Taking a break?

MissMeaganLyn Posts: 61 Member
edited September 24 in Health and Weight Loss
I was thinking about taking a break from strictly counting calories, just for a couple days, and then getting right back into it on Monday. I'm not going to go crazy with my eating or anything but I kind of just want to eat and not be a slave to the numbers. I've only been counting calories for the past three weeks and I wondering if anyone out there has stopped for a couple of days and got back on for a while and then stopped or if I should just keep counting till I get to my goal weight.

I just don't know if counting calories is something I'm going to want to do for the rest of my life. Do you guys get what I'm saying or do I sound silly? Lol.


  • traceybett
    traceybett Posts: 206 Member
    I heard someone say on here that you have to find what works for you. Also, I hear its benificial to change your routine a bit.

    This won't work for me, because I would eat really bad empty calories if i weren't watching numbers.

    If you still make healthy choices you should be fine though.
  • alison2429
    alison2429 Posts: 236 Member
    I know what you mean - this can become addictive. Some do say that every so often you should have an 'eat what you like' day. It apparently kick starts your body into starting to lose weight again - within reason of course!!

    I'd be interested to know how you get on.

    Could you let me know?

    Thanks a lot and happy eating!
  • Totally understand and sure taking a few days "off" is fine, like you said don't go crazy or anything. I don't think the goal of MFP is for you to log your calories for the rest of your life, it is a tool to help you learn the right portions and how to eat better. Have fun and stay conscious about your choices.
  • I totally understand what you mean!! I think you should do it...especially if you are still just watching what you eat...you don't need to count every single day!!

    usually on the weekends I don't sit there and count but then again i don't go crazy and let lose with eating and things!!

    You should do what you feel is best!! with no worries!!

    Keep it up!!

    Becca :)
  • I've been counting calories for 295 days as of today. I've lost just over 60 pounds and 4 pants sizes. I can tell you this: For me, I will count calories until I go senile. I'm not dieting, I'm making a life style choice and because of that, I will continue to count calories even after I meet my goal weight.... I don't want to slip, I don't want to get lazy. You don't have to be a slave to the numbers. Recording your meals, I think at least, gives you guidelines. When I want that scoop of ice cream and see that I'm already at 1200 calories that day and almost at my fat goal, I switch to so something healthier instead. Or, when I finish dinner and I'm at 900 calories, I splurge a bit and have that piece of chocolate or that cupcake I've craved.

    *shrug* You've only counted for three weeks. Count for a year and then take a break and see how it goes! Three weeks is really nothing in weight loss.
  • denitraross
    denitraross Posts: 325 Member
    ok - here's my two cents worth - don't take a break from logging and counting! this is more about a life style change and you can't take a break from life...with that being said - eat what you want, but log your choices. I log even the days I go over..and it makes me realize what I am eating and make better choices later......I blew mine calories yesterday by eating out with my co-workers (it is a regular Friday occurrence at work)..but I hadn't ordered out with them in over a month.....then I enjoyed a dinner out with my husband last night (hasn't happened in a while either).....Plus I didn't go to the gym

    Oh well - I am getting ready for the gym today, got my grocery list for shopping to get some great healthy food...yesterday is gone - live for today!!
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    I break on the weekends. I'm more lax on what I eat and when I eat. I still try not to go crazy but it keeps me a bit more relaxed with it. I do see a small jump on the scale but I think it's more water fluctuation than anything. And I'm usually back to normal by Wednesday and then will see a drop on Thursday or Friday if it happens.

    We can't count calories the rest of our lives. It's a good way to start doing it on your own.
  • MissMeaganLyn
    MissMeaganLyn Posts: 61 Member
    Thanks for the input guys. I love all the difference in opinion. I'm already back down to my "normal" weight (I always gain 5lbs in the winter and it tends to come off fast) But I would still like to lose 10-15lbs more. I think I am going to still clock my calories. After I ate my bagle (which I haven't had in so long) I felt guilty for not logging it. I just don't want the calorie counting to consume me, but obviously it already has.
  • MissMeaganLyn
    MissMeaganLyn Posts: 61 Member

    Last year (summer/fall) I would count during the week and then eat anything and everything on the weekends and it kept me at my weight of 135lbs but I couldn't go any lower. Not sure if that helps but I hope it does!
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