SOO proud of myself!! :)

My mom called me yesterday and told me that she and my dad were coming to town to see us! :) I was realllly excited, until she informed me that we would be going to a mexican restaurant, WITH a happy hour. I decided before- hand that I would look up the menu and decide what would be the best thing I could get....

We got there and it was SUPER crowded! We sat at a table in the bar, where they had a FREE BUFFET, and $6 margaritas! omg! I was sooo hungry, too! Anyway... I had ONE margarita, and I did not TOUCH the buffet! I sat there in AGONY for 2 hours while we waited on a table. When we sat down, I ordered water with lemon and grilled tilapia. I had 15 tortilla chips with 3 tbsp. of salsa and I ate my tilapia fillet without TOUCHING the mexican rice that was served with it! I ended up eating about 600 calories, which doesn't sound great, but considering you can EASILY eat 1500 without even flinching at a mexican restaurant, I was pumped! I had also done a great workout before- hand, so I didn't feel guilty at all! I ended the day with calories to spare and a great feeling that I had finally conquered my desire for food! :)


  • freerange
    freerange Posts: 1,722 Member
  • mowrynation
  • suemay1122
    way to should be proud of yourself....keep it up...
  • greatsteelersgirl
    greatsteelersgirl Posts: 43 Member
    Good for you! I do the same thing if I'm going out to dinner and it really helps me stay focused on my goal. Congrats on sticking to it even through all of those very yummy looking temtations. :tongue:
  • jenbusick
    jenbusick Posts: 528 Member
    Yay! Go you! Resisting free food at a Mexican restaurant -- INCLUDING the chips, which always do me in -- is MUY BUENO! Go you!
  • Martha_VH
    Martha_VH Posts: 386 Member
    That is really good! A
    At any restaurant though, you can easily eat a day's worth of calories in one meal if you don't know the facts. So I usually bet 500-600 and look up options online. Even "healthy" options like salad can trick you because if you have a huge salad with all the fixings, it can sometimes be 1200 calories.
  • karo224
    karo224 Posts: 292
    you should be proud.....mexican food is my weekness and it is very easy to eat 1000 calories in chip and various sauces offered before your meal even comes and then another 1000 for the meal. great job!
  • ashleighk2010
    The great thing about doing it once is that it gives you the confidence that eating better, making good choices and resisting temptation ARE possible!! You can still go out and have a life!!

    Eventually you're doing it without even thinking about it! I've literally just realized I am at that point where I no longer feel deprived or irritated about finding alternate solutions and I am SO excited about that!! That's one of the hardest things to conquer and a big reason I used to fall of the wagon.

    GOOD JOB and keep doing what you're doing!
  • wanitalilly
    wanitalilly Posts: 108
    Awesome job making tough healthy choices! Thanks for sharing!!
  • tltincher
    tltincher Posts: 107 Member
    Oh, don't say that that doesn't sound great (600 cals), that is totally awesome! You are very right in that you can eat 1000+ calories without blinking an eye. Be proud of yourself:)
  • sw33tp3a11
    sw33tp3a11 Posts: 4,646 Member
    Great job. thats the best thing you can do when u go out to eat look up the menu and the nutrition facts. good job keep it up
  • SivirSarah
    good for you that is always hard. especially when you're going out and your in the mood to celebrate. nice job :)
  • Pandabug93
    Pandabug93 Posts: 130 Member
    You are such an inspiration!! That is amazing that you were able to do that, I don't know if I'd have that willpower!!! Thank you so much for sharing :D
  • maureensc
    maureensc Posts: 43
    Excellent deserve to be proud!
  • kdrew11
    kdrew11 Posts: 363 Member
    Fab! If you can do that you got it sussed! True test of willpower and that kinda thing really builds it up! When you're not on a diet buffets are a wonderment but when you are dieting they are the devil incarnate and nothing feels so good as to resist and I bet you really enjoyed the night too and din't come home feeling a little bit sick from eating too much! Nice one!
  • Startingover71
    Good for you to plan ahead and stick to it! Sometimes that is easier said than done!
  • SarahBaylis
    excellent work! Sometimes people take things for granted and don't think of the struggle of eating out. You did a great job around the temptation of yummy food!!
  • callipygianchronicle
    callipygianchronicle Posts: 811 Member
    A great example of enjoying yourself, but still making choices that work with your goal. You should feel proud, because you took complete ownership of your choices and made ones that make you feel good, not bad!
  • stephanielynn76
    stephanielynn76 Posts: 709 Member
    Good for you! You SHOULD be proud!!
  • pammilou
    pammilou Posts: 96 Member
    That's great! I'm like you, it's so hard to eat out and not just say, "Forget it, it'll be fine today." I always thought that if I was splurging monetarily than I should just get what I wanted. A few weeks ago I chose not to do that while out and I was SO excited and proud of myself. At 36, it was a first for me :) Congratulations and great job!
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