Hello out there!

ton1027 Posts: 5
edited September 24 in Introduce Yourself
My name is Tonya. I'm 30 years old. I am married to Josh and we have 2 sons, ages 11 and 7. I need to get on board with this weight loss issue and get it taken care of now before the hill I have to climb turns into a mountain! Right now I'm needing to lose about 30-35 pounds but my fear is that I will continue to put it off until I need to lose 130 pounds!
This is something I so badly want for myself. I want to look great and feel even better! But I also want to make these changes for me so that in turn, my family will benefit also. My husband is overweight and very unhealthy as he is also a smoker so I'm hoping to someday be an inspiration to him as well! And of course I want to change the eating habits of my sons so that they do not follow in our footsteps to obesity!

My plan is to start this week and hit the gym every day that I can! Then the next step is to focus a lot more on my horrible eating habits!!

Any words of advice or encouragement are greatly appreciated!


  • Hi Tonya. I've only been here a couple of days, but have seen such a supportive community.

    Good luck!

    It's hard work, but if you really want it - you can make it happen!!
  • miatavixxen
    miatavixxen Posts: 373
    You can totally do this. I have no self control - and this site has been incredible! :D
  • dawnemjh
    dawnemjh Posts: 1,465 Member
    You can do it!! Track your food, and try to move as much as possible!! Drink plenty of water as well. This is a great place for advice, motivation and support!!! Add me as friend if you like!!! Welcome!:happy:
  • Welcome and good luck on your weight loss journey. This site is amazing for inspiration or even just a little boost. Even if you only go for a 15 minute walk you will have like 5 ppl tell you that you did a good job. It's very good for a pick me up. I have over 100 to lose so feel free to add me and we can encourage eachother
  • JenniferTasso
    JenniferTasso Posts: 77 Member
    Congrats on taking charge before it gets REALLY bad!....My words of advice, from my own experience...Don't take EVERYTHING you enjoy out of the picture...For me, I am a sweet-aholic....I once worked with a trainer who would not allow me to eat anything sweet, not even fresh fruit....This did not work for me, I went into sweet withdrawl and was ready to rid someone's head off for a piece of gum!...Moderation is the key when it comes to goodies of any kind....As for the gym...cardio cardio cardio! get that heart rate up!...If you like to dance (even if you are not good like myself) You can try Zumba.com....there you can find an instructor in your area....I have been going to classes for about 3 weeks now, twice a week, and the inches are just melting away, plus I have so much fun when I go...I actually can't wait for Tuesday's and Thursday's to get here!....Don't become an addict to the scale...weigh once a week when you get up, after you use the bathroom.....From what I see, everyone is very supportive of one another on this site, and that makes a big difference!...even if we are all strangers :) Good luck! Maybe once your family sees you doing so well, they will also join...That's the biggest reward
  • nanazee1
    nanazee1 Posts: 3
    Hi Tonya. its not easy to change yourself, let alone someone else. I've been on lots of dif diets and guess what. They all work!!! The prob is keeping it off. This time I'm determined too. I've made a start. That's most important. Dont get down on yourself for back-sliding sometimes. just get back on the horse. U can do it. Be positive. Make realistic goals. Hitting the gym everyday is great if u can do it. I know i never would but I can walk most days. and its relaxing. Good luck. Keep us posted
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