Seriously? I mean Seriously?



  • I have a Toy Fox Terrier who LOVES the outdoors. I adopted him from Arkanasas and I live in Massachusetts. Even during snowfall, windy days, etc. he is pulling me on the leash to "go walk". Sometimes I have to carry him to a shoveled spot bc to "potty" and yet he wants to climb snowfalls! ;-}

    I am going to try jogging this spring [walk the treadmill 6 nights/ week and do stairs regularly] and I'll bet you this little guy will be SUPER HAPPY to join me! And by the spring. he'll no longer need his jacket! *wink*

    Yes, But you are a cute girly girl, walking or running your doggie.
    Not a Big Ol, Macho dude running his lil thingy bopper.
  • pyro13g
    pyro13g Posts: 1,127 Member
    Small dogs don't have enough mass to stay warm when cold out. They must wear a coat for their health. If it was cold and the owner put a coat on his pooch, it's proper care by a good owner. His "stones" are not in question for doing it and he get's an upgrade to his man card.
  • Small dogs don't have enough mass to stay warm when cold out. They must wear a coat for their health. If it was cold and the owner put a coat on his pooch, it's proper care by a good owner. His "stones" are not in question for doing it and he get's an upgrade to his man card.

    Ummmmm, I am not too sure if he had a man card?
  • jamie1888
    jamie1888 Posts: 1,704 Member
    Small dogs don't have enough mass to stay warm when cold out. They must wear a coat for their health. If it was cold and the owner put a coat on his pooch, it's proper care by a good owner. His "stones" are not in question for doing it and he get's an upgrade to his man card.

    We are just saying how funny it is to see a big, mucle-head, full of macho with a tiny, little dog. The visual is funny.
  • Small dogs don't have enough mass to stay warm when cold out. They must wear a coat for their health. If it was cold and the owner put a coat on his pooch, it's proper care by a good owner. His "stones" are not in question for doing it and he get's an upgrade to his man card.

    We are just saying how funny it is to see a big, mucle-head, full of macho with a tiny, little dog. The visual is funny.

    Funny and just not right?
  • kimmerroze
    kimmerroze Posts: 1,330 Member
    I think it is funny, But I also think it is sweet! shows he has a tender side, and is more likely to not be a d**k... =) not saying that men who own a big dog are all d**ks... Just an observation. =)
  • believetoachieve
    believetoachieve Posts: 675 Member
    Small dogs don't have enough mass to stay warm when cold out. They must wear a coat for their health. If it was cold and the owner put a coat on his pooch, it's proper care by a good owner. His "stones" are not in question for doing it and he get's an upgrade to his man card.

    HUGE hugs for you!! I'm glad people get this. People don't understand when I put a coat on my chihuahua that it's for her health and safety. She shivers when the tiniest wind blows by and her entire body convulses when there's snow, it's terrible! (Though admittedly, I do buy the adorable coats!). Haha

    What a funny visual. He's secure in his masculinity, clearly!! I admire that! :smile:
  • Pinoy_Pal
    Pinoy_Pal Posts: 280 Member
    Gotta give the man mad props for not being insecure and for being confident in himself....kudos to you sir!
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    lmao i saw some little wannabe thug walking through my aprtments the other day trying to look very gangster walking a yorki with a pink bow in its hair
  • lklein
    lklein Posts: 215 Member
    I just got to thinking about it and I have the opposite going on..I am 5 foot tall ish and I have an english mastiff that as of 2 weeks ago weighs more than me! 178 pounds and he is huge.. Probably looks like I am walking a mini pony :laugh:

    I'm Jealous... I want a mastiff so bad :cry:

    I have a large dog 100# and people say he looks huge when I walk him (I'm only 5'3"). I guess this guy has the opposite problem... I do have to laugh when I see this
  • wriglucy
    wriglucy Posts: 1,064 Member
    Hahaha...that was awesome! I wasn't expecting that :)
  • lmao i saw some little wannabe thug walking through my aprtments the other day trying to look very gangster walking a yorki with a pink bow in its hair

  • Hahaha...that was awesome! I wasn't expecting that :)

    I wasn't either!!!!! lol
  • Gotta give the man mad props for not being insecure and for being confident in himself....kudos to you sir!

    Hmmmmm :huh:
  • ROTFLMAO!!!!
  • ickybella
    ickybella Posts: 1,438 Member
    Aww, I think that's cute!
  • MissAnjy
    MissAnjy Posts: 2,480 Member
    lmao i saw some little wannabe thug walking through my aprtments the other day trying to look very gangster walking a yorki with a pink bow in its hair

  • Mrs_McFadden
    Mrs_McFadden Posts: 1,139
    Last week when I was riding my bicycle throughout my neighborhood I saw a boy around the age of 11 or so walking three Chihuahuas [thank god for spell check on that word] ..I should say rather that he was being led by those three Chihuahuas.. down the embankment into a ditch LOL. Poor kid.
  • Now I am cracking up laughing because to the right of this post is a advertisement for Little Doggie Carriers....I wonder if he has one and if so, what color? :wink:
  • kelika71
    kelika71 Posts: 778 Member
    Even My dog looked at that little dog like "WTF?"

    LOL!!! Mine would've done the same!
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