Super Summertime!



  • LurayneMarie
    LurayneMarie Posts: 342 Member
    Oooh Congrats on taking the next step in your relationship! How exciting! This really is going to be a big weekend for you so best of luck with the move!
    I did things a bit backwards...I lived with my boyfriend before we even started going out! (We were in same class in college) and were living together for 3 years with 2 other housemates who also went to college with us. But for us it wasn't really great living as a couple with your friends cos we couldn't do all the couple-y things together cos our friends were always there and so on so last September we decided to try living separately until we can afford to get our own place together...and (even though I was distraught by the idea at first) its working out brilliantly! We get to go on dates now and when we see each other we really spend quality time together. haha so that's my backwards life for you! But I cant wait to make the move that you're making and just have a place to ourselves...I think I would be just as nervous as you are even though we've already lived together! It would be weird having our place without anyone cramping our style! So I wish you all the happiness in the world!!! :)

    Back to my weigh in this morning...I was down 1.8lbs. Not bad I suppose but I was really hoping for a bigger number given all the effort I put in this week! I'll need to make a few changes for next week and see if anything works.

    But Im not feeling too bad cos so far Ive lost 10lbs since the end of January so Im really happy with that :) I just need to keep reminding myself! haha
  • chelsea32291
    Wow, congrats on your move! Hope it all goes great!!

    LurayneM - Congrats on your weight loss! That's amazing!!

    I feel bad tonight. I went out to eat with my family. I didn't actually eat bad, but I feel like I failed. Gotta exercise more tonight and can't wait for a new day tomorrow!
  • RebeccaM2386
    Happy Sunday Ladies. How is everyone doing on this lovely weekend? Yesterday I didn't get in any exercise nor did I drink much water was a work all day and it was busy so running to the bathroom every 20 minutes is not a option. Have a wonderful sunday.
  • slaos07
    slaos07 Posts: 53 Member
    Hey ladies....I hope everyone is having a great Sunday! I did not get my water or my exercise yesterday, but I'm working on it today. I will definitely get the exercise and I'm trying to get the water.

    Good news that I was down 2 more lbs on Friday morning though! Only 34 lbs to my ultimate goal. Mom convinced me to try on a pair of her size 10 jeans this morning. I started at a size 14...and the 10's fit this morning! I don't know if I could wear them out anywhere as they were a bit tighter on my belly than I like, but the fit well everywhere else. I had been hesitant to try her 12's because I didn't want to be disappointed if they didn't fit. So I am EXTREMELY happy today. At this rate I hope to be a 6 by the time I'm done!
  • chelsea32291
    Hey ladies....I hope everyone is having a great Sunday! I did not get my water or my exercise yesterday, but I'm working on it today. I will definitely get the exercise and I'm trying to get the water.

    Good news that I was down 2 more lbs on Friday morning though! Only 34 lbs to my ultimate goal. Mom convinced me to try on a pair of her size 10 jeans this morning. I started at a size 14...and the 10's fit this morning! I don't know if I could wear them out anywhere as they were a bit tighter on my belly than I like, but the fit well everywhere else. I had been hesitant to try her 12's because I didn't want to be disappointed if they didn't fit. So I am EXTREMELY happy today. At this rate I hope to be a 6 by the time I'm done!

    Wow, that is amazing!!! So happy for you!!
  • BFab24
    BFab24 Posts: 66
    Hello and happy Monday ladies!!

    First I wanna say thanks so much for all the well wishes on our big move! That's the main reason I haven't communicated or even been online this weekend. I don't have internet at home yet so I didn't log. Unfortunately it was all eating out this weekend as we moved, but theres not much I could do about it. Tried to eat smaller portions and get my water in. I also did a crazy amount of packing/unpacking and carrying boxes so I did get quite a workout in! :). We are planning on going on our first grocery shopping trip together on Wednesday so by this weekend I will be cooking!! Lorraine - I hear ya with how things change when you have actual time together without anyone else around! Before this move, he worked on the road so in the first 2 years of our relationship. He was traveling 6-12 weeks at a time and home for 2. So having all this time is amazing!!

