Ate a whole container/box of...



  • Elbee1
    Elbee1 Posts: 2,179 Member
    Box of HoHos.
    Bag of Hostess white powdered donuts. (not the little sleeves).
    Bag of Brach's chocolate covered peanuts.
  • MeghanAM
    MeghanAM Posts: 222 Member
    I think I could eat a whole box of almost anything tasty. My body doesn't get the "full" signal, ever! :laugh:

    I haven't done any recently, but I've eaten a whole box of cheese-its, thin mints, a whole can of pringles... more than once. And I won't even buy big bags of candy (M&Ms, skittles, and things like that) because I WILL eat the whole bag.
  • megan_mp
    megan_mp Posts: 77
    A box of Girl Scout Samoas
    An entire recipe/pan of Rice Krispie Treats (homemade)
    A large bag of Peanut M&Ms
    A full bag of Ruffles Sour Cream and Cheddar chips
    A full bag of Chili Cheese Fritos
    Homemade quick nachos (half a bag of nacho cheese doritos and half a brick of shredded cheese).

    Sometimes I wish I could just indulge that way for a day - well, not that massive amount of food, but at least have enough of the food to satisfy the craving. Sometimes a few is just not enough.

    That's why they're called chipS, and not chip.
  • corsayre8
    corsayre8 Posts: 551 Member
    A box of Girl Scout Samoas....Grrr.

    Lol, I've done that too. Based on how many other peoplehave thesame answer, looks like we are in good company.

    On a possitive note, those boxes have less in them than they used to :-)
  • rebeccaS85
    rebeccaS85 Posts: 141
    I ate a whole container/box of....

    A whole container of Cool Whip
    An entire bag of Chips (that we bought for family movie night, which I had to go out and replace and hide the evidence)
    Definitely a box of Girl Guides cookies (the chocolate mint Christmas ones)
    A jar of homemade relish complete with cheese and crackers
    Definitely an entire pan of Rice Krispies
  • My pre-fit days, about a month ago, I polished off an entire supreme DiGiorno pizza w/ about six beers and a Clint Eastwood movie. Now, currently and last week, I missed a meal, and I was HUNGREY. We have a place called Sweet Tomatos (A salad bar buffet place), pure healthy goodness with some unhealthy choices, but I stuck to my guns, and I think I went up to the line at least 6 times. I DID get looks.
  • MakingAChoice
    MakingAChoice Posts: 481 Member
    Um a block of cheese not even the reduced fat kind....

    I've done half a block w/ crackers.... on more than 1 occasion!! I have an addiction to cheese....

    Add some ham and been there done that.
  • An entire 6 pack of Franz bakeries raspberry filled powdered donuts, @250 calories per doughnut!
    *shame* :embarassed:

    Good God man!!!! I would of hate to seen your suger levels.
  • downtome
    downtome Posts: 529 Member
    Definately 1/2 of a small to medium size cheese cake with a 2 hour period. I could eat the whole thing myself if I didn;t have to share with the kids. Oh, and 2-3 pints of Ben & Jerry's "Heath Toffe Crunch" icecream, EVERYDAY! Before I started on MFP anyway, that was sooooo bad of me but it was soooooo good! I always felt like crap too each and everyday I would ridicule myself for eating like that, I'm so glad I don't anymore! This feels sooooo much better!
  • Snelllee
    Snelllee Posts: 23 Member
    A whole box of thin mints...dang girl scouts!
  • wolfchild59
    wolfchild59 Posts: 2,608 Member
    It's been years since i've polished off a full container of anything but Arctic Zero. But some things I've polishe off before then:

    Entire pack of Oreos
    Any number of pints of ice cream
    Bag of Ruffles with a pint of sour cream taco dip
    Cans of Pringles
    Full loaf of sourdough (or sweet french) bread and a container of ranch dip
    Large sized bags of Peanut Butter M&M's
    Appetizer Sampler platters at El Toritos restaurant (that are supposed to be for 2-4 people)
    Entire full-sized bottle of Martinelli's Sparkling Cider
    Summer Sausage

