
  • KrisPage
    KrisPage Posts: 539 Member
    So beautiful out today took 2 mile walk over lunch, and an additional 40 mins worout. total this week 170mins.
  • crazyquilter36
    crazyquilter36 Posts: 74 Member
    Things are looking good 225/350. Treated myself to a new 8lb kettlebell with a workout dvd :happy:
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    I am back! After a six month leave of absence from the pool, I swam 1/3 of a mile in 40 minutes. Not bad for an old lady who has been sick for 3 months, if I do say so myself! I'm at 250/300.
  • newdaydawning79
    newdaydawning79 Posts: 1,503 Member
    I got a LOT of exercise in today which helped with the stress I was feeling...unfortunately I still went over my calories. But I made my goals for the week and I'm on track for my first mini-goal so I'm still a winner!! :D
  • missdeehere
    missdeehere Posts: 420 Member

    I got my 100 minutes in !! I am still gonna try & go over. I LOVE looking at ONE WEEK at a time. I only went over calories once in two weeks I think.
    So next week I’m gonna shoot for 120 minutes.

    :drinker: Kris
    WOW!! You are just about at your weekly goal!! That was a nice walk and enjoying the sunshine!

    :wink: Crazyquilter
    YOU CAN & WILL MAKE IT!! I have to google that dang Kettlebell, cus I have been reading a lot lately that people are using it. GOOD LUCK! Let us know how ya like it.

    :flowerforyou: Mary
    FANTASTIC that you are back swimming again!! I have a fear of water so I don’t swim. But when I did Aqua Therapy, I loved it!! As long as it wasn’t too deep & I had a bar I could cling to when I needed to. ;-) You have lost a very nice number there!

    :glasses: Newday
    Yea!!!!!!! That is such a great outlook!! Love mini goals!! The exercise really helps. I am glad that all is well with your dad. I always stress & lose control at hospitals.

    :heart: Keep at it girls!! You're looking good!! :heart:
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Busy day today for me. I am working until 3:30, then back to work for a substate basketball game from 5:00 to 9:00. They will serve dinner at the game as a fundraiser, but I'm not sure what they are serving, so I think that in the brief time that I am home I will try to pack a lunch. Of course, that time (about an hour) that I am home will also be my only opportunity to exercise, so I may try to take the dog for a short walk if I have the energy. I guess time will tell. Hope all are having a good Friday, and the weekend brings you relaxation and joy! Here's to smart choices!
  • KrisPage
    KrisPage Posts: 539 Member
    25 minute walk today 195/180 mins
  • I was just thinking. If we keep this up for 5 weeks,(through March) we just may be at that weight the Food Diary keeps telling us we COULD be at, when we have our god days!!


    I'M UP FOR THAT :glasses: WHAT ABOUT YOU?????

    :laugh: I am FLYING today!!:laugh:

  • It has been a crazy week for me, lots of overtime at work, but I have managed to exercise for 4 out of the last 6 days, that means that if I exercise tomorrow (which I plan to) I will make my goal. I weighed my self today and had lost a little over a pound, I will weigh again just to double check, but it looks like I may fall short on that end of the goal. Hard to complain though since it was still a loss.

    It looks like everyone else is doing great, keep up the good work everyone!!!!
  • crazyquilter36
    crazyquilter36 Posts: 74 Member
    Two days left and I am 270/350. I will reach my goal :drinker: Good job everyone. Keep up the good work :bigsmile:
  • NguyenTJ
    NguyenTJ Posts: 35 Member
    I should have set my goal higher. Forgot about my child's field trip and then had a supprise at work that caused me to pump some iron... or whatever you might call moving file cabinets around and cleaning out desks and moving stuff around .. and... and.... hehe It's been a GREAT week for activity. I'm going to have to find some fun next week to keep it up.. feels GREAT!!
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,033 Member
    two days left and I am at 125/150 for the week , no change in the scale this week. It is that time of the month GRrrrrr so hopefully next week I will see a big change......Have a great weekend everyone and get in some exercise
  • djthom
    djthom Posts: 651 Member
    Not sure I'm going to make my goal this week. :sad: It's Sat. morning and I've only done 115/150. I don't usually get to log exercise on the weekends. But on a positive note I did make it to the gym 3 times this week, for me that is an improvement. I usually only get there twice. Do we weight in Sun. morning or Mon.?
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    It's Saturday, and I am at 280/300. I should be able to slip in a 20 minute walk today. Guess I'd better go get my shoes on! Happy Saturday, all!
  • mygirl15
    mygirl15 Posts: 16
    60 min of cardio a day
    lose 3 pounds :]
  • missdeehere
    missdeehere Posts: 420 Member
    Not sure I'm going to make my goal this week. :sad: It's Sat. morning and I've only done 115/150. I don't usually get to log exercise on the weekends. But on a positive note I did make it to the gym 3 times this week, for me that is an improvement. I usually only get there twice. Do we weight in Sun. morning or Mon.?

    YOU STILL CAN DO IT!! My weeks run from Sun to Sat BUT THIS IS OUR MOTIVATION sooooooooooooo Choose how YOUR week will run!!


    GOOD LUCK !!
  • swimgirl1006
    swimgirl1006 Posts: 22 Member
    It's Saturday and I have done 135/100 mins of exercise and I still plan to work out today :happy: , I am not sure about the 2 lbs though I take my weekly weight on Sunday morning. I'm nervous, but I think I might make it.
  • missdeehere
    missdeehere Posts: 420 Member

    FOR THE WEEK OF: Feb 27 to MARCH 5, 2011

    Please post your results today or tomorrow so I can chart who made their goals.

    I will start a new thread tonight for the new week starting tomorrow. Feel Free to make your weeks work for you.
  • Seesaa
    Seesaa Posts: 451
    lol i posted in the last one that i was doing challenge number 2. it will be done today so yay on that it was get 315 mins of working out in

    It'll be the same this week .

    315 mins of working out it is mostly cardio.
    I am on my TOM however so no weight in till some time next week.

    made over my goal.
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,033 Member
    I did my exercise this week 150 mins of exercise but I didnt lose the 1 lb but it was TOM.
    So I will go for the same goal for this week
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