    Next up ... Glad to see all of you have been trying to keep on the water drink age train!! Also seems like weekends are hard for people on eating and working out ... At least they are for me. The best you can do is pick yourself up on Monday and start again. Sometimes I think for me it's baby steps ... Start with getting my exercise and water and good food in during the week. Try on the weekends but if I don't make it, such is life :)

    Congrats to this who were down weight at their weigh in!!!! Hey, the best thing is it's coming off!! Woohoo!!

    This week is going to be great!! I have a feeling with the way my few weeks have been going I'll be up in weight but I am mentally preparing myself for that already. I am making lifestyle changes and trying to get better foods in me, drink way more water than I used to, and I'm making a conscious effort to get exercise in everyday ... Those are baby steps I'm happy with. The weight will come off eventually :)

    Have a FANTASTIC Monday!!
  • LurayneMarie
    LurayneMarie Posts: 342 Member
    What an uplifting message Britnee! You made me feel alot better today. I had a set back this weekend (Saturday + alcohol + fast food = YUK & DEPRESSION!!!) but I tend to let these things get to me and seriously slow me down. Im realizing that this is why I havent been able to lose weight these last two years. I fall off the wagon and I spend a week beating myself up over it and I get lazy and unmotivated and before I know it Ive put back on all the weight and I have to start all over again. Im very impatient when it comes to my weightloss I really want to get to my ultimate goal in the shortest time possible so set backs really disrupt my motivation and determination to stay on track.
    But you are so definitely right about allowing yourself time to get to your goal and taking baby steps and learning from everyday on this journey. I need to slow down and take my time and allow for set backs and keep telling myself that I need to get back on the wagon THE NEXT DAY if I fall off.
    I felt like crap this morning, like I was just going to fail again like I have been doing for the last 2 years. Ive been stuck at this weight and I cant figure out where Im going wrong. It took all the willpower in the world to get my bum out the door and go to the gym this evening! But now Im home and I feel better for going. However my burn today has put my NET cals in the negatives :( And I dont have enough food in my house tonight to make up for it. So again I feel like I failed today.... (Wow I sound like a massive drama queen! Im only this depressed when it comes to my weight! Im really a nice person when it comes to everything else!! heehee!)
    But after reading your message Britnee, it just makes me feel like 'Ok I tried today but it didnt work out the way I wanted. No problem, try and do better tomorrow'. I just need to slow down and stop wanting to be a size 0 overnight!!! I can't help it, its just in my nature. Ive been overweight since I was about 3 and I just want it gone now.

    Im also a Taurus. Im very stubborn!!hahaha

    Ok ladies, enough of my ranting. Im going to be happier tomorrow if its the last thing I do! Woohooo!!

    Good luck with all of your goals this week.

    Much love, Lor :)
  • Melissaol
    Melissaol Posts: 952 Member
    I would like to join, but it looks like im to late.. good luck girls..
  • slaos07
    slaos07 Posts: 53 Member
    So excited to hear that the move went well Britnee! I remember when I moved in with my now was a stressful and happy time. But its a big and important step.

    And Lurayne...I know how you feel. If I don't see results as fast asI want to then I tend to give up and that's how I got here. Good for you getting up and going to the gym when you don't feel like it. That's a huge step! And we are all here to keep you motivated...if you need someone to "yell" at you to go to the gym just let us know...I'm sure one of us can do that :)

    I hope everyone had a happy Monday. I got my water in and plan to get my exercise when Aiden (my son) goes to bed tonight. Tonight is a Zumba night!
  • RebeccaM2386
    Happy Tuesday Ladies. How is everyone today?

