advice please

:angry: Following my last post i increased my calories t0 1300 a day and have been exercising.I was worried about gaining more weight with increasing calories and was upset when i got weighed today-put weight on! please can you look at my foods and tell me anything that will help. I cant eat bananas or fish. Thankyou everyone:flowerforyou:


  • Lexie28
    Lexie28 Posts: 219
    You need to make your diet public so we can review it.

  • xraychick77
    xraychick77 Posts: 1,775 Member
    I am wondering if someone on here told you to eat more, because your body was in starvation mode. This is a big myth. I am sorry if you got bad advice. But if you found yourself stalled, the best thing to do is NOT increase you calories, but instead decrease them slightly, and change up your routine. What i find is a lot of people work out too much. remember you need to rest to burn fat!
  • neelixo2
    neelixo2 Posts: 14 Member
    Hello :happy: how do i make foods public? Yes i was advised my body may be in starvation mode.I have just checked my BMR and it is 1510 so i don't quite understand why i have difficulty? I was on 1200 so should i drop back? thankyou
  • loriefolk
    loriefolk Posts: 352
    According to my doctor, there is really no such thing as starvation mode. Don't up your calories to lose weight... instead, switch up your routine, drink more water and get rest. Your body will stall if it's gets too comfortable. Good luck :)
  • mistyb47711
    mistyb47711 Posts: 861 Member
    If I was you I would drop back down if you gained...if you was losing on 1300 go with that......also try to eat a minimum of 1200....I seen some days that you only got in like 800 calories and thats not good for your body...Also if you have difficuilty getting protein in try a protein shake or bar...try to get 280-300 per meal then add your snacks. I find it helpful if i plan my food in the morning with breakfast that way I know what i need to eat .....Hope this helps.
  • neelixo2
    neelixo2 Posts: 14 Member
    Thanks,i'll go back down in calories and see how this week goes.Am at doctors again soon and do not want another lecture.Good luck everyone with your loss this week-appreciate the support you all give xx
  • sconns21
    sconns21 Posts: 92 Member
    I've noticed that you're eating small amount of high fat/high calorie/bad foods such as battered fish and pizza. Although you are still under your calories it's not really healthy and you must be starving because you're eating small amounts of food. I would switch to foods that release their energy slowly and make you feel fuller.

    I found this recipe

    I reduced the ingredients by half and didn't use yoghurt (used the full 100g of lentils though) and it worked out about 297 calories and bloody hell is it filling. It's really easy to make and cheap.
  • sarahanne40
    sarahanne40 Posts: 69 Member
    Hi, I checked out your diary and it looks to me like you have a alot of quick add calories, with no description of what they are etc. If you are cooking a meal i.e. spag bol, curry, whatever, I would suggest you diary every componant that you add in. Also over the weekend there has been no logs made at all - I know that personally without logging everything before or soon after I have eaten it I will forget what I consumed (although I admit its made easier by the fact that I have an intellegent phone with a MFP app). If you can't get to a PC before you eat something, try to plan out your days before hand, or keep a true written account of your day to input later, by guessing calories you could find that you have a whole load of hidden calories somewhere.

    I agree also with bluemooneee - your meal sizes look awfully small, try adding some some fruit / veg into your diet - this will not only give you more calories to play with, but the essential vitamins / minerals in these food types will get your body working properly, give you more energy and cut out the unhealthy saturated fats / sodium which many preprepared food contains. And of course always make sure you drink enough water.
  • susant1999
    susant1999 Posts: 2 Member
    I've just had a look at your food diary and two things strike me:
    1) You don't keep your food diary every day so you have no record of what you are eating on the days that you don't keep your diary. Perhaps you are fooling yourself into thinking you are eating less than you do.
    2) You have a very unhealthy diet. You eat very little fruit or vegetables and eat mostly processed food. If you are reducing the number of calories in order to lose weight then you have to watch what you eat to make sure you're getting a balanced diet.

    Crisps, cereal bars and sweets are NOT your friends.

    I also suggest you increase the amount of exercise you do. A pedometer will track how many steps you take in a day. 10,000 is the recommended amount we should all take.

    Personally, I've found the Rosemary Conley Low GI low fat diet works. I'm eating 1500 calories per day and have lost half a stone since the beginning of February.
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    I'm confused when you say you cant eat fish, but then show some battered fish as one of your meals.....?
  • Becky1971
    Becky1971 Posts: 979 Member
    Hi, I checked out your diary and it looks to me like you have a alot of quick add calories, with no description of what they are etc. If you are cooking a meal i.e. spag bol, curry, whatever, I would suggest you diary every componant that you add in. Also over the weekend there has been no logs made at all - I know that personally without logging everything before or soon after I have eaten it I will forget what I consumed (although I admit its made easier by the fact that I have an intellegent phone with a MFP app). If you can't get to a PC before you eat something, try to plan out your days before hand, or keep a true written account of your day to input later, by guessing calories you could find that you have a whole load of hidden calories somewhere.

    I agree also with bluemooneee - your meal sizes look awfully small, try adding some some fruit / veg into your diet - this will not only give you more calories to play with, but the essential vitamins / minerals in these food types will get your body working properly, give you more energy and cut out the unhealthy saturated fats / sodium which many preprepared food contains. And of course always make sure you drink enough water.

    I highly agree with both of these posters. Please check this out before lowering your calorie goal and see where it gets you. You want to be healthy, and you want to do it in a sustainable and manageable way. :)
  • yvonnej1
    yvonnej1 Posts: 904 Member
    Hello fellow UKer :-) I agree with what's been said above too, but just wanted to add, be careful of the sugar content in some of your foods. For example the belvita breakfast biscuits, although they are advertised as being a good breakfast they actually contain 25g of sugar per 100g which is really not good. So maybe try to find a better breakfast. Also watch the sugar in things like your apple cereal bar. If you can, try to cut back on the processed things, all those crisps and snacks even though they are diet versions are still not good.
    Really just try to eat simpler, more veggies and some more fruit, more complex carbs in form the brown rice or wholewheat pasta. I'm guessing you buy lunch when you are out so maybe you could consider making your own. I find I actually eat better on the days I work as I am limited to only eating what I take with me. I usually take salads or have been making homemade soups etc.

    I found my weight loss only really got going once I changed my diet. Like you I thought all those 'diet/healthy eating' products were OK but there are much better choices. Instead of a go ahead bar or a packet of snacks I have some chopped up carrots as a snack now. As you can eat more of low calorie foods you will fuller and also it should stop you wanting to snack so much on chocolate and things.

    My food diary is only open to friends but feel free to add me if you want to have a nose around. Bear in mind though that I am eating maintenance calories now and have relaxed a bit from what I was eating when I was trying to lose. When I was losing I cut out all chocolate, biscuits and crisps and only have the occasional 'treat' now.
  • neelixo2
    neelixo2 Posts: 14 Member
    Mmmmm very interesting.Firstly no i am not hungry at all and have only purchased ww crisps and bars to try and use calories. I am trying fish type foods but get quite sick so at the moment it is trial and error for me. I think i know areas to go back to from what you have all pointed out-sometimes need an honest opinion on my failings! Here's to a better week and getting rid of fridge/freezer baddies :flowerforyou:
  • Becky1971
    Becky1971 Posts: 979 Member
    It's a huge learning process, and you will get there if you are open to it!

    You can do it!