Migraine Sufferers



  • marber
    marber Posts: 118 Member
    My earliest memory is of a migraine when I was 3!

    First keep a headache diary. Check it against your food diary and see if there are any triggers.

    Sometimes a food is not a immediate trigger but withdrawal of the food is. So if you have chocolate every day but then stop that can cause a migraine and the chocolate is your trigger.

    Too much caffeine, dehydration and low blood sugar can be a problem.

    Too much sleep or too little sleep also.

    Everyone is different
  • Saraingreen
    Saraingreen Posts: 6 Member
    Like some others have said:

    -- stay WELL hydrated when working out
    -- electrolyte replacement either with your water while working out or after
    -- get plenty of sleep
    -- rest if you need to, listen to your body

    I experience migraines occasionally, and I have had them during a workout, but the above steps seem to help me.
  • liznotyet
    liznotyet Posts: 402 Member
    I second that recommendation. I like lemon/ginger tea when I feel one about to take over.
  • eates
    eates Posts: 334 Member
    Start keeping a headache journal. When you get a headache write down what you've eaten that day, drank that day, done that day, how much water you've had, how much sleep you had, where you are in your menstral cycle and how stressed you are. When I first got diagnosed that's what the neurologist had me do to see if there were any patterns that would point to triggers.
  • BecksgotBack
    BecksgotBack Posts: 385 Member
    i've had migraines for the past 4 years...completely random and unable to pinpoint the cause. i tried tracking them on my calendar-would write down the time it happened and for how long...after about 6 months my doctors said there's not much they can do. I get the aura every time...like seeing spinning helicopter blades in my eyes even when they are closed. i pop one Motrin Migraine liquid gel as soon as i see the "helicopter" and that seems to stop it from becoming a full blown migraine-to the point of throwing up. Not fun at all...hang in there
  • california_peach
    california_peach Posts: 1,858 Member
    Start keeping a headache journal. When you get a headache write down what you've eaten that day, drank that day, done that day, how much water you've had, how much sleep you had, where you are in your menstral cycle and how stressed you are. When I first got diagnosed that's what the neurologist had me do to see if there were any patterns that would point to triggers.

    This is what I did. I had mirgraines for years and did not know realise they were related to my cycle until I started charting them. Sadly I cannot take any of the medications currently available because I have some very serious allergies to medications and they all seem to contain one or both of what I am severely allergic to. I make it through mine by staying out of well light areas, taking motrin and drinking coca cola from a soda fountain.

    I hope you find some relief.
  • ablueskier
    ablueskier Posts: 104
    I am on Midrin which helps....when I remember to take it at the first time. I need to get over the tough it out mentality and just start taking it more regularly.

    Hydration is not an issue for me. I had a separate problem that forced me to get my hydration levels in check.

    Did the headache journal thing. Cut out all possible trigger foods for two weeks and the reintroduced one at a time. Headaches stayed until I went on christmas break from school and then magically disappeared until I came back. I teach high school math and can track the start of most headaches to 5 th period. Can't trade out the kids though so it is something I am learning to manage.

    I will work on the breathing exercises. I do catch myself getting into irregular breathing patterns during cardio sometimes and definitely see my HR peak so I can see the relation there.

    Thanks for the feedback.
  • denise980
    denise980 Posts: 296
    I take my medicines and drink lots of water
  • PrairieRoseNE
    PrairieRoseNE Posts: 265 Member
    I suffer from Migraines - mostly around that T.O.M. and occasionally on weekends. Why on weekends?? Because at work, Mon - Fri. I have a daily cup of coffee or a soda with caffeine. On the weekends I don't usually drink coffee, and I rarely have soda in the house. Excedrin Migraine is my lifesaver!! Also, now that I've lowered my blood pressure - due to cutting back on sodium and losing weight - I went thru that T.O.M. without a migraine!! Yeah!!!
  • shelliewu
    shelliewu Posts: 15
    I'm a teacher, too and contribute most of my headaches to my 7th period :).
    I've suffered with migraines/tension headaches for 16 years. I noticed a really bad one after my first Zumba class. Now I don't do any of the turns or spins and keep my head still; that helps b/c my equilibrium gets off bad and that can trigger a headache for me. Also I make sure to drink lots of water. Also if my heart rate gets too high I get a headache so sometimes I have to slow things down a bit.
  • Firewhirrrl
    Firewhirrrl Posts: 144
    I have had migraines.
    I went to my chiropractor of all people.(she is also a natropath) She determined that I was sensitive to wheat gluten, but not all gluten. She modified my diet.

    Immediately, that day... I began to feel better.

    I had the aura feeling twice that I was going to have A migrane, but both times none came. All I had was a super mild regular strength headache.
    Relieved with basic Ibuprofin.

    So I got bored of my new diet, went back to my old diet for two days, and went immediately back into a full crippling migrane.

    So, I went back to the old diet.

    No more headaches.

    The allergist did state that a true allergy would create rash and obvious allergy symptoms, but a sensitivity will cause I'll feelings and poor health.

    So my recommendation. See a nutritionalist. This is a primary function of what they do.
  • ladybg81
    ladybg81 Posts: 1,553 Member
    I was diagnosed with chronic daily headaches a few years ago because there was a time that I had mild migraines (if you can imagine that) 24 hours per day. I know no longer have them all day everyday but I do get full blown migraines now. I was on Zonegran and it helped. I got preggers so obviosuly did not take it anymore. I did not have headaches during pregnancy and for about 2.5 years after he was born. Recently I have been getting them daily again. I do not see/ notice any triggers for me, they are just always there, in the back ground. The reason behind this rambling is to tell you that excedrim migraine is the only thing that works for me. RX pain pills make my head feel like the inside is boiling how. I would recommend the journal and see if you can see a pattern and always keep some excedrin on hand.