Always the same

I need some help, tips whatever you can give me. I am back dieting again what seems like i try to do every week. The first day is always good for me. Then as the week goes by i find myself constaly in the kitchen and then finally i eat something i am not supposed to. it seems like whenever i am home i want to eat. I try so hard all the time so i dont know why i give in:sad: THen as the week goes by i just give it up all together and start the same thing on monday. i am tired of this and i really just want to stay on track. any adivce?


  • savanuh
    savanuh Posts: 52 Member
    I need some help, tips whatever you can give me. I am back dieting again what seems like i try to do every week. The first day is always good for me. Then as the week goes by i find myself constaly in the kitchen and then finally i eat something i am not supposed to. it seems like whenever i am home i want to eat. I try so hard all the time so i dont know why i give in:sad: THen as the week goes by i just give it up all together and start the same thing on monday. i am tired of this and i really just want to stay on track. any adivce?
  • savanuh
    savanuh Posts: 52 Member
  • BrenNew
    BrenNew Posts: 3,420 Member
    I need some help, tips whatever you can give me. I am back dieting again what seems like i try to do every week. The first day is always good for me. Then as the week goes by i find myself constaly in the kitchen and then finally i eat something i am not supposed to. it seems like whenever i am home i want to eat. I try so hard all the time so i dont know why i give in:sad: THen as the week goes by i just give it up all together and start the same thing on monday. i am tired of this and i really just want to stay on track. any adivce?

    Geez, not quite sure WHAT to tell you.
    I know in my own case, I'd been on so many diets over the years, I just figured that MFP was gonna end up doing nothing, just like all the others. BUT, because I've never felt "deprived", since I can "work" for pretty much whatever I want to eat with exercise, I've done really well here. I think the thing that keeps me motivated the most is getting into smaller clothes, as well as all the compliments I've been getting, each time I lose alittle more weight.
    This Saterday I'm going to a huge Salvation Army store in MA to go "shopping" for a whole new wardrobe!
    Hopefully, something like that will help motivate you to stick to it this time and lose the weight that you want to!
  • newlywedbeth
    I was having the same problem. Try to think of the kitchen as something other than a huge warehouse of all your goodies. Think of it as a work station. I try to get busy with chores and drinking lots of water. Put on some music, chew some minty gum, and get busy. I am not totally successful myself, but maybe together, we can do it. :bigsmile:
  • gnu1971
    gnu1971 Posts: 37 Member
    It has really helped me not to think of it as a diet, but as a slow progression to a healthier lifestyle, via small steps I take when I am ready - e.g., I'm slowly moving from yogurts high in sugars to those with less (and organic).

    And following on BrenNew's note about "earning" stuff, if you really want it, you can do the exercise that will make the calories o.k. Then work on substituting it with a healthier choice! :smile:

    I've only been here about a week and a half (started trying to get healthier in mid-June - that is this time around! I'm 37 now, and have been struggling my whole life). Being here is a great step towards healthier living.

    Created by - Online Calorie Counter
  • lulu70
    I feel your pain i was the same. I am 38 and have just started using MFP and I think it really is going to help me this time. Do you have a support network, I know that has helped me.
    I try not to have too much in my kitchen that will entice me too much. If I think I am faltering I grab my bottle of water and gulp down a big mouthful. It helps. Will power you gotta get it, with out it I dont think I would be doing this. Hope our advice has helped good luck.
  • Anna_Banana
    Anna_Banana Posts: 2,939 Member
    Maybe you should look for a hobby to do in the evenings to keep you busy. I like to sew and I can't eat while I'm sewing because I will get my material dirty.
  • mlillie
    mlillie Posts: 302
    Yeah it has to be a lifetsyle or when the scale doesnt give you a loss one week, or two weeks or even 5 weeks- you wont give up because it is just the way you live.

    That is why you need to include the foods you want to eat in your life so that this wont be a diet. It is about a mindset and then a plan.

    Life for me, I havent lost any weight but there is no "giving up" because exercise and eating well is just the way I live now- weight loss will come at some point. I just want to be healthy and strong.

    Ask yourself why you want to become healthy and what things you want to change- not just your increase veggie intake to 7 a day OR drink 9 oz of water a day or whatever works for you.

    Hang in there!
  • amyjoh
    Don't lose heart!!!! I so understand what you are feeling. Been there, done that, bought the t-shirt!

    Just don't quit. I have been trying to lose the same 30lbs. for about 10 years, and I know your pain!

    This is a great site, because you read about so many other people in the same boat.

