My First Topic on MFP. Suggestions Needed.

boehle Posts: 5,062 Member
edited September 24 in Health and Weight Loss
My First Topic on MFP.

Tomorrow marks one week of MFP.
Last week was a rough week but I feel like I can do this.
The way that I have been going, it says I will be down 15lbs in 5 weeks.
That kind of depresses me because that is only 3 lbs a week but I guess that is better then
no lbs in a week.
My first weigh in will be this friday, and every friday there on after.
What is everyone finding to be the most productive workouts at home?
I am starting to walk about 20 mins or so on my lunch break.
Then after work, homework with my son, dinner and laundry... I have been doing
"Jillian Michaels, 30 day shred".
I do love the workout but I only do that for about 25-30 mins.
I could do all three sessions but Id like to be able to walk the next day haha
Any other suggestions after to help me burn a few extra calories?
Also, please feel free to add me, so we can motivate each other.
Do people also do snacks? I dont usually do snacks.
I do a Dannon Lit and Fight for breakfast.
Lunch is usually where I am not so controlled because I am not a big fan of lunchmeat
because I used to work in a deli. Suggestions to take for lunch?
Then dinner, I usually make something light like baked chicken.

Thanks in advance for any thoughts and suggestions.


  • fdgrafius
    fdgrafius Posts: 21 Member
    Way to keep at it! Snacks are a must... well, PLANNED snacks are a must. 8) The cliche is right, though: 5-6 small meals throughout the day is best. I've been doing P90X for 4 months now and have lost 60 lbs. It's pretty demanding, but I really like it. Best of luck to you!
  • lilcrittert
    lilcrittert Posts: 105
    I take leftovers for lunch because like you, I don't care for lunchmeat. Sometimes I take a salad, but most of the time, I like to take chicken or fish with lots of fresh veggies that I microwave.
  • boehle
    boehle Posts: 5,062 Member
    I keep seeing everyone post about P90X.... what is that?
  • leomom72
    leomom72 Posts: 1,797 Member
    My First Topic on MFP.

    Tomorrow marks one week of MFP.
    Last week was a rough week but I feel like I can do this.
    The way that I have been going, it says I will be down 15lbs in 5 weeks.
    That kind of depresses me because that is only 3 lbs a week but I guess that is better then
    no lbs in a week.
    My first weigh in will be this friday, and every friday there on after.
    What is everyone finding to be the most productive workouts at home?
    I am starting to walk about 20 mins or so on my lunch break.
    Then after work, homework with my son, dinner and laundry... I have been doing
    "Jillian Michaels, 30 day shred".
    I do love the workout but I only do that for about 25-30 mins.
    I could do all three sessions but Id like to be able to walk the next day haha
    Any other suggestions after to help me burn a few extra calories?
    Also, please feel free to add me, so we can motivate each other.
    Do people also do snacks? I dont usually do snacks.
    I do a Dannon Lit and Fight for breakfast.
    Lunch is usually where I am not so controlled because I am not a big fan of lunchmeat
    because I used to work in a deli. Suggestions to take for lunch?
    Then dinner, I usually make something light like baked chicken.

    Thanks in advance for any thoughts and suggestions.

    i have learned NOT to listen to what it says for 5 weeks down the road..i have been doing this for almost 5 weeks, and when i 1st started, it said, if everyday were like today, you would be 163 in 5 weeks..i just BARELY got out of my 170s yesterday..i don't trust that thing @ all..not to say it won't work for others for workouts, i do ea sports active 2 on wii..i an in a 9 week program, and my trainer creates a work out for me 4 times a week, and i usually sweat pretty workouts last anywhere from 28-40 mins..feel free to add me if you like..let me know anything you need help with, or just to chat..i could always use more motivation of luck to you :D
  • leomom72
    leomom72 Posts: 1,797 Member
    I keep seeing everyone post about P90X.... what is that?

