls fave boyfriend. He's a player. Visits all the ladies. And treats every single one of them bad. Drains all their energy too, both emotionally and physically. Stupid TOM.
    LOLOLOLOL brilliant!!
  • gertrude13
    i'm new here hahaha what's a TOM? :)
    TOM=time of the month

    ahhh ok :) thank you for clearing that for me :)
  • pclaxon
    pclaxon Posts: 3
    I think about one of my workouts ie.; 60 minutes on the elliptical = approx. 800 calories or 30 minutes running = approx. 500 calories then compare that to whatever it is I'm wanting to eat.

    The sacrafice of all the hard work compared to the satisfaction of putting something unhealthy in my mouth is usually enough to keep me motivated.

    Don't deprive yourself of what you want, just eat it in moderation and plan ahead so you can stay under your calorie goal. On days that you feel that you have to give in, grab an apple or bananna or maybe even something like a peanut butter sandwich. Special K has some protein mixes for bottled water. I've only found them in lemonade and strawberry kiwi flavors. I can drink one of these when the urge starts to sneak up and it seems to be fairly satisfying. It will usually get me through to the next meal.