Bitter Sweet!

I started my diet 18 days ago. I have been eating salads, fruits, and veggies...chicken is on salad so I make sure to get my protein. I have lost an amazing 15 pounds! Believe me it has been hard getting my butt to the gym to work out 2 hours a day and eating 100% healthy. My plan is to lose 50 pounds total by September 1st and at this rate I am going I know that I can do it if I stick to it. Anyways though I have some concerns. I am 21 years old (hardest thing I had to give up is drinking...Im a college student so its hard for me to turn down alcohol at parties :] but Im doing it!) 6ft tall, wear a size 14 jean, and currently 249 (start 264). I have not seen a difference....except in my face it is like half the size that it was! I heard 10lbs is like losing a pant size....but I havnt lost a size yet....anyone else have that problem? Also when I eat I often feel really sick afterwards and feel like im going to throw it back up.... (not on purpose :] ...) I havent thrown up yet but it just feels like its about to come up. Also I have been bruising extremly easily...I have been adding lifting to my cardio to make sure I dont lose muscle, but I dont know where the bruises are coming from. They are weird shapes and all up and down my legs...any suggestions how they got there?!


  • marsht
    marsht Posts: 3
    I've lost 16 lbs and haven't lost a pant size yet either. I think it depends on where you are losing from. Just keep at it you will lose a pant size or more soon enough :D
  • blondie1238
    blondie1238 Posts: 182
    I would have to wonder if you're getting the right nutrients... if you're bruising easily it's possibly you're becoming anemic. Maybe you should talk to your doctor and talk about nutrition... maybe you need a little more balance in your diet. Perhaps you've lost too much too quickly?
  • redhotmel12
    Did you take measurements before you started? If not, I would start now so you can track where you are losing so you don't feel like it's not coming off. Good work so far!! Keep at it!
  • NicolCook
    NicolCook Posts: 489 Member
    If you are bruising easily, you could be anemic. You may want to take a once a day vitamin or go have yourself checked out. Good job on sticking with the work!!

    I lost 25 lbs before I had to get smaller pants, so don't be discouraged.
  • oxnina
    oxnina Posts: 203 Member
    well part of the reason why you haven't lost a size yet it because everyone holds their weight differently. Because you 6 ft tall and a size 14, it might be a while before you drop a size. See for me, i'm 5'6" and i'm a size 14. Last year i lost a bit of weight (then gained it back) but when i lost 15 pounds, i went down a size. But i know some people on here who have lost 20 pounds aren't down a size yet. Because your tall, you hold your weigh differently as to someone who is a average to petite size. As for your bruising, go to the doctor. You could be iron deficient or have a thyroid problem. For feeling sick after your eating, you could just have a bug or allergy, or something more serious like an ulcer. I would most definitely go to a doctor. We can't tell you what you have, but these could just be some suggestions.

    Good job on losing 15 pounds! That's awesome, and good luck with everything!
  • mygirl15
    mygirl15 Posts: 16
    Did you take measurements before you started? If not, I would start now so you can track where you are losing so you don't feel like it's not coming off. Good work so far!! Keep at it!
    Thanks....I will have to look into finding something to measure with :]
  • mygirl15
    mygirl15 Posts: 16
    If you are bruising easily, you could be anemic. You may want to take a once a day vitamin or go have yourself checked out. Good job on sticking with the work!!

    I lost 25 lbs before I had to get smaller pants, so don't be discouraged.
    Well I know I am actually anemic....and have been taking Iron pills since Ive been little....I bruise pretty easily but these random bruises are new and have never happened before...maybe I will see if I can get some advice from my doctor. Thanks!
  • kevanos
    kevanos Posts: 304 Member
    15 lbs in 18 days sound troubling. that is really rapid weight loss.
  • tats76
    tats76 Posts: 9
    Are you getting enough iron in your diet? I would definitely check in with a doctor if you've suddenly begun to bruise so much, but it does sound like you might be lacking in iron.

    When do you eat? If you are eating too close to when you work out, you could get really nauseous (speaking from experience!), or if you wait too long to eat, sometimes that can make you feel sick when you finally do have a meal. And the foods you are eating - did you normally eat those types of food before? A sudden change in your diet could also take some getting used to.

    Give yourself some time - if you've only been on your diet 18 days, the results are probably still forming - toned muscles take some time to show up...but they will! :happy:
  • skinnyme125
    skinnyme125 Posts: 396 Member
    I would have to wonder if you're getting the right nutrients... if you're bruising easily it's possibly you're becoming anemic. Maybe you should talk to your doctor and talk about nutrition... maybe you need a little more balance in your diet. Perhaps you've lost too much too quickly?

