What would you have done?? Restaurant issue related



  • LOVEsummer
    LOVEsummer Posts: 304 Member
    I have had to learn to send things back, I just try to be realllllly nice about it and apologize. I was a waitress and it isn't that hard and I never cared as long as people are polite. Also, when I get bad service I leave NO tip at all... a tip is earned not expected IMO. I read somewhere that you can either waste food on a plate or waist it on your thighs and it helps me remember that my health is more important than the 5 min it takes to get the order fixed <3
  • heidlynn
    heidlynn Posts: 2
    I hate sending stuff back! We had a less than stellar Applebee's visit recently, too! A suggestion for next time is to preview the menu. I did that online and found out the 2 for 20 steak dinner is not a bad deal, calorically speaking. I would also not count the meal, since you didn't eat everything but count the ingredients you did eat, by adding them each separately. Good Luck!
  • LeslieRoyale
    LeslieRoyale Posts: 331 Member
    From someone that's been in the restaurant business, including being a manager for a very high profile sports bar, for almost 20 years...always send it back if it's not correct. Trust me, mess ups happen, but we (restaurant managers) would rather know about it and be able to correct the situation, then have EXACTLY what is happening here! Because now you've had a bad experience, and are telling everyone about it!! LOL But really, you're paying for it, you should get what you ordered.

    As far as people 'doing' things to your food...I've worked in kitchens, been a server and a bartender, and I have NEVER seen anyone do something to someone's food! I'm not saying it's 'never happened', but I think it's almost like an urban legend!!

    Good for you for looking it up and being accountable, though!!
  • arfdemob5
    arfdemob5 Posts: 109 Member
    I never ever ever send food back! I worked in a restaurant once and saw what they do to your food if you send it back. I would rather eat a meal I didn't want, that was improperly prepared than eat BOOT DIRT! But, after everyone else is finished I will ask for the manager and let them know what happened, they always offer to bring something else out, and I always politely decline.
  • Giovanni_P
    Giovanni_P Posts: 107
    As the waitress was sitting the incorrect meal in front of me, I would have told her that I did not order this. Your meal, the one you ordered was probably sent to another table, and they probably sent it back.
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    I would have sent it back. If someone brings me something that I didn't order it's wrong. I want what I ordered. Period. Especially if it had been something low cal like that.
  • Can75
    Can75 Posts: 13 Member
    A nice range of answers. Thank you. -- The excess calories wasn't as painful as they could have been because I was only at 350 for the day when we got there. Which is why I was so freaking hungry when we got there.

    The waitress did tell us it was her first day "by herself" . One of the other waitresses in her area tried to pick up her slack, but it was too little too late. Mostly we sat there for fifteen minutes before the Manager finally came over to get our drink order. Then I asked her not once, not twice, but THREE times for a tea refill. I ate my entire meal with an empty glass. grrrr... My husband had asked for a beer refill -- this is where the other waitress picked up the slack -- because she overheard the beer request & noticed he hadn't received it yet. It was the other waitress that also overheard my "That's not what I ordered" comment AND noticed we were sitting there for another 20 minutes twiddling our thumbs after our meal was complete & got us our ticket. [/end rant]

    Thank you all for your input. I doubt we will be going back anytime soon -- but ever in that scenario again -- I will send it back.
  • Can75
    Can75 Posts: 13 Member
    As the waitress was sitting the incorrect meal in front of me, I would have told her that I did not order this. Your meal, the one you ordered was probably sent to another table, and they probably sent it back.

    Just to clarify -- Basically it was lack of training combined with poor Server skills-- I ordered one thing & the waitress put in another. It was not a kitchen error -- it was her error for hitting the wrong button. The person who brought it out asked if I wanted to send it back -- but again I was HUNGRY, so I kept it. If I would have realized the calorie difference I would have.