    One thing I did was to be really honest with my self and choose the plan that in reality I could stick with! This site was great about setting you up with what is doable. It might not be lightning fast but if you lose it the right way it will stay off.

    Just keep going! We will be here for you!!

  • BrandNewLaura
    BrandNewLaura Posts: 1,650 Member
    Try stocking your kitchen with really healthy items...and plan to eat every 2-3 hours. You will never get hungry because your body won't have time to.

    I have my food diary set up with times rather than names of meals (8-11, 11-2, 2-5, 5-8, 8-11) as a reminder to eat every few hours. It also really helps me plan my days. For instance, tomorrow I am working a 10 hour day, so I will be at work for 4 of those above "meal slots." I am planning to have a bowl of cereal before I go to work (8-11) then for lunch I'm having a Smart Ones frozen meal (11-2) then I will have some granola for an afternoon snack (2-5) and then I will have some almonds to hold me over (5-8) until I get off work and can eat dinner with my family (8-11). I don't usually eat dinner that late but Fridays are a little different for me. On a usual night I eat dinner in the 5-8 time slot and then have a sugar free Jello pudding snack for my bedtime snack.

    It's so important to have healthy things in your fridge too. We can try to avoid the kitchen, but if we end up there, we'd better have something that is an okay option to munch on. Here are some of my staples: carrots and light veggie dip, Laughing Cow cheeses, granola, organic oatmeal, craisins, Fiber One bars, all natural fruit snacks, Kashi waffles, yogurt, light multi-grain English muffins and sugar free jellies, cottage cheese, All Bran crackers, Campbell's Select Harvest Light soups, almonds (found them in 100 calorie packs...perfectly portioned and great on the go!), Simply Jif peanut butter, low calorie bread, sugar free Jello pudding snacks, Pringles 90 calorie wheat sticks, Slim a Bear 100 calorie bars, lite applesauce cups, and Kashi Go Lean Crunch cereal.

    I eat ALL the time, but it's all low cal so it doesn't kill my calorie count and I never get hungry. I have some sweet items, some crunchy, some savory, some salty, some to be served cold, some to eat warmed. No matter what I am craving I have something in my fridge or cabinets to satisfy me.

    It's not easy, especially when you first start out and have to change your entire attitude and perspective, but trust me it comes eventually. Start looking at your small victories. For me, it was going to McDonald's and ordering a 6 piece chicken nugget Happy Meal rather than the large size Big Mac meal with a 4 piece nugget on the side! It was a small start, but for me it was'll have those little victories too! I know you can do this! Keep it up!
  • bzymummy
    bzymummy Posts: 17 Member
    Try stocking your kitchen with really healthy items...and plan to eat every 2-3 hours. You will never get hungry because your body won't have time to.

    I have my food diary set up with times rather than names of meals (8-11, 11-2, 2-5, 5-8, 8-11) as a reminder to eat every few hours. It also really helps me plan my days. For instance, tomorrow I am working a 10 hour day, so I will be at work for 4 of those above "meal slots." I am planning to have a bowl of cereal before I go to work (8-11) then for lunch I'm having a Smart Ones frozen meal (11-2) then I will have some granola for an afternoon snack (2-5) and then I will have some almonds to hold me over (5-8) until I get off work and can eat dinner with my family (8-11). I don't usually eat dinner that late but Fridays are a little different for me. On a usual night I eat dinner in the 5-8 time slot and then have a sugar free Jello pudding snack for my bedtime snack.

    It's so important to have healthy things in your fridge too. We can try to avoid the kitchen, but if we end up there, we'd better have something that is an okay option to munch on. Here are some of my staples: carrots and light veggie dip, Laughing Cow cheeses, granola, organic oatmeal, craisins, Fiber One bars, all natural fruit snacks, Kashi waffles, yogurt, light multi-grain English muffins and sugar free jellies, cottage cheese, All Bran crackers, Campbell's Select Harvest Light soups, almonds (found them in 100 calorie packs...perfectly portioned and great on the go!), Simply Jif peanut butter, low calorie bread, sugar free Jello pudding snacks, Pringles 90 calorie wheat sticks, Slim a Bear 100 calorie bars, lite applesauce cups, and Kashi Go Lean Crunch cereal.

    I eat ALL the time, but it's all low cal so it doesn't kill my calorie count and I never get hungry. I have some sweet items, some crunchy, some savory, some salty, some to be served cold, some to eat warmed. No matter what I am craving I have something in my fridge or cabinets to satisfy me.

