YoYo lbs on the scale



  • susanswan
    susanswan Posts: 1,194 Member
    Ok real talk!! For those of you that jump on the scale everyday (i'm guilty, hate to admit it), does your pounds go up and down back and forth everyday, or are you consistent at one weight all the time??
    Both! I was going quite steady with small (0.2) drops here and there before a larger drop. I pick Monday to be my Official Weekly Weigh In Day, so I can see how I fared each week, but I also like to monitor the effects of my daily diet. I realize some days are a little bit up, but I SURE WAS glad for weighing everyday when I followed the advice to eat my exercise calories! I was stuffed all the time and knew that couldn't be good, and it wasn't! I gained 2 pounds in just a couple of days doing that! So likewise, I stopped doing that and lost 1.4 from yesterday. I hope I will stabilize now that I have readjusted my diet and can look forward to slowly going down again. I think it helps me to know how my body works, otherwise I would just go by how clothes fit, but I still like to know. I am aiming for a good size 8 and maybe size 6. That is where I can just look at clothes and say, "I'll take that, that, and that" and know they'll fit!

    Call me obsessive, but I feel better knowing the day to day of it. I am shooting for 135 which is in the middle of the BMI for me. I'm looking forward to making some good progress in the weight department and the measurement department. I'll measure monthly.
  • MeekMeals
    MeekMeals Posts: 517 Member
    Ok real talk!! For those of you that jump on the scale everyday (i'm guilty, hate to admit it), does your pounds go up and down back and forth everyday, or are you consistent at one weight all the time??
    Both! I was going quite steady with small (0.2) drops here and there before a larger drop. I pick Monday to be my Official Weekly Weigh In Day, so I can see how I fared each week, but I also like to monitor the effects of my daily diet. I realize some days are a little bit up, but I SURE WAS glad for weighing everyday when I followed the advice to eat my exercise calories! I was stuffed all the time and knew that couldn't be good, and it wasn't! I gained 2 pounds in just a couple of days doing that! So likewise, I stopped doing that and lost 1.4 from yesterday. I hope I will stabilize now that I have readjusted my diet and can look forward to slowly going down again. I think it helps me to know how my body works, otherwise I would just go by how clothes fit, but I still like to know. I am aiming for a good size 8 and maybe size 6. That is where I can just look at clothes and say, "I'll take that, that, and that" and know they'll fit!

    Call me obsessive, but I feel better knowing the day to day of it. I am shooting for 135 which is in the middle of the BMI for me. I'm looking forward to making some good progress in the weight department and the measurement department. I'll measure monthly.

    Sounds good! So you're "NOT" eating back all your exercise calories?? thats good to know and good tha its working for you. i go back and forth with worrying about that
  • NanRunsOnPaleo
    NanRunsOnPaleo Posts: 55 Member
    Yup! I'm definitely guilty of weighing daily and sometimes more than once a day =(.

    My numbers also fluctuate. Trying not to let it get to me.
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