    Yesterday wasn't a very good day I was lazy and ate alot of junk It was my oldest son's 6th birthday I was just trying to keep it of my mind that not olny did I not get to see him but because I had to work last night I didn't even get to talk to him. I got some kinda good news last nite they put in my backround check so I will know in 3 to 5 days if I get promoted to assistant manager. Anyway here is to a better day going to walk to the store need a few things. Then I think I will take the puppy for a walk and come back and do a exercise dvd. Everyone have a wonderful day.:flowerforyou:
  • chelsea32291
    What an uplifting message Britnee! You made me feel alot better today. I had a set back this weekend (Saturday + alcohol + fast food = YUK & DEPRESSION!!!) but I tend to let these things get to me and seriously slow me down. Im realizing that this is why I havent been able to lose weight these last two years. I fall off the wagon and I spend a week beating myself up over it and I get lazy and unmotivated and before I know it Ive put back on all the weight and I have to start all over again. Im very impatient when it comes to my weightloss I really want to get to my ultimate goal in the shortest time possible so set backs really disrupt my motivation and determination to stay on track.
    But you are so definitely right about allowing yourself time to get to your goal and taking baby steps and learning from everyday on this journey. I need to slow down and take my time and allow for set backs and keep telling myself that I need to get back on the wagon THE NEXT DAY if I fall off.
    I felt like crap this morning, like I was just going to fail again like I have been doing for the last 2 years. Ive been stuck at this weight and I cant figure out where Im going wrong. It took all the willpower in the world to get my bum out the door and go to the gym this evening! But now Im home and I feel better for going. However my burn today has put my NET cals in the negatives :( And I dont have enough food in my house tonight to make up for it. So again I feel like I failed today.... (Wow I sound like a massive drama queen! Im only this depressed when it comes to my weight! Im really a nice person when it comes to everything else!! heehee!)
    But after reading your message Britnee, it just makes me feel like 'Ok I tried today but it didnt work out the way I wanted. No problem, try and do better tomorrow'. I just need to slow down and stop wanting to be a size 0 overnight!!! I can't help it, its just in my nature. Ive been overweight since I was about 3 and I just want it gone now.

    Im also a Taurus. Im very stubborn!!hahaha

    Ok ladies, enough of my ranting. Im going to be happier tomorrow if its the last thing I do! Woohooo!!

    Good luck with all of your goals this week.

    Much love, Lor :)

    This was exactly what I needed to hear because I'm the exact same way. I want results NOW because I have also been overweight my whole life. I need to accept it's not going to happen overnight, like you said.

    Rebecca - Wow, that's exciting about the assistant manager position!! I wish you the best of luck and hope you get it!

    I feel like now, after being here for 2 months, is when I'm finally getting burned out on exercise. I was faithfully working out everyday for the most part, and now I have to drag myself to do anything. Any ideas of what I could do to change my routine up a little?
  • slaos07
    slaos07 Posts: 53 Member
    Chelsea...I'm feeling the same way. I was all about it for the first 2 months, now I find myself dreading my trip to the elliptical. I'm going to try to switch it up a little. I found a Zumba class locally and I'm going to try it out tomorrow night. I'm also looking forward to warmer weather when I can get outside and walk/bike with my little guy.
  • BFab24
    BFab24 Posts: 66
    Hello super ladies!

    Struggling to find time to get online with no internet in my new place yet. Sometimes (like now) I can get online at work. But till Saturday night I'm afraid I won't be faithfully posting!

    So I'm ready for my scale to have gone up tomorrow ,.. Doesn't mean I have to like it :-P. I have been getting my water in and trying to get 30 mins of physical activity in everyday. I can't forget to post new goals as tomorrow is our first weigh in as a group!!! No matter what happened ... Up, down, or the same ... We are here to encourage each other and not only to lose weight but help each other get into new healthier lifestyles!!

    I am thinking that the water consumption is going to stay as a challenge for us for next week. I think until it becomes natural and something we don't even think about anymore that should be what we strive for. I'm up for suggestions as to another challenge, but will for sure have one for us tomorrow!

    Happy almost Friday!
  • slaos07
    slaos07 Posts: 53 Member
    BFab...hopefully the scale will give you a pleasant surprise tomorrow. All that moving had to count for something, right??

