7-week challenge WEEK 2 challenge details/weigh-ins

jitterbug89 Posts: 64 Member
edited September 24 in Health and Weight Loss
Alright ladies and gents! Week 1 went AMAZING! I'm so proud of all you! And if you didn't reach your goal or didn't lose any lbs, don't worry! Water weight and other fluid balances can cause an incorrect weight. And if that's not the case, don't fret! Hard work ALWAYS pays off!

before I announce this week's challenge I want to reminder everyone of one detail:

THE 7-WEEK CHALLENGE IS A CLOSED GROUP. So if you're wanting to join this challenge, I'm sorry but we finalized teams over a week ago. It's hard enough figuring out stats for 100 people and it's harder when people "weigh-in" on this board whom I've never even seen before. So if you're not registered for this group and you are not in a group, I'm sorry but you'll have to wait until the next challenge because it's just too difficult to change teams around every week. THE BRIGHT SIDE: after this challenge, we will be having another challenge starting soon after. Stay posted!

Week 2 Challenge is.... (drumroll please)....

Each member of each team must burn AT LEAST 700 calories TOTAL this week!


-Keep track of calories burned, they must add up to a MINIMUM of 700 total exercise calories.
-These calories must be burned by exercise rather than by a deficit of calories.
-The team with the highest number of total calories this week WINS.
-The 700 calories can be burned in multiple sessions, your weekly total must be 700 cals or above.
-The more you burn, the higher your chance of winning this week!
-The calories counted will be from Monday, March 7 - Saturday March 12

Last note: I'm figuring out the stats for WEEK 1 and will probably be working on them for a couple of days. Expect the results around Tuesday at the latest.

This is the official weigh-in board of WEEK 2!
So be sure to post you CW:Current Weight and your SGW: Saturday goal weight or send them to your captain!

Get ready for Saturday!!


  • MattAxtell
    MattAxtell Posts: 73 Member
    This will be way easier than not eating chocolate! horray.

    I burn at least 700 calories per work out usually hehe.

    Good luck everyone!
  • sylvia1970
    sylvia1970 Posts: 134
    Excellent challenge.

    TEAM UK doesn't have a team captain anymore as Pearl Norman's profile has been deactivated.

    CW 143lbs
    SGW 141lbs
  • shannahrose
    shannahrose Posts: 585 Member
    Welcome to Week 2 everybody!! I agree - this week will be MUCH easier than banning chocolate. I usually burn 1500 or so calories per week and this week I starting training for my 10K. Bought new running shoes today - hooray! Ive almost run right out of my last pair.

    Good luck to all!
  • spatticus
    spatticus Posts: 230 Member
    CW - 159.4. SGW - 158

    Midwest is best!
  • Eviesmum
    Eviesmum Posts: 270 Member
    Ooh might have to stick another run in this week :-)

    Team UK don't seem to have a captain anymore as Pearl has disappeared.
  • beechick
    beechick Posts: 50
    Great challenge as I will need to add another workout activity for the week. Great motivation!
    Week 2 Start Weight 173
    Saturday Goal Weight 171
    Lose 2 pounds.
  • Zeeba81
    Zeeba81 Posts: 58
    CW - 207.2 SGW: 205
  • shannahrose
    shannahrose Posts: 585 Member
    CW 158.4
    GW 3/12: 157
  • CW: 129
    SGW: 128

    i posted on the other thread that i was shooting for 127 but i've had a pretty bad weekend so decided to modify my goal.. hope thats ok! also its my birthday on wednesday and i want cake! lol xxx
  • Splendid challenge! Will be tough for me this week as I have a few nights out planned, but I shall try to make more effort after my chocolate fail last week. Setting a smaller weight loss target for that reason though, given the temptations of eating out and lack of exercise opportunity, to avoid disappointment.

    Start weight: 179.5lbs
    Week 1 weight: 177.5lbs (-2lbs)

    SGW: 176.5lbs

    What does being a team captain involve? I guess Team UK/Europe needs a new one :S
  • alicia116
    alicia116 Posts: 13
    This challenge is going to be a lot easier than the no chocolate. I didn't do very good on that one.
  • cw: 144
    gw: 142

    2 more lbs and ill be at 20 lbs lost total. hopefully ill get down more this week,but dont want to set the goals too high, and 2 lbs is totally reachable.
  • sylvia1970
    sylvia1970 Posts: 134
    Splendid challenge! Will be tough for me this week as I have a few nights out planned, but I shall try to make more effort after my chocolate fail last week. Setting a smaller weight loss target for that reason though, given the temptations of eating out and lack of exercise opportunity, to avoid disappointment.

    Start weight: 179.5lbs
    Week 1 weight: 177.5lbs (-2lbs)

    SGW: 176.5lbs

    What does being a team captain involve? I guess Team UK/Europe needs a new one :S

    Just log in everyones weigh ins I suppose and support each other?
  • yay! this challenge is right up my alley!
  • 10more
    10more Posts: 87 Member
    Checking in for week 2:

    CW at 3/5: 120.2
    SGW 3/12: 119.8 (lose .4 pound)

    Go Team West/CA #2!!!


  • brit1329
    brit1329 Posts: 293 Member
    CW: 144.4
    SGW: 143

    Go Team South!!
  • ceejay000
    ceejay000 Posts: 402 Member
    Current Weight: 150.5
    Saturday Goal: 149.5

    I hope this week's challenge will motivate me to exercise more!
  • Heevenlee
    Heevenlee Posts: 35
    Easy challange for me to

    Current Weight 141.8
    Saturday goal to be under 140
    Can;t wait to be under 140
  • Current weight - 206.3
    Goal Weight for week 2 - 204.5

    Glad we got this challenge on a week my son is with his dad. Ill get in 2 Zumba classes which equal out to about 1200 calories burned!
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