Your Inspiration?? Your motivation? Share them :)

Soi my inspiration/motivation for losing weight is summeerrr festivalssss! I mean I've seen so many nice clothes that wouldn't look right on me, fair enough they might not be "my type" of clothes but I know for a fact my body is an odd shape cause I'm carrying excess weight! So I'm going to change that! Some particular motivations are playsuits, floaty crop tops and chinosssss! :) Looking at these clothes and thinking of myself in them in the summer with my goal weight puts a BIG BIG smile on my face :D

So go on, share yours!! xxxx


  • stephaniezoundi
    stephaniezoundi Posts: 1,148 Member
    I began my journey 13mos ago when I realised my weight was going to kill me. This was my original motivation. Now as I have realised I can be successful, I have even more motivation! I have my African wedding in 7weeks and then hopefully my Western wedding in August. My H2B and I want to have a baby and the more and more weight I lose the more our chances of conceiving go up.
    Clothes are a motivator too! I am likeing having more options when I am shopping and seeing my new shape emerge (and losing weight is a great excuse to shop!!) :bigsmile:
  • AliciaJade93
    AliciaJade93 Posts: 122 Member
    That's so inspiring, definitely though, seeing the scale go down is so addictive! i get all OH MY GOD MUST LOSE MORE! (healthily obviously!) good luck! you can do it :) support on here is fantastic aswell!
  • katapple
    katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
    My motivation is my family and friends! They say I'm motivating them, which in turns motivates me to keep going :happy:

    <<<---and that dress! I need to lose a little more for it to fit perfectly for my best friends wedding in May :)
  • I have several motivations. First, my mom passed away at age 48, she had to have open heart surgery and died at home 7 days later from a blood clot. I am a nurse, but I was too fat to get on the floor to do CPR, i knew then that my life had to change. I am also married to my husband of 4 years, he is great, but we really want children and I'm in no shape to care for a child. MY husband is small, 5'10 160 pounds and nicely built. He desrves a woman who is as attractive as him.. So, i've started this little, well not little , big weight loss journey. I'm sure its going to be hard, but i'm determined to be a successful nurse, wife and mother.
  • mamabearr
    mamabearr Posts: 304
    My motivation is to look good on the beach this summer. We went to Florida last summer and I was so embarrassed by how chubby I was I wore a dress on the beach the entire time, and when it came down to taking it off so I could get in the water, I procrastinated as long as possible.

    Also, I want to surprise my boyfriend one night with a new collection of lingerie (;
  • AliciaJade93
    AliciaJade93 Posts: 122 Member
    i've become really excited about this now haha, can't wait to get GW!!
  • jennyfoxx
    jennyfoxx Posts: 22 Member
    I have several motivations but the BIGGEST inspiration for me is my 7 year old son and my family. Almost 2 1/2 yrs ago my now 7 year old was diagnosed with a rare, aggressive cancer and has been cancer free for over 2 years. This little guy went through months of chemotherapy and today he is a normal 7 year old with a full life ahead. I have no excuse now not to lose my weight and the excuses are over. I CAN do this and I WILL do this!! I have a awesome support system at home, work and on MFPwhich helps motivate me everyday to keep looking ahead to my goals.

    We are also eating Organic now which has been a truly amazing experience. I come up with new recipes almost every week and everyone at home is amazed. The less exposure to pesticides, the better for my family. This journey to shall have a fantastic outcome just as my son's journey turned out to be the GREATEST!!
  • BrittBritt117
    In a nutshell, I call it my 3 H's - healthy, happy, and hot! ;) lol. I'm sick of being so self-conscious all the time! I dunno, it kinda sucks because I could be a lot worse (AND a lot better!), so my motivation comes and goes...A LOT...since I was a child. haha. So now, my biggest motivators are feeling more confident in cute clothes come summer (or just lookin good in general!) and really I'd just love to hit my goal weight by the time I'm 25, which just sounds like a nice cornerstone age but also will be when I'm maid of honor in my sister's wedding!