To eat or not to eat??

Losing_It Posts: 3,271 Member
edited September 19 in Health and Weight Loss
What are you planning to do on Turkey Day? Are you going to keep portions in check and not pig out...or do you plan on making a day of it and enjoying lots of EVERYTHING?

I'm still on the fence on this one...

One minute, the little devil:devil: on my shoulder tells me to plan on indulging in all the yummy, yummy bad stuff for the *entire* day ...and then the little angel on my shoulder slaps me with her halo and says it's so not worth it. :noway:

So..what are the rest of you MFP'ers planning?


  • Losing_It
    Losing_It Posts: 3,271 Member
    What are you planning to do on Turkey Day? Are you going to keep portions in check and not pig out...or do you plan on making a day of it and enjoying lots of EVERYTHING?

    I'm still on the fence on this one...

    One minute, the little devil:devil: on my shoulder tells me to plan on indulging in all the yummy, yummy bad stuff for the *entire* day ...and then the little angel on my shoulder slaps me with her halo and says it's so not worth it. :noway:

    So..what are the rest of you MFP'ers planning?
  • Fab140
    Fab140 Posts: 1,976 Member
    Seeing as the past Turkey days have been spent doing nothing, if there is a big to-do somewhere, I'm dragging the hubby and having a taste of everything!

    NOM :bigsmile:
  • I like pie. :blushing: It's the bestest part of Thanksgiving. :bigsmile:
  • I am going to be giving thanks that I can pig out one day and not have to worry about it. Life is to short to censor every holiday and family get togethers. And I just told my little angel to shutup! lol

  • I am ditching the family and the whole Thanksgiving chaos and heading to St John's with two of my good friends! Being the only single one is not much fun on this day ... plus it is at my sister's house and her husband and in-laws are the picture perfect definition of "bumps on a log". :laugh:

    I am thinking tropical drinks while sitting in the sun!
  • Fab140
    Fab140 Posts: 1,976 Member
    I am ditching the family and the whole Thanksgiving chaos and heading to St John's with two of my good friends! Being the only single one is not much fun on this day ... plus it is at my sister's house and her husband and in-laws are the picture perfect definition of "bumps on a log". :laugh:

    I am thinking tropical drinks while sitting in the sun!

    oooooooooooooo!!! Me too Me too!!!!
  • NewMK08
    NewMK08 Posts: 399 Member
    I'm going to make my Turkey Day as healthy as possible!

    Last year my family and I started running in the Turkey Trot-It's a 5K walk/run on Thanksgiving morning. So I'm definitely doing that again...Last year I ran a 24:36, and I'm hoping to beat that time! I've got to start running more though, because I slacked off A LOT this summer.

    As for food-I'm going to eat whatever I want, but keep portions small and STOP when I'm full. I might also contribute a healthy dessert so that I can eat that while everyone else is eating tons of pie/cake/pudding and not feel as guilty!

    I'm so excited to be around friends and family...I can't wait!
  • areay
    areay Posts: 463
    I've given up sweets and bread for two weeks now. My goal is to make it to Thanksgiving. Then that's my treat for being good for 2 months!!!
  • DBranchaud
    DBranchaud Posts: 827 Member
    I DEMAND TURKEY!!!! :laugh:
  • Poison5119
    Poison5119 Posts: 1,460 Member
    Holidays don't present much of a threat to me anymore. My mothers Thanksgiving spreads were pretty formidable, but she lives outside the country now, so I'm safe.

    I just go to Walmart and buy one of those Thanksgiving dinners that is already made, plus a turkey, and add some extras of my own to it (corn muffins and such) and enjoy it. The turkey is VERY welcome in my house - I have turkey sandwiches, and my 4 cats :heart: :heart: :heart: me to death.
  • dothompson
    dothompson Posts: 1,184 Member
    I'm going to eat whatever I want during the time I am seated at the table for Thanksgiving Dinner. The rest of the day I will keep things in check. Plan light appetizers and one drink, a small piece of pie.

    This only comes once a year and you need to celebrate, but it's really easy to allow it to turn into a 4 day binge so I think you need to figure out what part of the celebration is important. Other people might be happy at dinner with vegetables and a little white turkey, but want to have 3 pieces of pie.
  • I think I am going to eat a little bit of everything, but I'm not going to just sit there and shovel in the pie :) My goal is to lose 30 pounds before Thanksgiving, so I am thinking that if I can make that goal, it will be enough motivation to keep it up and not sit there and scream "BRING ME THE TURKEY!"
  • heartshapdworld
    heartshapdworld Posts: 323 Member
    Going to Thanksgiving dinner with the mindset that I will go over my a caloric number. Having said that, I am going to the gym (and if it isn't open, I am going to run a few miles) prior to leaving. Lord knows, I won't want to work out after!:laugh:

    In the morning, I will have my usual oatmeal and flaxseed only later. Since we usually do Thanksgiving dinner late afternoon, I will have soup made a head of time and eat that in the evening when I get hungry

    As for the dinner itssefl, I am having a small portion of everything, seconds on stuffing and sweet potatos, and a large piece of pumpkin pie! Yum!:bigsmile:

    The only thing I am going to forgo is the wine. This is really no big deal for me as I only have a drink a few times a year (the only time all year was this past summer when we went to Napa wine tasting. Since the bf isn't into wine or any kind of adult beverages, we just don't buy it)
  • I plan on eating as much of the lean turkey as I want but steering clear or keeping to small portions on the sides and sweets. Maybe fat free whpped cream and a very small piece of pie instead of the normal cherry pie and ice cream.
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    I'll probably be stuck at home, so no delicious mom-cooked meal for me. :sad: But if I were to get one, of course I'd eat! It'd be my treat for that month.
  • lessertess
    lessertess Posts: 855 Member
    I plan on taking a middle of the road approach. I'll exercise a little more the day before and after and sneak the calories a little on the low side for the week. For thanksgiving dinner I'll load up on turkey and veggies and take it easy on potatoes, bread and stuffing. I am having pie.

    Honestly, even before I started this lifestyle, I started working on the family to rethink the menu for Thanksgiving. Having two kinds of potatos, dinner rolls, stuffing, turkey, ham, salad, corn, green bean casserole, carrots.....etc. Following that with apple, pecan and pumpkin pie......It's just too much for anyone.

    We've cut the menu down significantly over the last few years. Less food means less time on preparation and clean up and more time to socialize with each other.
  • Anna_Banana
    Anna_Banana Posts: 2,939 Member
    I make a killer white chocolate pumpkin cheese cake with a ginger snap crust. Enough said.
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    I haven't even thought out that far. I guess I need to look for recipes that are healthier since I am the chief cook for thanksgiving feast. Of course we spent it at the beach last year and had seafood - YUM, then cooked our traditional thanksgiving feast for Christmas so either way I'll be looking for some great low fat recipes
  • Thanksgiving is supposed to be a day of thanks. Right now I'm thankful for having lost 34 lbs. I have over the last few years focused on family that day and we have had a great times. We eat the traditional meal for a family that is Mexican-American, everything from turkey to tamales. We include a walk if it's not snowing or raining and sometimes we've even gone to the zoo. If you focus on things other than the food you'll have a great holiday.
  • NewMK08
    NewMK08 Posts: 399 Member
    I make a killer white chocolate pumpkin cheese cake with a ginger snap crust. Enough said.

    Can you please send me this recipe?? It sounds delicious...Even if it isn't very healthy!!
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