Sugar craving

Hi all, was just wondering if there are any other sugar addicts on here? My sweet tooth is ruining my efforts big style! It was easier to give up smoking than it is to give up chocolate and that was dam hard. Is there possibly a hormonal reason for this craving? its sooo bad!

Thanks for your advice x x


  • pyro13g
    pyro13g Posts: 1,127 Member
    It's pure addiction if you ask me. I still crave huge mounds of mashed potatoes. It never goes away, just like smoking, booze, or anything else.
  • Frappuzzino
    Frappuzzino Posts: 342 Member
    Hi all, was just wondering if there are any other sugar addicts on here? My sweet tooth is ruining my efforts big style! It was easier to give up smoking than it is to give up chocolate and that was dam hard. Is there possibly a hormonal reason for this craving? its sooo bad!

    Thanks for your advice x x

    You can try eating dark chocolate instead of milk chocolate. You can have it as a snack between meals. That sounds quite good actually. :)
  • CarthagoDelendaEst
    I used to be... My sugar levels are still quite high though... But I had my first protein shake today, it was chocolate flavour, but has only 0.1g sugar!

    It was really tasty: 78cals for 23g(1 scoop) and 83cals for the 250ml skimmed milk.

    Also, I wouldn't count the sugar in fresh fruit.

    So try chocolate flavoured things instead of actual chocolate... I LOVE chocolate big-time, but now I have low fat chocolate mousse/small portion of chocolate cereal when cravings kick in.
  • techie30
    techie30 Posts: 82 Member
    Oh my gosh, I know the feeling! I find that when I'm limiting my carbs and fat, I crave sweets like it's nobody's business. And quitting smoking was a breeze compared to the sugar psycho I become. Honestly, the only thing that helped me get over the hump (and it is a hump-your body will adjust to new nutrition intake) was 1. Dark chocolate squares (70%, think it's about 50 cal per square, high fat though), 2. This awesome mixed berry bake I make (mixed berries, no added sugar or anything, throw some almond slivers and steel cut oats on top, bake and eat) 3. Jello fat free pudding. I hate fake sugar (gives me a headache), but when I crave I go for that instead of pie or ice cream. If I may suggest, don't starve yourself of your cravings. If you deny yourself everything you love (food-wise), you'll eventually cave in and eat everything. Small servings of the things you love, or modified recipes of the things you love work wonders for the craving.
  • andrewajm
    andrewajm Posts: 18 Member
    oh the horror im with ya bigtime..i crave sugar in all forms its brutal...i find i have to eat fruit even though im not really lovin it it just kills my chocolate cravings..well it helps i should say...also i have the ultimate solution for ya thats kickin *kitten* for me...costco has chocolate ice creams like on a stick there called healthy choice fudge bars..there big and creamy and only 90 cals also weight watchers has fudge chocolate cake with this chocolate sauce on it..i heatem up a bit and its delicious it works trust me...they sellem at safeway...just dont eat 3 boxes lol...ive been really good with these things..the cals are super low on the weight watchers cakes too...if you find anythin that works throw some advice my way...
  • DoubleO7
    I’m a BIG believer in Chromium Picolinate. Chromium is a mineral that we require in trace amounts. Chromium picolinate reduces sugar and carbohydrate cravings. It also suppresses the appetite, which is how it can help lead to weight loss.
    If you have sugar cravings this will defiantly help you with those craving. I take 500 mcg/day. PLEASE DO NOT TAKE if you are type 1 diabetics (Juvenile Diabetes”)

    Hope this help :)

    Be Well :flowerforyou:

