Fast food items with Low Calories?

chicalatte Posts: 174
edited September 24 in Food and Nutrition
I am craving some fast food like no other! But I don't know what I can allow myself to eat! Any ideas?


  • luv2ash
    luv2ash Posts: 1,903 Member
    ABSOLUTELY NONE OF IT---Stay away. You'll feel better about yourself come tomorrow.
  • chicalatte
    chicalatte Posts: 174
    There's NOTHING? at all?
  • HollyRutledge
    HollyRutledge Posts: 250 Member
    I agree...back away and no one gets hurt....well, at least YOU don't... :tongue:
  • Sarahmami
    Sarahmami Posts: 18
    You can allow yourself to have some things and I think that you should eat what you want every now and then.... You can have grilled chicken sandwiches or fresco tacos from taco bell... Stay away from mayo... I just looked up all of the fast food that I liked to eat and counted the calories... Every fast food place has a website so just take a look! Good luck!
  • RDH0513
    RDH0513 Posts: 245 Member
    Are you a taco bell eater?? They have a fresco menu that is a better option than their normal 30 % meat tacos (or whatever they said it was) I have learned that I do better if I still allow myself to have some not so A-list foods. Just remember, its ALL about portion control if you are deciding to eat something not so healthy! I actually posted a topic about this, got some pretty good answers. Good luck girl!!
  • Carru1
    Carru1 Posts: 39 Member
    When the craving hits, I go to the grocery store and splurge on something super yummy and still healthy. Like warm delights mini when I need something sweet or a lean pocket when I want something hot. Something from Subway also makes me feel better.
  • karyn2321
    karyn2321 Posts: 18
    I agree, the fresco tacos from Taco Bell are 150 calories. Not bad... not bad at all!
  • chicalatte
    chicalatte Posts: 174
    I don't really eat taco bell but I'll def take a look! Thanks you guys =)
  • thor9424
    thor9424 Posts: 40 Member
    you can do a grilled snack wrap with no ranch and a fruit and walnut salad from McDonalds. Check them out, It all depends on what you allow yourself. If I workout hard one day, I can get a sandwich from Subway. If I don't, I eat a lean cuisine...
  • ygrad2001
    ygrad2001 Posts: 230
    If you are craving it. Otherwise you will end up eating a bunch of other stuff that will only leave u unsatisified.
  • chuckyp
    chuckyp Posts: 693 Member
    Because of my job and hours, I do end up eating fast food most of the time at work. While none of it is the greatest for you, here are a few items I stick to that are lower in calories than some:

    Taco Bell Fresco Tacos - 150 cals
    McDonalds grilled chicken snack wraps - 260 cals
    Carl's Jr charbroiled BBQ chicken sandwich - 380 cals
    Various Subway subs, particularly ham.
    Instead of fries, I get a side salad with low fat / low cal dressing.

    With these choices I can stay under 500 cals per meal. Sure there's some extra fat and sodium in these foods so it's still a compromise, but these are the best I've found and I've still lost 20 lbs since January eating these foods with some regularity.
  • mamawildbear
    mamawildbear Posts: 93 Member
    Are you just wanting to eat out (I love a break from home)? If so, those Taco Bell, Subway, Fruit & Walnut salad suggestions are great ones. However sometimes I just want a burger and I don't see a problem with that. When I was really successful losing weight (long, long ago before kids), I lost 80lbs and I had a fast food burger once a week. it was my treat.

    When I get a burger I always order the junior burger (most places have them). I get it without cheese because I've found that the cheese doesn't have a big taste difference but adds a lot of fat and calories. I add lettuce, tomato and onion to bulk it up and slather on the ketchup. I usually skip the mayo or if I want some, I always order without and get a packet so I can control the amount.
  • chicalatte
    chicalatte Posts: 174
    Because of my job and hours, I do end up eating fast food most of the time at work. While none of it is the greatest for you, here are a few items I stick to that are lower in calories than some:

    Taco Bell Fresco Tacos - 150 cals
    McDonalds grilled chicken snack wraps - 260 cals
    Carl's Jr charbroiled BBQ chicken sandwich - 380 cals
    Various Subway subs, particularly ham.
    Instead of fries, I get a side salad with low fat / low cal dressing.

    With these choices I can stay under 500 cals per meal. Sure there's some extra fat and sodium in these foods so it's still a compromise, but these are the best I've found and I've still lost 20 lbs since January eating these foods with some regularity.

    Wow! Thank you =)
    I'm a full time college student and I work two jobs so I use to go get fast food like ALL the time.
  • braungal
    braungal Posts: 11 Member
    Check out the nutrition facts before you go...those grilled chicken sandwich are not necessarily better than a burger. Eat in moderation. I am on a restricted low protein diet so fast food is very hard. I love to pop into the local Food Coop and see what they have made...takes only a little bit longer than sitting in the drive through line. Otherwise I also do the grocery store and find a sweet juicy fruit or some sort of a different fruit to try or what they have chopped up already. Remember to shop the perimeter of the store. With produce right by the doors you can be in and out.
  • wolfchild59
    wolfchild59 Posts: 2,608 Member
    The salads at McDonalds are good if you get them with the grilled chicken (not the crispy) and don't use their dressings. When I would get them I'd either use my own low fat, low calorie dressing or if I'm truly on the go and can't get to my own dressing, I use a container of the BBQ sauce instead of one of their dressings.

    I get the Premium Bacon Ranch Salad with Grilled Chicken for 260 calories. My dressing is 30 calories per serving and the BBQ container from McDonald's is 50.

    Their other salad options are all between 220 and 320 with the grilled chicken and 90 to 140 with no chicken at all.

    At KFC you can get the two piece chicken meal, two grilled drumsticks, the corn on the cob and the mashed potatoes (don't eat the biscuit) all for about 330 calories.

    Or at Jack in the Box you can get the grilled chicken strip meal with the fruit cup and iced tea to drink for 338 calories.
  • chicalatte
    chicalatte Posts: 174
    I'm a vegetarian =/ but thanks =)
  • mamawildbear
    mamawildbear Posts: 93 Member
    I'm a vegetarian =/ but thanks =)

    So totally curious now. What sort of fast food do vegetarians crave? Besides french fries, I suppose.
  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member
    id get a spicy veggie wrap or something then maybe. If you really crave it, then get it, and try and eat lighter later

    i think thats about 450 cals
  • realrayne10
    realrayne10 Posts: 388 Member
    I usually go with the Jack in the Box Chicken Fajita Pita (no cheese). It is around 350 calories. I always add 3 - 4 extra glasses of water on these days to combat the sodium.
  • EricJonrosh
    EricJonrosh Posts: 823 Member
    Maybe if you don't indulge too much it'll be okay. Shawn at ate whatever he wanted and lost 150. If you want to spend 670 cals on a quarter pounder with cheese, that's your choice, just don't go over your calorie goal. Some people get sick from McDonalds after eating clean though. I would also examine your diet and see if you're eating anything that has a high glycemic index. Certain carbs will spike your insulin and then crash it and you'll have major cravings. Avoid the fries and get a nice burger somewhere, enjoy it, record your calories and move on.
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