    I agree, you sound anemic. Make sure you take a muli vitamin. Drink ensure or something. Talk to your doctor and get some blood work done to make sure your levels are all ok. This could be a very serious issue and you don't want to mess around with it. But it could be as simple as taking an iron supliment. Please do not put this off.
  • tifanieb
    tifanieb Posts: 67 Member
    As for the brusing it could be a lack of vitimin c. Make sure to take a high quality multivitimin or a multipack with omega3 fish oil. I would talk to your dr about your diet and exercise and see if they have an insight.
    I have lost 18 and my pants are baggy but i am not in the next size down yet either!! Totally normal.

    As for the drinking, just don't overdue it and try the lower calorie beers (or light beer) or make sure you burn off the calories you are ingesting from drinks, just remember that all that drinking is hard on your body so drink plenty of water and lemonaide to flush out your liver and kidneys of any toxins from your alcohol.

  • mygirl15
    mygirl15 Posts: 16
    Are you getting enough iron in your diet? I would definitely check in with a doctor if you've suddenly begun to bruise so much, but it does sound like you might be lacking in iron.

    When do you eat? If you are eating too close to when you work out, you could get really nauseous (speaking from experience!), or if you wait too long to eat, sometimes that can make you feel sick when you finally do have a meal. And the foods you are eating - did you normally eat those types of food before? A sudden change in your diet could also take some getting used to.

    Give yourself some time - if you've only been on your diet 18 days, the results are probably still forming - toned muscles take some time to show up...but they will! :happy:
    I have been eating 4 small meals a day...
    a granola bar before i work out ( 30 min before)
    some fruit after (a hour after)
    A small salad around lunch time
    and a salad around dinner...
    then I do some cardio a hour or so after that....
  • BunnybeeJG
    BunnybeeJG Posts: 344 Member
    You don't have to completely give up alcohol.. you just have to pick your booze wisely and of course not over do it... beer is pretty fattening.. I am a wine drinker myself so I've pretty much allowed wine and rum into my diet if i want it.. but so far i haven't really wanted it.

    you might not be getting ENOUGH protein if you're just putting chicken on salad every so often... how many calories are you taking in? I pretty much cut my calories in half... which was something my mothers doctor recommended she do... so i'm doing it instead and have never felt better.. Try the special K protein shakes and bars... and healthy choice meals... they are pretty high in proteins and other nutrients without all the insane amounts of calories... if you're going to the gym every single day.. you have to start taking one or two days off in between.. wher eyou just do aerobic exercises at home.. your body needs the rest or the muscles will grow into a state of immunity and it'll be harder.. don't deprive yourself just... be careful.. we can't live on lettuce alone without the vitamins and such we need... try adding something like a protein shake into your diet.. in the morning it helps to reduce hunger and doesn't have a crappy after taste... and of course its only 180-190 calories which is good... it doesn't ruin anything you're doing.
  • tats76
    tats76 Posts: 9
    I have been eating 4 small meals a day...
    a granola bar before i work out ( 30 min before)
    some fruit after (a hour after)
    A small salad around lunch time
    and a salad around dinner...
    then I do some cardio a hour or so after that....

    Wow, it sounds like you aren't eating enough with all the exercise you are doing.

    You should eat something within 30-45 (30 ideally) minutes when you are done exercising, and it's important to get in protein, carbs and potassium so your body can refuel itself and rebuild muscles. I can understand NOT wanting to eat when you've been working out, but it's really important that you do. My nutritionist has suggested a banana with some peanut butter (not gobs of it, but a tablespoon or so), cottage cheese and fruit, even a protein bar or things like that.

    Your body will probably feel much better if you eat sooner after your workouts, and the right types of foods. I know mine did. One of the things I do to exercise is play racquetball. I play for 2 hours, and it's a heck of a workout. I used to wait until after I got home, and after I showered, before I ate, and I usually ended up with a stomachache. Now, based on recommendations, I'm eating a packet of sports beans halfway through, and I make sure I eat about 20 minutes after I'm done and I feel much better.

    If you have a doctor who could recommend a nutritionist or can tell you herself, I would really recommend talking to someone who could give you guidance in regards to what foods, when and how much to eat. It sounds like you are really determined, which I admire, but you want to lose weight the healthy way.