    I agree on the water remaining a goal - it's a good one. I think we should make a goal (doesn't have to be this week but sometime) to do 2 days of some sort of strength training. It's a really good addition to a workout routine and can definitely help with toning and with weight loss. I can recommend an excellent book for females - "Smart Girls Do Dumbells". It's geared towards women and is all about toning, not building. There is a daily "recipe" for strength which is supposed to take 30 mins. Just a thought! I ordered a kettlebell set today and can't wait to add a little extra strenth training to my routine.

    I went to my first Zumba class last night....and wow!! I love it...I plan on making it a regular Wed night thing. I'm looking for another class locally that I can add for a second day. HOpefully I can find something.

    I can't wait to see everyone's posts tomorrow...good luck on the scales in the morning!!!
  • chelsea32291
    Hope everyone has been having a great week!

    I haven't been doing the greatest, boo. :-( I just haven't been motivated to do much of anything. I haven't worked out nearly as much as I normally do and I'm disappointed in myself. I've been doggy sitting for someone so I haven't kept up as great on my water but changing that today. I weighed myself yesterday and saw a good loss so far this week, so hoping for more tomorrow. :-p hope everyone else has a great weigh in!!

    && I agree with slaos. I bet all that moving will give you a great surprise on the scale tomorrow! :-)
  • BFab24
    BFab24 Posts: 66
    Good morning and happy Friday!!

    Yay its our first weigh on day! I should be the lest excited about it as I am up to 191.5. I know its only up 1.5 but it still sucks. Eh, no big deal I guess. This week will be better! :). I hope all your weigh Ins went way better than mine!! :- P

    Excited to hear how everyone did this first "week" of our challenge! At least we are trying to change some of our unhealthy habits into healthy ones!!

    I say for this coming week we stick with getting 64 oz of water a day. Lets see if we can all do this for all 7 days. It's really not an unheard of goal, and being fabulous ladies that we are, it's totally do-able!! Also I have heard alot about strength training ... Why don't we add 3 days of 30 min strength training. This could include things like push ups, sit ups, kettle bell workouts, machines at the gym, whatever :)

    Now as a side note, to be healthy everyone should be doing workouts 3 times a week for 30 minutes. Being serious about getting healthy, I would hope everyone in this group is striving to do more times a week than that or longer duration. But I don't think we always have to have working out in general be an actual challenge. It opens up the door for more serious challenges that we may not be doing otherwise. So I think we should encourage each other to be out and moving, and celebrate our great workouts, but as far as checking in, let's just have it be our weeks challenges. How does everyone feel about that?

    OK ... So Challenge 1 - 64 oz of water EVERYDAY for the next 7 days
    Challenge 2 - 3 days of 30 minute weight training before next Friday.

    Thanks for sticking with this challenge and becoming a great circle of encouragement for me!!
  • slaos07
    slaos07 Posts: 53 Member
    Good Morning ladies....yay..first weigh in. As of this morning I was 171.6 - down 2.2 lbs from last week. I'm super excited, as my first mini-goal is 170, at which time I get to go get this ridiculously long hair colored & cut! HOpefully I will be scheduling that appointment next week. I also kept with my water 8 out of 10 and my workouts 8 out of 10.

    BFab- the week starts anew today...I bet you will see a big loss next week!

    I'm really looking forward to the 30 mins of strength training this week. My kettlebell workout should be here I'm going to do my first one. I agree with not having working out be an actual challenge - I think we are all doing that and know that to really get healthy those workouts are a must.

    Can't wait to see how everyone did...Have an awesome day!
  • chelsea32291
    Hey everyone! I'm on my phone so I wasn't sure when the last time we weighed in was but I found my challenge starting weight.
    Challenge starting weigh: 223.8
    CW: 218.2

    I like the idea of strength training and keeping the water!! I did pretty well with drinking my 64oz every day this week except a couple times when I wasn't feeling well. Hope everyone has a great weigh in.
  • BFab24
    BFab24 Posts: 66
    Oh P.S. I worked out like 6 of the last 11 days so I missed a few ... And I drank my 64 oz of water 9of the 11 days so I made that one ... Now gotta get all 7 this week!
  • slaos07
    slaos07 Posts: 53 Member
    Over 5 lbs...way to go Chelsea!!! That's amazing!