Do any of you fellow women ever feel completely discouraged

Chrissy_Michelle Posts: 176 Member
edited September 24 in Motivation and Support
I gain 3-5 pounds during PMS week! All I can think of doing is drinking tons of water to combat it! It is extremely discouraging when I hop on the scale and see that jump! I feel like giving up...Does this happen to you too?


  • sneakers71
    sneakers71 Posts: 106
    absolutely yes! take away the scale on "those days". sometimes its the only thing you can do.
  • Hell yeah. All the time. I don't weigh myself during that week, it's not accurate anyway! Good for you for drinking a lot of water. Just keep plugging along. :flowerforyou:
  • 3ur3ka
    3ur3ka Posts: 230 Member
    I agree with Sneakers. Hide the scale!
  • cmbneeley
    cmbneeley Posts: 160 Member
    every month. i don't weigh in during that time b/c it's misleading and can be very discouraging.
  • franic1017
    franic1017 Posts: 41 Member
    I get upset with any weight gain but not enough to get discouraged. Especially during PMS time b/c I know it will go back down. Our bodies retain more fluid right before and during that week, just don't get on the scale during that time if it bothers you....that is my suggestion. Don't be so hard on yourself that week. Keep up the good work...we all get down every now and again. We're human.
  • Absolutely! It's a horrible feeling and it is very hard to ignore it even if you know that things will be back to "normal" after. That is when I try to drink as much tea as I can to lessen the feeling of bloatedness, somehow it helps me. Hiding the scale helps a lot! ;)
  • karenbreaux
    karenbreaux Posts: 10 Member
    I totally agree, you should just not weigh in on the week that you are on your period. It's nature and there is nothing you can do about it. I've stopped weighing myself on a regular basis. I now weigh in every two weeks and never within a week of my period, a week before or a week after. I tend to let the scale rule my life, get on and gain weight, then I have an awful day, get on and lose weight and I feel like I deserver a treat and I overeat that day. Eat right, exercise daily and do the things that make you feel good about yourself and forget about the scale.
  • neelia
    neelia Posts: 750 Member
    Yep, this happens to be for sure. That's why I hide the scale during that time! =)
  • BeccyBerry
    BeccyBerry Posts: 312
    Every month! but it generally disappears as quickly as it appears so as frustrating as it is I know its not staying ;) I just keep doing my exercise (occasionally more so i dont feel so guilty about my pre menstrual binges) and sticking to my calories!!

  • kld4239
    kld4239 Posts: 186 Member
    Yes!!! Sometime being a woman stinks :)
  • Frozenmango
    Frozenmango Posts: 207 Member
    Yep, every month it's a serious pain! I usually get about 3lbs each time and it seems to keep me on a yo-yo loss wise. I don' t count my weigh-ins those weeks because they're not accurate, but I get the discouragement. Just keep doing what you're doing, drinking water and sticking to your routine. Try no to to worry about it - we have enough emotions going on at that time as it is! lol.
  • nkaplosinit
    nkaplosinit Posts: 74 Member
    I'm glad someone asked this question! I have not yet had to deal with TOM while on MFP, but will have to soon and I was wondering how other women deal with the emotional eating, cravings and overall yucky feeling during that time. I think I will def. take the advice of not weighing that week.
  • Chrissy_Michelle
    Chrissy_Michelle Posts: 176 Member
    You all really help with your encouragement!!! Thank you !!!
  • Chrissy_Michelle
    Chrissy_Michelle Posts: 176 Member
    while reading all your comments I have consumed nearly half of my water for the day!
  • missie21
    missie21 Posts: 103 Member
    OMG....... I thought it was just me..... it is harder to stay focused for me during that time, with bloating, fatigue and the craving, I have the hardest time. I am planning on working out harder so I don't feel so bad if I indulge in a craving and try to keep an open mind that time of the month...

    I am glad this topic was brought up....
    How does everyone handle the cravings? Do you stay on track or give in?
  • Chrissy_Michelle
    Chrissy_Michelle Posts: 176 Member
    I thought it was just me too! I've decided drinking as much water as i can should help. I am a bottomless pit during this time so I try very hard to eat things that are healthier than salty chips or fattening chocolate. Low fat string cheese helps with the salt craving and jello pudding that is the 100 cal mousse kind is amazing!
  • JStarnes
    JStarnes Posts: 5,576 Member
    Every single month. I know it's coming, I expect the gain, yet it still slightly p*sses me off.
  • Zaggytiddies
    Zaggytiddies Posts: 326 Member
    This never happens to me. I lose weight at an amazingly steady pace and never gain it back. My kids are so intelligent they teach the teachers in school and never misbehave. I eat all organic meals that I prepare fresh from my self sustaining garden. I also gave birth in a field while picking flowers and had an audience of Bambi and other woodland creatures.


    Haha I do hope you took that as the joke it was meant to be. Yes! This happens to everyone and it's totally not fair. In addition to feeling like crap and bleeding you also 'gain' weight. The water is a fabulous idea. Just keep working and it will happen! We can do this!
  • missie21
    missie21 Posts: 103 Member
    This never happens to me. I lose weight at an amazingly steady pace and never gain it back. My kids are so intelligent they teach the teachers in school and never misbehave. I eat all organic meals that I prepare fresh from my self sustaining garden. I also gave birth in a field while picking flowers and had an audience of Bambi and other woodland creatures.

    Haha I do hope you took that as the joke it was meant to be. Yes! This happens to everyone and it's totally not fair. In addition to feeling like crap and bleeding you also 'gain' weight. The water is a fabulous idea. Just keep working and it will happen! We can do this!

    lol :laugh: love it... I started to beleive you....:laugh:
  • Chrissy_Michelle
    Chrissy_Michelle Posts: 176 Member
    This never happens to me. I lose weight at an amazingly steady pace and never gain it back. My kids are so intelligent they teach the teachers in school and never misbehave. I eat all organic meals that I prepare fresh from my self sustaining garden. I also gave birth in a field while picking flowers and had an audience of Bambi and other woodland creatures.


    Haha I do hope you took that as the joke it was meant to be. Yes! This happens to everyone and it's totally not fair. In addition to feeling like crap and bleeding you also 'gain' weight. The water is a fabulous idea. Just keep working and it will happen! We can do this!
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