Girl Scout Cookies



  • jaysvw
    jaysvw Posts: 11 Member
    I ate a whole box of Thin Mints. I allowed myself 4 a day and worked it into my calorie count.
  • terriarn
    terriarn Posts: 2
    I haven't purchased any or feel the desire to do so although I love tagalongs. That;s just strange not wanting one, anyway I have read all the previous post and am very impressed with everyone's self control. I think that is wonderful step in not only reaching your goal weight but also the control you will need to KEEP your goal weight. Way to go girls.
  • tanniew78
    tanniew78 Posts: 602 Member
    I do a double no no and get the ice cream. However, Im not much of an ice cream fan, so it gives me the taste without me wanting to pig out.
  • sunsetwest
    sunsetwest Posts: 199 Member
    I've been working a few Shout-Outs into my plan a few days a week. The hubby ordered some others, but thankfully they are far too sweet for my taste anyway!
  • prplktty
    prplktty Posts: 5
    I actually managed to say no to them today. Those Tagalongs were really calling me..but I held my ground! I knew if I got them that the whole box would be gone within a few days and I'd feel really guilty and blow my healthy eating streak.
  • Carru1
    Carru1 Posts: 39 Member
    This year my purchase goes straight to Operation Cookie Drop. Goodness knows those guys and gals will enjoy them a helluva lot more than I will, plus they won't face the guilt I would if I devoured the whole box of samoas. I support the girls, they get a little piece of home, and I don't gain 3 extra pounds the next day.
  • craft338
    craft338 Posts: 870 Member
    i just bought THREE boxes of thin mints :( how could i say no?? the girl was so cute and the mom was right there! and how could i buy one box for $3.50? i would have felt so cheap. i work at a daycare center, so i'll bring in the boxes and give it to the kids at snack time lol :)
  • I couldn't pass up buying Girl Scout cookies this year, but I have shown miraculous restraint eating them! I bought a box of Thin Mints and a box of Samoas since those are my two favorites. I had one bad night with friends where I ate six cookies (three of each), logged it, and regretted it. But, since then, I've had a serving or less each day, and I've still got more in the cabinet after two weeks! Most years, I can polish off a box of Samoas in a day or two, so I'm calling this a resounding success. :happy:
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