fractured foot stomping on progress. help!

rainbowcheerios Posts: 17
edited September 24 in Motivation and Support
Hey guys. I've been here for about 1 1/2 months. And i've lost 9 pounds with some bumps in the rode. But now I fractured my foot and can't do color guard, go on walks OR do PE which were my main form of exercise. Now I feel lost and haven't tracked for a week. What are your tips for keeping my progress rolling while I let my foot heal (besides watching calories)


  • crazy4flyers
    crazy4flyers Posts: 5 Member
    There are a lot of upper body only workouts such as boxing that help get your heart rate up. Jillian Michaels talks a lot in her workouts about how boxing is great for people recovering from lower body injuries. Good luck!
  • pinkgigi
    pinkgigi Posts: 693 Member
    I had this same problem last year, and allowed it to derail me, don't let that happen to you!!!

    Go to the gym and do upper body stuff, and can you ride on the stationary bicycle? You will definitely need to modify the calories until your activity level is back up.

    Sorry to hear about the injury and I wish you luck in healing.

  • thank you guys SO much :]

    I was actually JUST talking to my boyfriend about how I'm interested in boxing. I'm going to defiantly look into starting with that. And yeah, I figured I'd have to. SO hard for me. I may be a vegetarian but I have the WORST sweet tooth :P
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