The New Guy

What's got two thumbs and wants to be fit? This guy! Was that lame? I think that was lame. I'm new to this site. It's pretty awesome. I'm 24 and I've started working out for like the first time in my life. I started P90X and it makes me want to die. Yesterday was day two with Plyometrics and I'm still insanely sore.


  • RocketsGirl75
    LOL! Ok yeah so it was a little lame! But welcome and good luck with everything!
  • beethedreamer
    beethedreamer Posts: 465 Member
    awesome! and welcome! this community is really amazing and helpful, and if you have any questions, chances are someone here has a legit answer. :D
  • meach05
    meach05 Posts: 6
    Lame, but I giggled :laugh: . I'm new here (today) so I'm just taking a look around. Welcome
  • ljbrauer
    ljbrauer Posts: 62
    not lame at all! hah! i like your enthusiasm and if you stick to using this site and make some friends i'm sure you can maintain it and obtain the results you are looking for. i would really love to try out p90x but i really don't want to spend over a 100$ on it and then realize i hate it. plyometrics are amazing for you, but the soreness is a downside. just know that the soreness is your body forcing itself to change.

    feel free to add me as a friend if you would like. i have only been on the site for a week and absolutely LOVE it! everyone is really supportive and the food diary and exercise tracker is awesome too. good luck to you! :]
  • Chaos_Residue
    Thanks everyone for your support! I'm gonna do my best here.
    i would really love to try out p90x but i really don't want to spend over a 100$ on it and then realize i hate it.

    Oh, you'll hate it, lol. But that's because it sucks in a good way. Today I'll start day three and I'm both excited AND terrified. :)
  • ljbrauer
    ljbrauer Posts: 62
    well, good luck on p3x. you'll kill it, i'm sure! :wink: