Motivation of the Day

NlKKA Posts: 185 Member
Be careful to the beat that you MARCH to! Are you marching to the beat of the flesh or the spirit? In this life we are faced with many choices but at the end of the day those decisions are always based on two things: the flesh or the spirit. Flesh often craves for the life of temporary things but the Spirit is for things that will last long-term and everlasting. No matter what your dilemma or daily life consists of the bottom line is what are you after temporary or everlasting because this will tell you the beat you march to. Life is to short to settle for temporary!


  • Maidei
    Maidei Posts: 114 Member
    Awesome message! Thanks for posting! It really got me thinking!
  • jfer1977
    jfer1977 Posts: 139
    Very well said. In my opinion the only beat to march to is the Spirit. Unfortunately, not everyone does and makes it harder for them to focus on what's really important.

    Thanks for posting this. It was a great way to start the day. :)
  • jenniferslipec
    I love that!!
  • grouch201
    grouch201 Posts: 404 Member
    Losing weight has always seemed more of a physical thing than a spiritual...not sure about the relevance of this post in a weight loss forum.
  • NlKKA
    NlKKA Posts: 185 Member
    Losing weight has always seemed more of a physical thing than a spiritual...not sure about the relevance of this post in a weight loss forum.

    Losing weight for me is not just a physical thing. In my heart I need spiritual peace in order to do anything in my life because that is what keeps me and pushes me so that I can perform physically as I need to. See being where I need to be spiritually allows to me to function in my RIGHT mind and allows to to perform physically when my body feels there is no strength left. So losing weight may be just physical to you but for me and those that understand the power of living either in the spirit or the flesh know that this post belongs right where it is because they too realize in order to do anything in this life you have to know it's either for the flesh or the spirit.
  • proverbs31chick
    proverbs31chick Posts: 485 Member
    Losing weight has always seemed more of a physical thing than a spiritual...not sure about the relevance of this post in a weight loss forum.

    Well she posted this under the motiviation thread, so this is motivation for some, maybe not for others. For some people weight loss is a spiritual thing, I believe if God were not giving me strenght I could not do this. So if it doesn't work for you then that is ok, it works for others. Take care... :smile:
  • toni1011
    toni1011 Posts: 13 Member
    Grouch-I get my strength from my spirituality...if you have nothing spiritual to draw your strength from then the post is not for you.
    Thanks Nikka!
  • proverbs31chick
    proverbs31chick Posts: 485 Member
    Amen, I love it.