NO Sodas, NO Potatoes, NO Rice

These three items removed from my regular eating habits have resulted in definite weight lose. I hope all is doing good on their journey and will continue to be strong.


  • sharesb
    sharesb Posts: 416 Member
    I gave up drinking pop almost two months ago now. It was hard at first but I am so glad I did and agree it has helped with my weight loss. That's great you found something that works for you :)
  • Gwooh
    Gwooh Posts: 80 Member
    Stupid you only drink water? Or do you drink Tea and coffee, maybe a crystal light packet? I would like to try this but I worry about not having caffine. I love coffee!
  • Tkhk0514
    Tkhk0514 Posts: 100 Member
    I have cut way back on diet pop. It is hard to do and sometimes I get headaches. I think it is because of the sweetners and not so much the caffeine.
  • NoMoreThickyMickey
    NoMoreThickyMickey Posts: 73 Member
    i work in fast food and i was literally hooked up to the coke machine... I gave up all sodas and i feel fine. i still drink coffee and I'm still smiling. you can do it. it's just mind over matter. I'm not ready to give up potatoes and rice... I have to crawl before I walk
  • Aidis23
    Aidis23 Posts: 4
    Soda has definitely got to go. I haven't had soda for 3 days, its not bad after day 2 if you are used to drinking it everyday.
  • PokenStick
    PokenStick Posts: 204
    Those struggling with giving up potatoes, I recommend replacing the white potatoes with sweet potatoes. They are lower on the glycemic index.
  • MimerT
    MimerT Posts: 195 Member
    I gave up soda about 3 years ago both regular and diet. It is not good for you. I will occasionally have a flavored seltzer if I want a little carbonation. I drink 1-2 coffees a day and tea (both black) plus water and sassy water. Try to save my calories for real food!
  • csgsurveyor
    I drink water, tea and flavored crystal light. I have always hated diet sodas. Now I have found out that they are just as bad. The artifical sweetners fool your body into thinking you are consuming sugar. Consequently, your insulin kicks in anyway. Then your body goes into insulin control and thus possible weight gain. I have inuslin resistance, therefore too much belly. I am working on this and feeling better. I did have headaches when I stopped sodas. Caffeine withdrawal was tough, about 2 weeks to get over it. Sweet potatoes are great, but I like butter and cinnamon and sugar on mine, therefore I dont even fix them.