1week in

good morning all. I am a 42m who needs to lose 100 lbs. My dr recently told me to drop the weight and quit smoking or find another dr.
Anyone else in a simmer situation?


  • darkspecter
    Day 3... quit smoking last year and could stand to lose 60lbs. Borderline type 2 diabetic. I have an *kitten* ton of will power at this point and making the lifestyle change. Good luck to you.
  • edryer123
    edryer123 Posts: 502 Member
    Good luck to you both! I wish you both a bunch of luck on your journey!
  • laddyboy
    laddyboy Posts: 1,565 Member
    Good luck to both or you. You can do this. It's so easy...really. You know what to stop eating so just stop. Look at each meal as a battle. If you win more battles then you lose you will be successful.
    Cut out all that white sugars, flours, processed crap, junk foods, sodas and stuff the God himself didn't make. Good Luck.