To Much Sugar??

Ok so i have yet to have a day where my sugar has not gone over.. Yes i realize i do eat chocolate like in my fiber bars, or rice cake snakes, or my special K cereal =] But even before that... Just my morning shake and two apples i had at lunch and i was over by like 20g. Is this bad???
Im losing weight- more than i think i should be at this point, its been a week today and ive lost 4lbs but just thought i should see if anyone else is having this problem... Yes i am a Choco-holic =] lol

Any suggestions??

I never thought fruit could be bad for you :/ I mean at least not two apples a day lol


  • ms_erica
    ms_erica Posts: 173 Member
    as long as its not refined sugar then you will be ok. Natural sugars from apples or any other fruits are suppose to help you along the way...especially while working out because from what i heard they metabolize into energy to keep u going...
  • rikiOR
    rikiOR Posts: 13
    Don't feel bad I go over everyday!! I guess it really doesn't make a huge difference in my weight loss. I've lost 24 lbs in 8 weeks. But I do try really hard not to exceed.
  • kitchentales
    I often go over my sugar goals as well. I'm not sure how sugar is calculated on MFP, but I would think that the natural sugars in apples are way better than the artificial stuff in chocolate bars etc. I've stopped watching my sugars, and I'm just watching where I get it from. Did all those sugars come from fruit, and home cooked meals that were healthy? Or did they come from the cake/brownies/ice cream etc that I ate when I didn't really need to...? I found this site helpful:

    In the end, I ignore sugars if they're from a healthy source, unless I'm doubling my intake or going over by a lot! This might be wrong though, so I'm going to stick around to see what others say...
  • HealthierMamasita
    HealthierMamasita Posts: 1,126 Member
    I've heard 32 grams and 40 grams so wo knows. You should ask your doctor.

    40 grams of sugar refers mainly to added sugar, which is anything that is put into foods rather that which is naturally occurring such as in fruit. By this logic, for instance, ALL sugar in soda would be considered "added," since the beverage itself is constructed rather than harvested.
  • singer201
    singer201 Posts: 560 Member
    MFP has the sugar set really low. I limit my total carbs to 100 g/day for a Primal Blueprint food plan, and that usually leaves little room for extra carbs other than about 2 small servings of fruit, lots of fresh veggies, some milk or Greek yogurt, and an occasional small serving of bread per day. MFP still has me over their recommendation of "sugar" by a significant amount. Unless you're overdoing on fruits (sugar IS sugar) and sweet treats with a corresponding high carb intake, I'd say don't sweat it.
  • khouse1991
    Thanks so much!!! Yeah i ate two oranges for breakfast one day and i was over by like 10g i was like OMG!! lol
    Most of my sugar is from my fiber bars, my daily breakfast shake- (milk sugars mostly) and fruit.. I love fruit! =]
  • LazyMogg
    LazyMogg Posts: 162
    Ok so i have yet to have a day where my sugar has not gone over.. Yes i realize i do eat chocolate like in my fiber bars, or rice cake snakes, or my special K cereal =] But even before that... Just my morning shake and two apples i had at lunch and i was over by like 20g. Is this bad???
    Im losing weight- more than i think i should be at this point, its been a week today and ive lost 4lbs but just thought i should see if anyone else is having this problem... Yes i am a Choco-holic =] lol

    Any suggestions??

    I never thought fruit could be bad for you :/ I mean at least not two apples a day lol

    I don't think the natural fructose in apples is going to do much harm and apples can help keep cholesterol down too. However, I wonder about the chocolate. You say you're a chocoholic? Well I wonder how much chocolate you do actually eat? Probably not as much as you think. I always used to say that too but then one day I sat and thought about it and realised that I actually ate chocolate only once or twice a week and that doesn't make me a chocoholic. Work out how much of it you do eat and see if it really is that much. If it's not then enjoy it as part of your planned snacks. If it is then maybe you should give it up for a while or start counting it properly so that you can still enjoy it as part of your diet.

    You could also examine the sugary foods you are having and see if you can make some changes there but you're obviously doing well with your weight loss at this point, so you don't need to worry too much I guess.
  • shreddingit
    shreddingit Posts: 1,133 Member
    fruit is good for you but can also fatten you up if you eat them too much, fiber bars are bad if they have a lot of sugar...get ur fiber elswhere.