My first pair of Vibram FiveFingers

The general consensus of this athletic gems are the physiological benefits they provide while performing excercise and overall daily activities. The benefits include:

1. Strengthens Muscles in foot and lower body.
2. Improves flexibility and range in motion in ankle, foot, and toes.
3. Improves balance and body awareness.
4. Helps align spine and improve overall body posture.
5. Simply feels good since feet move naturally and freely.

Man, I been wearing these shoes all weekend since I bought them, I dig them alot. I already know I will be getting two more pair. One pair will be all black to wear with my work attire. I would definitely recommend them to people that HEEL strike when they run or to people that are already exeriencing problems with there knees, hips, or feet.

Please, If you have some share your experience.


  • PlumCrazyGirl
    PlumCrazyGirl Posts: 1,463 Member
    I have been thinking about purchasing a pair for my work fitness test. Although, I heard rumors one military branch banned them from their fitness test.

    Glad to hear you're enjoying them.... makes me think a bit harder about getting a pair now.
  • bloodbank
    bloodbank Posts: 468 Member
    How do you find they feel on rougher ground? I prefer running barefoot... but I'm only ever on my treadmill. I'm doing an (outdoor) running event this summer though, and I'm looking at a pair of fivefingers.
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    How do you find they feel on rougher ground? I prefer running barefoot... but I'm only ever on my treadmill. I'm doing an (outdoor) running event this summer though, and I'm looking at a pair of fivefingers.

    I love my vibrams.

    I still feel every little rock or acorn (huge acorn crop in the park this year). They protect my feet from getting cut, but when I am on the trails I can still feel all the little rocks and bumps. That said on normal grass or trails that aren't extremely rocky, they are great.
  • Papaya81
    Papaya81 Posts: 90 Member
    My boyfriend is obsessed with them! He hasn't bought a pair yet and in fact recently bought a new pair of Nike Frees because he couldn't decide if he wanted to commit to Vibrams during the winter time. However, he seriously talks about them ALL the time. Keep us posted as you continue to use them!
  • paroxysm
    paroxysm Posts: 56
    I LOVE mine! I have the KSO, Sprint, and Bikala LS versions. I do get some hot spots in the sprints, but only if used for long distances. I mainly use my Bikala LS now for distance running, Sprints for aerobics/strength work, and KSO for daily walking wearing around shopping and such =)
    I can't imagine wearing anything else anymore. Before these, I always worked out/ran barefoot and had pain in my feet/knees when I was "forced" to wear shoes. The only time I didn't have pain was barefoot. These mimic barefoot decently as I don't get the foot and knee pain.
  • kbellnurse
    bump! just checked out the website, I'm intrigued!
  • quentien3
    quentien3 Posts: 134 Member
    Oh Yeah! I'm definitely grabbing a couple more pair. They're hot!
  • leslielove
    leslielove Posts: 251 Member
    I love my Sprints to death. I originally got them to lift weights in but now I wear them pretty much all the time. Running, hiking, beach, grocery shopping, etc etc. I feel like my feet are too crowded in regular shoes and I've always been a sandal wearer but now I wear nothing else. Looking to add some KSO's and probably a pair of Classics to the lineup soon.
  • bluespring
    bluespring Posts: 201 Member
    So...I didn't know what they were...
    So...I looked them up...found them way cool...and found I could get them local...
    So...I went to the store...found them on sale...and bought a pair..of the Sprints.
    Goofy-est looking things I've ever seen....
    They feel wearing the "toe socks" from way back when..
    So...naturally...I think I'm gonna love them!
    I'll wear them around for a few days...get the feel for them...before I take them for a spin.
    They're definitely going to take getting used to.
    Thanks for posting about them! :flowerforyou:
  • lodro
    lodro Posts: 982 Member
    Got them and I use them for long distance walking. I love how your posture changes while wearing them and the different style of walking. I'm considering buying the Trek style, because my KSOs "don't keep stuff out". LOL
  • Nigel99
    Nigel99 Posts: 498 Member
    I have been fascinated with these for a while, but just haven't jumped in and pulled the trigger. I just might have to pick up a pair one of these days though....
  • quentien3
    quentien3 Posts: 134 Member
    If you never bought a pair, they are definitely worth trying out! Trust me its not a waste.
  • backinthenines
    backinthenines Posts: 1,083 Member
    I had a pair of sprints when they first came out, then wore out a pair of KSOs and now I'm on my third pair which are a pair of Bikalas. I think those are my favourite so far, as I can safely take them onto tarmac as well as soft-ground runs.
  • quentien3
    quentien3 Posts: 134 Member
    I had a pair of sprints when they first came out, then wore out a pair of KSOs and now I'm on my third pair which are a pair of Bikalas. I think those are my favourite so far, as I can safely take them onto tarmac as well as soft-ground runs.

    I'm jealous right now. I originally went to the store to buy the Bikilas but they were all out of my size. However, I'm not disappointed because the treksports are pretty cool too!

    I must say, I will be buying me a pair of Bikilas for my outdoor running when the weather breaks.
  • Dbow0207
    Dbow0207 Posts: 220 Member
    So my question is, does your feet sweat? Because after a while wont they begin to stink?
  • RosieB405
    RosieB405 Posts: 150 Member
    I saw a guy at the airport wiht them on and I didn't know they had them for women. I should have know some one here would have them. That is why you all are the coolest:flowerforyou:
  • anzura
    anzura Posts: 171
    So my question is, does your feet sweat? Because after a while wont they begin to stink?

    I have 4 pair. I can handle runs around 13-15 miles before I really need some forefoot cushion. I have 2 KSOs, 1 Bikila, 1 sprint.

    My feet never sweat in the KSO's, but they do in he Bikila. However, the Bikila are the most comfortable by far! I get a hot spot on my big toe as well, but if I wear socks (Injinji) it fixes the prob. My KSO's never got stinky but my Bikilas do. Probably because of the sweat. Easy to spray off with the hose or toss in the wash.
  • c7eat2live
    c7eat2live Posts: 308 Member
    Im definitely not ready to commit to VFF yet...something about the way they look :) plus my little toe hides under number 4 and doesnt like to separated. I ordered the new for women Merrell minimlaist shoes...the pace I think. will be picking them up from REI next week...I have heard a lot of stellar reviews so Im psyched!
  • Newmammaluv
    Newmammaluv Posts: 379 Member
    I heard about these a while ago and really REALLY wanted to try them on because I HATE shoes. I am always barefoot or in flip flops even when it is raining!! But I wanted to try them before I invested in them and then the other day while driving locally I saw a pain in a window at a local shop sooooo now I will really have to go try a pair on.

    Do you notice that they stretch your toes?? If so does it pull on the tendons in your ankle or is it a more gentle stretch?
  • shaunshaikh
    shaunshaikh Posts: 616 Member
    I say skip the shoes and just learn to run barefoot.