Protein Per Day, Per Serving? Here's a Body Builder's Opinio

thomasvision Posts: 129 Member
edited September 24 in Health and Weight Loss
Have been trying to find a good source on protein intake for a while now. From site to site and person to person and doctor to doctor opinions differ so much.

The following is a link is of Professional Body Builder Milos Sarcev's video seminar and his take on protein intake.

In this video he recommends 1 gram of protein per pound as the minimum serving amount per day for average people and 2 grams of protein per pound for body builders daily protein intake. He also recommends about 40 grams per serving (spit into several meals throughout the day).

Please let me know your thoughts on this. Not a must but Web Links for the base of your opinions would be appreciated as well so we can check them out.



  • McGruber03
    McGruber03 Posts: 113 Member
    it's different for everyone. But for healthy people, the recommendation is 0.8 grams of protein/kg body weight. So, if you weigh 200 lbs, divide that by 2.2 and you get 91 kg x 0.8 g = 73 grams of protein/day. If you eat 3 meals a day, you probably are already getting 73 grams/day. Excess protein is converted and stored as fat. Doubling the RDA is not harmful, as long as you don't have kidney disease or high ammonia levels from liver failure, it just might lead to excess calories which causes weight gain.
  • beahawk
    beahawk Posts: 34 Member
    I've read something similar before that if you want to build lean muscle, you should eat at least a gram of protein per pound. The problem is its hard to get enough protein especially foods with alot of protein and trying to watch calorie intake.
  • PokenStick
    PokenStick Posts: 204
    I noticed you do P90X...if you follow Tony's advice, he says about half your body weight. I tend to follow this guideline.

    "In theory, bodybuilders think you need a gram of protein for every pound that you weigh. I think it’s more like half that, but if you’re gonna work really hard and lift big, protein is the one that will help your muscles grow. P90X has three different versions (the classic, the lean and doubles), so if you’re doing doubles, obviously you’re going to need a little bit more protein than somebody who’s doing the lean version." - Tony Horton
  • Vicky14174
    Vicky14174 Posts: 715 Member
    i personally try to go over the allotment of protein that MFP allows every day and have since I started the program. Protein helps you to build muscle and maintain the muscle that you already have. May goal has been to lose the fat that has accumulated and maintain the muscle underneath.
  • murf19
    murf19 Posts: 453 Member
    Thanks. I use the 1oz per pound for protien.
  • DaddyMantz
    DaddyMantz Posts: 145 Member
    There is a great ebook called Burn the Fat Feed the Muscle by Tom Venuto. He offers some good advice about protein. I have been following it and have gone from about 15% body fat to about 10% or less in a month or so. I weigh 170 and eat 220 to 250 g Protein per day. (It's not just diet, it's cardio and lifting too)
  • corpus_validum
    corpus_validum Posts: 292 Member
    The general rule of thumb amongst serious bodybuilders is to take in 1.5x g per body weight in lbs if you want to gain muscle mass. Unless you're eating lots of meats and fish on a daily basis, it's hard to get that amount of protein into your body. Thus, bodybuilders and those looking to maintain/gain muscle take in a protein shake (preferably whey) on a daily basis. Again, this is very general but should be good for 90%+ of the people out there looking to build muscles. And besides, there are a lot of good protein powders out there that have 120 calories or less per scoop (though obviously this figure will be much higher if you dissolve it in milk -- tastes better).
  • hewhoiscd
    hewhoiscd Posts: 1,029 Member
    This link is a good read IMO:

    I changed up my protein goals based on that info as well as other things I have read.

    I try for a min of 1.25g per pound of LEAN weight and a max of 1.5g per pound of LEAN weight. Long as I am in that range, I'm happy.
  • thomasvision
    thomasvision Posts: 129 Member
    Thanks for all of your responses. Definitely appreciated the info and it gave me a lot to consider for what I will be setting my daily protein goals too.
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