Taking Charge

Hello, I'm new and I'm looking to take charge of my life and eating habits. A hard goal for my will be to add water to my diet, but I'm really looking forward to losing the weight and reclaiming myself.


  • jodid24
    Hello, I'm new and I'm looking to take charge of my life and eating habits. A hard goal for my will be to add water to my diet, but I'm really looking forward to losing the weight and reclaiming myself.
  • Fab140
    Fab140 Posts: 1,976 Member


    Water will become one of the easiest parts of your life style change, I'm sure. It's just all about forming new habits. First thing I did was purchase a water bottle that is durable (i drop EVERYTHING) and Bright (can't forget to grab the hot-orange 32oz bottle!!).
  • OomarianneoO
    OomarianneoO Posts: 689 Member
    I thought that adding water to my diet was going to be really tough. I was never a big water drinker. What helped me was keeping a 20oz. plastic bottle with me all the time. I knew that I had to refill it at least four times throughout the day. It was kind of weird at first, but now I will have downed four bottles before I leave work at 4:30 without even thinking about it and probably consume another two before my head hits the pillow. The hardest part for me was having to get up and go to the bathroom every 30min. :laugh: It's not like that now though. You can do it! You'll get used to it and before you know it, your body will be craving it.
  • Anna_Banana
    Anna_Banana Posts: 2,939 Member
    Hello, I'm new and I'm looking to take charge of my life and eating habits. A hard goal for my will be to add water to my diet, but I'm really looking forward to losing the weight and reclaiming myself.

    That is the hardest thing for me also. I try to keep a water bottle on my desk, and then I don't allow my self to drink anything else unless I drink that first.
  • jenken99
    jenken99 Posts: 564 Member
    Hello, I'm new and I'm looking to take charge of my life and eating habits. A hard goal for my will be to add water to my diet, but I'm really looking forward to losing the weight and reclaiming myself.
    :grumble: :grumble: i have a hard time addingwatertomy diet,i have been drinking alot of green tea lately, i needto flavor my water , i figure flavored water is better than none:flowerforyou:
    good luck to you
  • water is a big challenge for me as well... but i got a really cool water bottle :bigsmile: and i try and fill it up 3-5x while i am @ work... i also try and eat foods with a high water content like ... watermelon, veggies... etc (they fill you up and help keep you hydrated!) ... crystal light is also a BIG help for me ... i need some variety in my life :happy: good luck.