Sugar craving



  • Mom71
    Mom71 Posts: 24
    that is the truth:smile:
  • jenbusick
    jenbusick Posts: 528 Member
    I have to be very careful about sugar/carbs or I do get terrible cravings -- like, the kind where I'll eat through a whole box of chocolate candies without realizing until afterward what I've done.

    One thing that really helps me is to get my chocolate fix first thing in the morning -- I have a Zone Dark Chocolate bar every day for breakfast. They're very chocolatey, but also high-protein which means they don't create the craving problem I would otherwise have.
  • Jenyfur1
    Jenyfur1 Posts: 361
    Oh my gosh, I know the feeling! I find that when I'm limiting my carbs and fat, I crave sweets like it's nobody's business. And quitting smoking was a breeze compared to the sugar psycho I become. Honestly, the only thing that helped me get over the hump (and it is a hump-your body will adjust to new nutrition intake) was 1. Dark chocolate squares (70%, think it's about 50 cal per square, high fat though), 2. This awesome mixed berry bake I make (mixed berries, no added sugar or anything, throw some almond slivers and steel cut oats on top, bake and eat) 3. Jello fat free pudding. I hate fake sugar (gives me a headache), but when I crave I go for that instead of pie or ice cream. If I may suggest, don't starve yourself of your cravings. If you deny yourself everything you love (food-wise.), you'll eventually cave in and eat everything. Small servings of the things you love, or modified recipes of the things you love work wonders for the craving.
    That's exactly right, I DO eat everything in sight because I am craving chocolate. I love those Atkins choc indulgence bars but they are really expensive over here- i am in the UK. The trouble is that if i have a bar in I will eat the whole thing not just one square. is there a patch or something like when you come off cigarettes??? I need a chocolate patch:laugh:
    Hey Busygirl,
    I keep a bag of dark chocolate chips, either semi Sweet or 70%. I weigh out one serving and eat that after dinner.... I just finished some a minute ago... 70 calories for 15g. Not too bad.. Also, Stevia. It is really good and not a "bad fake sugar". You can even find the real plant in the summer at garden centers. Take the leaf and crush it up. It is great in tea and Mojitos.LOL! Don't give up the chocolate, especially if it is dark. It is good for you.
    Good Luck!
  • micheleinpa
    Sugar-free, fat-free fudgesicles are only 40 calories each. I also agree with previous poster about the cereal with small amount of chocolate bits in it. I also have bad sweet tooth and I find these to be satisfying. Also, fresh or frozen fruit (canned as last resort) with lite whipped topping (at 10 cal. per tablespoon) can make a delicious low-cal, quick dessert.
  • Cassienz
    Cassienz Posts: 75
    For me when I crave sugar, I go for a handful of green seedless grapes. Works every time.