Unsupportive partners

I've been reading the forums looking at the stories of partners who are supportive, but I am wondering how many out there are not supported. Perhaps the partner is overweight and doesn't want to get shown up by the other. Do any of you lie about how much you are losing etc?

Just curious really.


  • hapemopirate
    hapemopirate Posts: 68 Member
    I'm blessed to have a supportive husband who is also on the site. If your partner isn't supportive, I say find a partner on here to support you! The wonderful thing about MFP is that you don't need to do it alone! All the best!!!
  • ambie35
    ambie35 Posts: 853 Member
    I wouldn't say mine is "unsupportive" he definitely encourages me. Unfortunately he doesn't realize how much more challenging he makes it for me. He is blessed with an insane metabolism. He is 6 ft 1 and around 155 pounds. because of this he can eat whatever he wants whenever he wants-and he does. Like last night for example ,at 11:00 pm he decided to order takeout pizza. he said "its okay,I ordered it half veggie so you can still have a slice". I didn't want to tell him takeaway pizza is terrible in general,even if it is meat free. Also since he is so small he doesn't seem to keen on exercise either,so he is out as a gym or walking partner. Oh well,I love him anyways and he is still supportive of me which is the important thing.
    MOOOSEEE3 Posts: 218 Member
    What would you have to gain by lying to yourself...and your partner? Really? My husband supports me, and he was supposed to be on board as well...but so far it seems to be just me. Nope I don't lie about my weight. I update it when it falls off, and I'm proud of that.
  • Teresa652
    Teresa652 Posts: 217 Member
    I thought about lieing but what good does it to. We can see each other progess when we look at each other. I don't get upset because he's losing weight faster and inches quicker. I see it in myself when I have to go and buy another pair of smaller jeans. Unless you are in a challenge why lie.
  • m_schweda
    No because if you have to lie about you successes to the person that is suppost to mean the most to you, then why have them in your life. I mean if they want to continue to be unhealth that is their personal choice. However, they should not make you feel bad for wanting to grow and change. That's just my opinion.
  • formytwins
    formytwins Posts: 106
    I have never thought about that. I am supported by my family. I am always rubbing it in on how much I am losing weekly. I do want my husband to eat healthy also but he is not interested right now. He will eat what I fix so he is eating healthy some and has lost some weight without trying. If he does not eat what I fix he is on his own and he knows that so he eats...lol!!! I do have some friends who were trying to lose weight and their husbands were not supportive. That makes it harder and notice that I put some of my friends WERE. They stopped trying when they had no support. I do have a wonderful husband and boys. If they do eat snacks or sweets they will go in the next room to eat it. I have made it past that point where it does not bother me if they eat in front of me. But supportive spouses will help!!!!
  • tanyawilson38
    I don't know if you can say my husband isn't supportive but I can say he doesn't help any. He eats whatever, whenever he wants without regard to my will power at the moment. Candy, mac and cheese, chips, m&ms, even simple things like pancakes and eggs with cheese etc. The worst part, he is thin. 38 yrs old and he is still thin. Never worked out a day in his life. I would love to say he isn't healthy as well but unfortunately, he is that as well. Secretly I hope the doctor tells him how much damage he is doing to his body but if it really was I would be devastated. So am I the one sabotaging him??
  • lesley1981
    lesley1981 Posts: 329 Member
    I have been very lucky in that my bf has been very supportive of me. The only thing I have to complain about is the exercise. I have tried to get my bf to exercise with me, and we were going to the gym together, but that lasted all of two weeks! I bought a new mountian bike because he enjoyed cycling... we've been out twice together! He is very difficult to motivate, and I refuse to stop trying!

    My bf has put on a noticable amount of weight since I began losing, and he changed jobs which means he's at a desk all day! I think it's all well and good that he's supporting me (he always says he fell for me at my heaviest so my weight doesn't bother him), but I would like him to take more of an "active" interest!
  • arosas7
    arosas7 Posts: 7
    I, as well as others, can't say my BF isn't supportive, BUT....I do wish he was a bit more supportive. Every evening I want to work out after work, but by the time I get off he's ready for dinner, therefore I skip my workout to rush home. I'm trying to schedule a workout in to my lunch hour, even if it's 30 minutes, better than nothing right? He's the type that can eat anything he wants and yes, he'll gain weight, but one week at the gym and he'll lose 5 lbs. That's the reason I'm on MFP, for a support team!
  • desiree24
    desiree24 Posts: 2 Member
    My husband is definitely NOT supportive! I just had our 2nd child in January and last week I realized that I still had about 15 pounds to lose in order to be at my pre pregnancy weight. He loves the way I look when I'm pregnant and apparently he likes the way I look now... He pretty much lives off of fast food and he hates that I'm watching what I eat now... he says that I'm starving myself but I'm not! I think that the problem is that we're young and he's very protective of me and he doesn't want anyone else to look at me. It sucks that he's not supportive but I'm still going to lose the weight. I don't lie about how much I weigh but he doesn't know how often I work out...
  • kbdelarosa
    kbdelarosa Posts: 183 Member
    Mine is supportive, almost to a fault. When I vent about not losing quick enough, he is always researching what I should and shouldn't be eating, and what to do drop the pounds quicker. Kind of annoying! He is another guy with blessed high metabolism....ugh. And this morning he said that he could see I was losing weight in my boobs. And I told him I hope the couch was going to be comfy tonight! Ha!
  • tifanieb
    tifanieb Posts: 67 Member
    My husband got tired of me prancing around the house everytine i lost a pound or two, so i do my happy dance when he is not here. he tells me i look better but doesn't celebrate the small victories with me. However he has started hitting the gym this past 2 weeks and ordered the p90x so i am glad that he is following my example, even my 5 year old tells me "mommy you're not fat anymore". lol.
    However my husband is addicted to fast food and makes it hard for me to say no sometimes, cause i love it too. but i don't let him get it as much as he would like cause i make sure to have leftovers that "need to be eaten" i have changed the food i buy and if he doesn't eat what i cook he can cook his own dinner which isn't gonna happen :}.
    Even if he wasn't supportive, it doesn't matter to me because i am doing this for me, not for him.

    Good luck to you
  • hroush
    hroush Posts: 2,073 Member
    My wife is not supportive. I'm 5 inches taller than her, but weigh 20 less pounds. She gets mad at me because I go to the gym and workout instead of staying home with her (and do nothing). She thinks that we have to go eat out every weekend, because this is time that we can spend together :huh: . She also loves to rub my stomach and say that I am getting too skinny; she has literally said she wants me to get fatter :noway:. I purposefully do not tell her how much I have lost because I know that it will only make her feel bad about herself. She says she wants to lose weight, but she doesn't do anything about it. We may be getting a treadmill tonight, if it's to her liking, and we'll see if maybe she'll start working out some.
  • purple1butterfly
    purple1butterfly Posts: 576 Member
    I am lucky to have a supportive husband, he also wants to get fit. I have been going through some stuff & finding it hard not start the snacking again with the wrong types of food. It has even got to the point where I want a cigarette but I have stayed way as I have been clear for 11years now
  • carrotstick2012
    My husband is neither supportive or unsupportive. He has said he doesn't want me to lose more weight because he finds me appealing where I am. However he recognises that I need to feel good about where I am at so stays fairly neutral.