    It's not easy, especially when you first start out and have to change your entire attitude and perspective, but trust me it comes eventually. Start looking at your small victories. For me, it was going to McDonald's and ordering a 6 piece chicken nugget Happy Meal rather than the large size Big Mac meal with a 4 piece nugget on the side! It was a small start, but for me it was'll have those little victories too! I know you can do this! Keep it up!

    You sound like you really got it figured out. Good for you. I am going to try some of your suggestions. My problem is I don't eat enough and when I do eat it is normally something I can grab quick. Thanks for your post.
  • MumOfADuo
    MumOfADuo Posts: 294 Member
    I need some help, tips whatever you can give me. I am back dieting again what seems like i try to do every week. The first day is always good for me. Then as the week goes by i find myself constaly in the kitchen and then finally i eat something i am not supposed to. it seems like whenever i am home i want to eat. I try so hard all the time so i dont know why i give in:sad: THen as the week goes by i just give it up all together and start the same thing on monday. i am tired of this and i really just want to stay on track. any adivce?
    One thing we were told at weight watchers is if you are TRULY craving something, either find a healthier alternative (like a 100 calorie pack) or eat a TINY bite of what you are craving...what will happen if you dont is exactly what is happening to go and go and go and dont eat that 'forbidden' food and then WHAM you HAVE to have it!!! I have found that while it may not be totally 'healthy', NOTHING is a forbidden food....I think its a mental thing with me...if someone tells me I CANT have something, I want 15 of whatever it is...but when I give myself permission to eat whatever I want, its easier to say "nope" dont want that right now...maybe later...once its OK to eat it, it makes it easier NOT to eat it.....its all a mental when you were a kid...when someone told you NOT to look in the cookie jar, what is the FIRST thing you wanted to do???
    Try allowing yourself the freedom to have NO forbidden stuff...eventually you will want to choose healthy things because you know they make you feel better etc...
    You CAN do this...
  • ivykivy
    ivykivy Posts: 2,970 Member
    I never deprive myself if I really want something. Yesterday I had four krispy kreme doughnuts, today I had a twix; but like the previous poster said just include it in your calories and work off the rest. To offset the doughnuts/twix I eat double or triple servings of vegetables (asparagus); fruit (strawberries) and a small piece of fish or chicken. I have lost about 40 lbs since Jan doing this on my own. This is the only way I know to stick with it without growing crazy.
  • steph1705
    I'm on the LA Weight Loss and I love it! I eat every 2-3 hours just snacking on foods thru the day, following my diet plan! I ve been on it for a week and now I'm finding myself wanting to puke when I eat my c0-workers making bad food choices I always point it out lol...but back to the your question....stock cupboards with heatly choices and snacks. Maybe try putting photos on the SNACK cupboard to remind you of your goals. If your hungry after a hour of eating a meal...maybe try finding fruits or veggies with more fiber???????? it helps me!!! good luck!!!
  • tresa1234
    tresa1234 Posts: 796 Member
    I need some help, tips whatever you can give me. I am back dieting again what seems like i try to do every week. The first day is always good for me. Then as the week goes by i find myself constaly in the kitchen and then finally i eat something i am not supposed to. it seems like whenever i am home i want to eat. I try so hard all the time so i dont know why i give in:sad: THen as the week goes by i just give it up all together and start the same thing on monday. i am tired of this and i really just want to stay on track. any adivce?

    Sounds like you are in the All-Or-Nothing mode. If you eat something you aren't "supposed to" then you feel like you failed and so you eat something else because you've already "blown it" and go ahead and eat everything you can think of because you just can't do this anyway. I know, I've been there many a time!! Praying that I don't end up doing the same thing again!

    Anyway ... try just logging everything you eat whether you think it is something "legal" or not. Just make the decision that every bite that goes in your mouth is going to end up on this website. Then see what it looks like over a few days ... few weeks. I think you'll find that you start to WANT to make those numbers balance at the end of the day and so you'll find ways to make little changes that get you there. Start planning what you're going to eat and log it beforehand. Figure out how to earn some extra food by exercising.

    This isn't a quick fix by any means! It simply has to be a new way of life, and one you can stick with. Long term... and be happy with. If this is a diet so that you can lose your weight and then stop once the weight is gone, the weight won't be gone for long.

    I think you probably know all this, and I'm surely not an expert. I have never been able to lose more than halfway to my goal my whole life. But along the way I hope I've started to learn a few things and I'm hoping to make it for life this time, and this site is giving me hope that I can actually change long-term.

    Hang in there and decide that you are worth taking care of yourself! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • savanuh
    savanuh Posts: 52 Member
    Thank you so so much everyone for all your advice! it is all very helpful!i am going to use it all! iin appreciate it all :):laugh: