c25k buddies

Starting c25k today. Anyone else want to join me? Has anyone used this program? I'd love to hear your story! :smile:


  • chefdan
    chefdan Posts: 53 Member
    I'm halfway through week 4. It's a great program. Have fun with it and remember to go at your own pace. The idea is to get yourself running without injury or burnout from starting too fast. Good luck!
  • ItsOn130
    ItsOn130 Posts: 269 Member
    I started today! Actually just posted about it! Have you already done day one? How did you do?
  • mrsbuzz
    mrsbuzz Posts: 576 Member
    I just got done yesteday doing my week 1 day 2. I can honestly say day 2 is better then day 1. I am so excited to keep going.
  • Panda_Jack
    Panda_Jack Posts: 829 Member
    Just finished Day 1. So far so good.
  • Monica_in_MO
    Monica_in_MO Posts: 162 Member
    Finished week 5 yesterday. I never, ever would have thought five weeks ago that I could have run for 20 minutes nonstop! And actually, I ended up going for 24:40 just because I could!! It is so hard and yet so rewarding. Best of luck to you.
  • ♥Violette♥4Ever♥
    Just finished Day 1. So far so good.

    Same here. Started yesterday and enjoyed it. However, I am a bit sore....lol. But I am ver proud that I got through W1/D1. I've been telling my friends that if I can do it, they can do it.....anyone can do it.
  • Wightvixen
    Wightvixen Posts: 117
    I start week 3 tomorrow, and after finding week 2 hard work, am dreading the 3 minute runs! After the first few runs I was so stiff the next day, but that seems to have passed now, so, progress of a sort :smile:
  • Atlantique
    Atlantique Posts: 2,484 Member
    Just finished W1D3. There are lots of threads around here with groups using this program.
  • karabeara
    karabeara Posts: 19 Member
    I did the program last spring and ran my first 5k shortly after. I'm now training for my first half marathon. I thought it was an awesome start back to running. I hadn't run since I was a teen.
  • Panda_Jack
    Panda_Jack Posts: 829 Member
    week 1 day 2 down. Easier than day 1 :D
  • mrsbuzz
    mrsbuzz Posts: 576 Member
    Yesterda I did week 2 day 1 and I actually did it. I was dreading it and nervous but I did it. Although my chest hurt a bit during the end of the jogging segment I did it and pushed through it.
  • Panda_Jack
    Panda_Jack Posts: 829 Member
    Week 1 Day 3 in the bag!
  • Jenyfur1
    Jenyfur1 Posts: 361
    Do you mind if I jump in?? I finished W1D3 yesterday and will be starting week 2 tomorrow. The first week was not too bad for me, but I am sure that week 2 is going to kick my butt!
  • Flacachica
    Flacachica Posts: 328 Member
    I'll join you... I just started today too. I am looking forward to actually becoming a "runner'.! LOL
  • msuzie
    msuzie Posts: 48 Member
    I finished c25k the first time back in October 2010, and let me tell you it really worked! I couldn't believe that I could run 30 minutes straight (very slowly, but still running!) But then life got in the way and I wasn't able to keep up the running, so now I just started it again this week. I finished w1d2 yesterday, but then I did three more 2-minute interval jogs after that, so I think I may be able to skip forward a lot faster this time. Just stick with it and you will definitely build up your endurance!
  • mrsbuzz
    mrsbuzz Posts: 576 Member
    I did week 2 day 2 yesterday and I couldn't do it. week 1 i did it and puch myself but for some reason i am can't. What are your speeds on a treadmill.
  • Nigel99
    Nigel99 Posts: 498 Member
    I'm not doing c25k, but something similar - the beginner training program on runnersworld.com. Similar build-up of run/walking, but 30 minutes on running days. Had no problems at all the first two workout days, so that is a good sign. I'm using the Run Keeper app on my phone to track my runs, and it is really fantastic at giving me some data to look at about the run. Looking forward to upping the ante in week 2.
  • Jenyfur1
    Jenyfur1 Posts: 361
    I did week 2 day 2 yesterday and I couldn't do it. week 1 i did it and puch myself but for some reason i am can't. What are your speeds on a treadmill.

    I am short, so I walk about 3.8 and run at 4.5-5.0... In my opinion, if you try to run too fast, then you will not stick with it. I am just starting this for the feeling of accomplishment. I want to make sure that I finish and I am not concerned about my times...I hope this helps.
  • Jenyfur1
    Jenyfur1 Posts: 361
    I did week 2 day 2 yesterday and I couldn't do it. week 1 i did it and puch myself but for some reason i am can't. What are your speeds on a treadmill.

    I am short, so I walk about 3.8 and run at 4.5-5.0... In my opinion, if you try to run too fast, then you will not stick with it. I am just starting this for the feeling of accomplishment. I want to make sure that I finish and I am not concerned about my times...I hope this helps.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I'm a graduate! :smile:

    My first real 5k is in two weeks. I started walking at 3.5 and jogging at 5mph. Now I typically jog between 5.5 and 6.5 mph. My comfortable jogging pace is 5.5, but I'm trying to amp it up a little.