Far fetched goal for the month?

My goal this month is to lose 2 pants sizes. Is this to far fetched or a reasonable goal? I just don't want to set myself up for failure, if ya know what I mean. Yes it is nice to see the scale go down, but what I find more motivating is watching the measurements go down. Any input would be great!


  • hroush
    hroush Posts: 2,073 Member
    I don't think it's a bad idea to have a far off goal. I don't know if losing two pant sizes in a month is doable, but if you try your hardest and are prepared to accept only 1 pant size (maybe even no change), then I don't see anything wrong with it.
  • Naomi91
    Naomi91 Posts: 892 Member
    I would stick with just one pant size, some people have to lose 20lbs just to go down one size.... your body may be different.

    Maybe stick with 1 pant size, then evaluate at the end of the month and make a new goal for the next
  • karo224
    karo224 Posts: 292
    I would stick with just one pant size, some people have to lose 20lbs just to go down one size.... your body may be different.

    Maybe stick with 1 pant size, then evaluate at the end of the month and make a new goal for the next

    i completely agree.....up it to the next month and if you do reach this month it will be a huge bonus!
  • Mom71
    Mom71 Posts: 24
    I think for myself and most people 1 dress size would be more doable than 2 at a safe pace. If you expect too much too fast you may dissapoint yourself, I think about my heart and health and my personal goals are alot smaller because I want to take it slow so I do not dissappoint myself. Goals are important and health is too so maybe reevaluate your timefram just a little. If you can be happier with smaller steps you will be more apt to reach your goals.:smile:
  • patattheshire
    patattheshire Posts: 123 Member
    2 would be great but i just lost 1 and feel so good i had hoped to do it faster but it took 29 days i wish you luck but try and concentrate on a short term goal like not so tight in a week or ten days and than a size that's how i stay motivated i try on clothes i wore before that are tight or can't button and when it happens i am soo happy
  • punkin_793
    thank you every one for the input. I will probably write down 1 instead of 2 sizes! I just want to make sure I am doing this the right way. I document EVERY thing I eat, good and the bad. That way I can look back and see what is working and what is not!
  • SeasideOasis
    SeasideOasis Posts: 1,057 Member
    While trying on bridesmaid dresses a few weeks ago, I was talking with the seamstress (The bride had gastric surgery, so she is losing weight VERY quickly, which is how the topic began) about sizes. She said a basic rule of thumb is 10 pounds loss/gain is one pant size. So two pant sizes might be a little much. I guess it would depending on how much cardio you're doing as well?

    I set goals that are giant, but more long term (Dropping 40 pounds in one year for example is my goal for 2011), but I find I stick to the bandwagon better if I set more obtainable goals for myself.