    p90x is a hard core intense workout..i know many people who have had success with it, but you MUST stay with it for, i think, 60 days
  • taraglittle
    taraglittle Posts: 14 Member
    The Shred is awesome, I think combining one session with walking should be plenty unless you start to plateau. Lunch, leftovers are good, I sometimes pack mine right after I cook, That way it already taken care of. I snack, once between breakfast and lunch and once between lunch and dinner. 3 lbs a week sound great I am only expected to lose 1-2lbs a week:angry:
    Good luck!!!!!!!
  • First thing is dont get yourself overwhelmed. Take bay steps at first. Set small goals that you can achieve. It may take a little longer to get to where you wanna be but with each success of overcoming a goal gives you more motivation to reach the next. And snacks are definately a big help! Also I give myself 1 day a week I can splurge a little. If I go a little over goal its ok as long as I dont go way over. It keeps me on track and gives me something to work for.
  • boehle
    boehle Posts: 5,062 Member
    I dont think Ill lose the 3 lbs per say a week.
    Tomorrow is officially a week and friday is my first weight in.
    Last week was rough due to it being "that time of the month" and I had to splurge with some chocoalte!
    Id really love to lose 2lbs atleast a week.
    I just feel like I am not seeing any progress but I know it takes time.

    What do you guys suggest as snacks?
  • I eat small meals through out the day. I like frsh fruits and veggies as snacks. I also like vitatop muffins, they are in the frozen section. 100 calories low fat and lots of fiber to help you stay full. Also, granola bars like the south beach protien fit bars are good, light string cheese is a good snack as well. Popcorn is also a good choice. Good luck! 1-2lbs a week is pretty normal. I have lost a total of 100lbs and I have kept 85% of it off for a year. I need a jumpstart to loosing again. I have gained some back from the holidays.
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    I don't know if you like chicken chunk. But I've been switching up my lunches with 3oz of chicken chunk from BJ's with 1/2 rice. The other day I took some sugar snap peas and threw those in with the chicken by itself and that was good. I like string cheese or almonds as a snack. Also Nature Valley Granola thins are a great snack and only like 80 calories. I've been trying to incorporate yogurt in as well as a snack but I see your having that for breakfast. Apples and a dab of peanut butter is good too.
  • KansasGal
    KansasGal Posts: 268 Member
    i have been doing smart ones frozen meals. they are delish and less than 300 calories a meal! affordable also. for snacks i do a fiber one bar in the morning and afternoon snack is a banana or some type of fruit. plan ahead is what i am learning! know what you are going to eat so you dont just go and try to find something.
  • I know today was a bad day for me due to that time of the month but normaly what has realy helped me a lot was at the end of the day for my between dinner and bed snack I could eat 2 squares of the great value chocolate cookie dough. The kind already portioned. And a chocolate snack pack pudding cup and it realy helped curb that craving and wasnt too horribly high on calories.
  • I know today was a bad day for me due to that time of the month but normaly what has realy helped me a lot was at the end of the day for my between dinner and bed snack I could eat 2 squares of the great value chocolate cookie dough. The kind already portioned. And a chocolate snack pack pudding cup and it realy helped curb that craving and wasnt too horribly high on calories.
  • jllipson
    jllipson Posts: 646
    Depending on how well you have kept with your plan, if you've done really good, you could see a good amount lost on first weigh-in, I know my husband, sister and brother in law all lost over 10 the first week, mine was 4. Just depends on the food and exercise you have done. The weeks following all depend on activity level as well as daily food intake. 4-5 meals per day, I try to intake most of my carbs early, as the program my husband is in told them that's the best way. He was also told to make lunch the big meal of the day and dinner a light meal. We both eat different for breakfast and lunch. But our dinners are usually chicken, pork or fish with a bag of Steamers vegetables to split and maybe a yogurt or cheese. If either of us are low on calories, normally we do a protein shake shortly after dinner. We both tend to do workouts either before or after dinner.

    Also, because you aren't too far from me, Depends on if you are interested, but the program my husband is in is called Melody's Boot Camp - takes place in Boone County, KY. The website is
    I have seen of others in the Cincinnati area, but don't know anything about those, but there may be some type of boot camp close to you that you aren't aware of. Might check into it - they can help with getting you on track to eating right as well as exercise.

    Good Luck!
  • pinkgigi
    pinkgigi Posts: 693 Member
    For lunch, I make a salad, but to simplify it I grate some carrot and cut corn off the cob and keep that in the fridge and twice a week I make 2 salads, put on some low fat dip for taste, and at work add a small tin of tuna. That covers 4 days and the other day I buy my lunch (which I have decided in advance).

    For snacks I have a low-fat yoghurt for morning tea and a piece of fruit for afternoon tea, and before I cook dinner I have a ryvita.

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