    As for MFP mobile -- Husband & I have a "no phones at dinner" rule. It works for us.
  • Silky815
    Silky815 Posts: 367 Member
    I would have said to send it back, but as mentioned before, I would be afraid of something being done to my food. What you need to do, is file a complaint on the Applebee's website, and make sure someone calls you back about this. I have had trouble like this before, and they called me and also sent me a gift card, to have dinner on them. It is always worth a shot. Good luck.
  • strbryt
    strbryt Posts: 488 Member
    FIrst I would like to say that I have been a server for 3yrs now and I myself would have sent the food back. Second I agree with the fact that I have NEVER seen anything remotely nasty done to sombody's food when it is sent back. I would also agree with saying you should get the service that you paid for. Nobody is perfect and server's have bad or off days just like anyone else but no matter thier mood you should get the complete attention and best service. I am sure even without your DH leaving a detailed message on the bill that the server knew why her tip was awful. Always send your food back but don't let one unplanned meal set you back either. You are doing great.
  • Can75
    Can75 Posts: 13 Member
    I just sent an email to Applebee's via their website.

    Thank you all for your support.
  • vitosbud
    vitosbud Posts: 54 Member
    I run a restaurant and I can tell you I WANT to know when we've done something incorrectly. There really is nothing that can make up for the loss of a guest's goodwill. Some folks find it hard to "complain" and I just tell them they're not complaining... just helping me make my business better. Mistakes happen and I want to fix them as quickly as possible. We want your dinner to be right cuz we want to see you again :)
  • soysos
    soysos Posts: 187 Member



    same here, your not likely to find a restaurant manager that would disagree. we need to know where mistakes are being made in the kitchen so we can fix them, the more mistakes that are made the more money going in the trash. plus eating one meal and paying for another doesn't seem like much, but if it happens a lot this can really screw up inventory. just try not to be rude about it to the wait staff.
  • MakingAChoice
    MakingAChoice Posts: 481 Member
    If I was starving I would have sent it back and sucked down a bunch of water and maybe asked for a side salad with no dressing to hold me over until the meal was done. If we are going to take care of ourselves we HAVE to be willing to say no when people try to mess you up. I have looked at the Applebee's menu and already knew the 550 menu is the only place I will even consider ordering from. It sounds like you did not realize the menu was so bad. So just chalk it up to a lesson learned and move on. One meal is not going to ruin all your progress so don't worry about it.
  • zorbaru
    zorbaru Posts: 1,077 Member
    i send it back saying that i am severely allergic to whatever is in that meal that isnt in the one i ordered.

    that way you get sympathy as well as what you ordered. and they cant say "this is what you ordered"

    i had that once when i ordered pepper sauce and got mushroom sauce. i HATE mushrooms and she tried to convince me that that was what i ordered and i said "im allergic to mushrooms so why the hell would i order them"
  • mrsmojo82
    mrsmojo82 Posts: 54 Member
    I would have sent it back for sure!
  • Elli0tt
    Elli0tt Posts: 49
    I would have definitely sent it back. I get a lot of positive attention and respect for how well I take care of myself and how closely I watch what I do to my body. And if I have to receive some negative attention for it sometimes, then so be it. I see things differently because I'm a diabetic, and if I order something low on carbs and sugar, I'm doing it because my very health is at stake, I will not accept being brought a meal I didn't order that has a ton of carbs and sugar because it directly/immediately effects my health. So when you look at it like that, why should anyone else (diabetic or not) feel guilty about sending something back when their health is at stake as well. Not being diabetic shouldn't make it any less important, its YOUR health. A lot of times, the negative attention is what gets you the most respect. Let people know you aren't messing around ya know?

    I have had to send back orders for that very reason, you hear rumors about food getting messed with if you send it back. So I always remain very polite and apologetic when sending something back, and I always let them know I'm diabetic and that thats why I'm sending it back. That always seems to help them realize that I legitimately NEED exactly what I ordered, so feel free to use that as an excuse if your ever uncomfortable with sending your food back. :-)
  • Elli0tt
    Elli0tt Posts: 49
    I've been a waiter for awhile, and it seems like an urban legend because you are a manager lol...it happens, at least in vegas it does!