    I'm sure there's been more, that's just what I can think of offhand. The hubby and I were infamous for just breaking open a package of something and killing it in a sitting. Things we've polished off together (multiple times):

    Boxes of Entenmann's donut holes
    Entenmann's coffee cakes
    Pizzas (large, New York style ones)
    Bags of chips
    Jars of salsa
    Containers of dip
    Bags of pita bread and containers of hummus
    Packages of cookies, various kinds
    Boxes of crackers
    Huge spreads of fresh cut charcuterie and artisan cheeses
    Box of a dozen Krispy Kreme donuts (or regular donuts)

    Again, there's more, that's just the top of the head stuff. The hubby is taller and bigger than me, but even he admits tha I can out eat him by at least 25%. We were in Reno last weekend and I way out ate him at the buffet we went to. I call myself the bottomless pit. lol
  • StGlen
    StGlen Posts: 1
    A box of Girl Scout Samoas....Grrr.

    Two weeks ago I ate 2 1/2 boxes of girlscout cookies in one night. I alternated between the samoas and the tagalongs to maintain a balanced diet. I think I ate 6 boxes of cookies in 3 or 4 days.
  • JenCM
    JenCM Posts: 195
    I'm chiming in with the Girl Scout cookie answer. lol. That was just last year (we've got boxes now, but I haven't touched them) - I EASILY ate a whole box of Samoas or Tag-a-longs....more than once. =/

    A box of those 12, coconut crumb, medium sized donuts.

    Over half a box of wheat thins....a whole box if I had hummus or cream cheese.

    A bag of Boulder potato chips

    Half a Cheesecake factory cheesecake....

    A bag of Reese's cups or Snickers

    The list goes on and on....I didn't get this heavy by NOT eating a whole bag of something!! haha
  • zorbaru
    zorbaru Posts: 1,077 Member
    when i was younger (17) i would be able to drink 2ltrs of iced coffee in one shift at the supermarket i worked at.

    these days i would be lucky to have a 600ml carton per month.
  • Elli0tt
    Elli0tt Posts: 49
    I've killed 2 liters of soda in one sitting, boxes of wheat thins, entire cans of honey roasted cashews. Boxes of Froot loops w/ the lil marshmellows. Boxes of chips ahoy cookies, 4 slabs of steak in one night...I can BE...A...PIG at times
  • sassyg
    sassyg Posts: 393
    2 1/2lb blocks of chocolate

    it was about all I could eat for a while when I was pregnant. I did it every day for about 3 weeks.
  • wolfchild59
    wolfchild59 Posts: 2,608 Member
    Oh yeah, nuts! I would buy tins of the Blue Diamond Smokehouse Almonds and eat the whole thing in one sitting. I had to start buying the larger bags just so they'd last more than one go, but then had to force myself to stop eating those. lol

    And I could kill any size of cashews of any kind you'd put anywhere near me.
  • Elli0tt
    Elli0tt Posts: 49
    I also used to be a competitive weight lifter, and was encouraged by my coach to eat as much protein and healthy calories as I could a day. This was back when I was 240lbs and had 6% body fat but EVERY SINGLE DAY of my senior year in high school i would buy a gallon of milk in the morning before school and I always finished it before my 3rd period was over.
  • sassyg
    sassyg Posts: 393
    My pre-fit days, about a month ago, I polished off an entire supreme DiGiorno pizza w/ about six beers and a Clint Eastwood movie. Now, currently and last week, I missed a meal, and I was HUNGREY. We have a place called Sweet Tomatos (A salad bar buffet place), pure healthy goodness with some unhealthy choices, but I stuck to my guns, and I think I went up to the line at least 6 times. I DID get looks.

    I like Clint Eastwood movies, but I could never eat a whole one... :tongue:
  • katerinab
    katerinab Posts: 107
    I could definitely eat a whole bag of cheeseburger Doritos if I let myself. I get about 1/3 of the way down now, ask myself WTF am I doing, and quit.

    When I was a teenager, I would sit and eat the whole FAMILY size bag of Cheetos. And gee, I wonder why I'm FAT.
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