  • lutzsher
    lutzsher Posts: 1,153 Member
    Former sugar addict and complete chocoholic here. I had a tough time with this as well, it is proven that the more "sweets" you eat (this includes sugar substitutes) the more you will crave.
    You may not like this answer . . . but the only way I conquored my addiction was to go cold turkey . . . yes, completely cold turkey. It actually took me a few months to get over my cravings but Im quite happy to report that I can now take it or leave it and this no longer controls me . . . I am in control!
  • Claire1812
    have you tried yogurt coated fruit flakes? I think they taste like fruit covered with white choc on but theyre quite low in calories compared to choc, i love them, i dont feel as guilty having a small pack of them than i would a choc bar!
  • busygirl1
    Oh my gosh, I know the feeling! I find that when I'm limiting my carbs and fat, I crave sweets like it's nobody's business. And quitting smoking was a breeze compared to the sugar psycho I become. Honestly, the only thing that helped me get over the hump (and it is a hump-your body will adjust to new nutrition intake) was 1. Dark chocolate squares (70%, think it's about 50 cal per square, high fat though), 2. This awesome mixed berry bake I make (mixed berries, no added sugar or anything, throw some almond slivers and steel cut oats on top, bake and eat) 3. Jello fat free pudding. I hate fake sugar (gives me a headache), but when I crave I go for that instead of pie or ice cream. If I may suggest, don't starve yourself of your cravings. If you deny yourself everything you love (food-wise.), you'll eventually cave in and eat everything. Small servings of the things you love, or modified recipes of the things you love work wonders for the craving.
    That's exactly right, I DO eat everything in sight because I am craving chocolate. I love those Atkins choc indulgence bars but they are really expensive over here- i am in the UK. The trouble is that if i have a bar in I will eat the whole thing not just one square. is there a patch or something like when you come off cigarettes??? I need a chocolate patch:laugh:
  • gymkym
    Hey, I totally know ur pain. Here are a few items that helped me stay on track during the chocolate and sugar cravings. There is a company called Chocolite and they make low carb, low calorie chocolates that taste just as good as the full fat, full sugar stuff! I order them by the case, my favorite is the caramel pecan bars... they taste like Turtles! Also there's a company that makes sugar free chocolate cupcakes.... yes, sugarfree... the company is called Tastykake and the sugarfree line of cakes is called Tastykake Sensibles and they are delicious. I live in Canada and these are not easily available so i buy them online but im sure u can get them easily in the US. These are a few are worth their weight in gold!! Totally helped me stay on my low carb/low cal diet... without having to be miserable. Hope that helps!
  • loushep
    loushep Posts: 191
    Gotta bump this, some great suggestions here :smile:
  • Painten
    Painten Posts: 499 Member

    hmmm the only turtles i've ever heard of are i think protected species and i'd imagine they'd be more fishy than chocolately *lol*
  • transparentjelly
    omigosh i eat lots of suger too!! but im alergic to chocolate and that sucks but i still eat it anyway!!lol:bigsmile:
  • Heatherhill
    Heatherhill Posts: 6 Member
    Just a suggestion. I'm not a chocolate addict by any stretch of the imagination, but you could try diabetic chocolate, or even diet chocolate. In Europe we have a brand called Ritter Sport. They do chocolate (diet 30% Cocoa) that isn't too bad. My mian suggestion would be...don't cut chocolate out. Just save the calories etc for it as a treat every now and then, nibble your portion, keep it small and enjoy the taste. It might sound a little odd but smelling it before eating each bite actually increases your brain's satisfaction witht he amount. Its a neat trick. Also, take your time eating it, again to allow the brain to reister the tastes etc. Hope this helps! :)
  • busygirl1
    thanks everyone for some great suggestions I will defiantly be trying some x x:smile:
  • busygirl1
    busygirl1 Posts: 217
    Former sugar addict and complete chocoholic here. I had a tough time with this as well, it is proven that the more "sweets" you eat (this includes sugar substitutes) the more you will crave.
    You may not like this answer . . . but the only way I conquored my addiction was to go cold turkey . . . yes, completely cold turkey. It actually took me a few months to get over my cravings but Im quite happy to report that I can now take it or leave it and this no longer controls me . . . I am in control!

    good advice!
  • busygirl1
    busygirl1 Posts: 217
    well for anyone who is still interested cold turkey was the way to go! I have stopped craving it and have had a bar in the house for over a week now (however it IS generic, maybe a Cadburys wouldn't have faired so well!!) and haven't eaten it!! I also think that stepping up my exercise has helped reduce my appetite overall. Thanks again for all the suggestions x x x
  • tamiller93
    tamiller93 Posts: 195
    Kellogg's Special K has a cereal now that has chocolate bits in it. I tried it for the first time a few days ago and it was good! Just have to watch your portion control.
  • Mom71
    Mom71 Posts: 24
    Sweets are my addiction along with carbs. I have tried diets in past that had me give it up completely and I found myself crazy for it to the point I would dream about it and I think i could have bit my husbands arm off for a chocolate Kreme filled krispy kreme doughnut or a roll with honey butter. This time I am not restricting myself as much. I bought myself a doughnut and DID NOT eat it it was just the mental knowledge that I could eat it if I wanted to that allowed me to decline and think about my future ultimate goal of weightloss instead of instant gradification.:smile:
  • Mom71
    Mom71 Posts: 24
    i will keep this in mind. Thanks:smile: