C25K Question

Hello fellow runners! Okay, maybe I'm not QUITE a runner yet, but after today I feel like I should get to call myself a runner! :) Anyway...I started Day 1 of Week 4 today which is run 3 mins, walk 90 sec, run 5 min, walk 2.5 min, run 3 min, walk 90 sec, run 5 min, and then walk. So this was a hard jump up and on the last 5 minute run, at about 3.5 minutes I had to stop running and walk for a couple minutes to get my HR down. It was like 195!! I felt like I was going to puke and pass out. After a couple minutes of walking I finished the running and the cool down walk.

I have heard of people needing to repeat weeks, so I was wondering if I should go back and do another week of week 3 or should I stay on week 4 and maybe repeat it? I mean, I almost finished it, so I'm thinking I should tough it out and see how I'm doing by day 3 and repeat if I need to, but I also don't want to push myself too hard and get injured. What do you think? Thanks in advance for the advice!!


  • Atlantique
    Atlantique Posts: 2,484 Member
    Sounds like a pacing problem. You were running too quickly to finish the interval.

    So from here, you could either try to ease up on the pace or you could repeat this one day (with a rest day in between attempts) until you feel challenged but not wiped out performing it.
  • MTGirl
    MTGirl Posts: 1,490 Member
    When I did C25K last year, I did what I called Week 3A. I increased the running time from week 3 but didn't go the 5 mins of week 4 yet. I think I did the 3/1.5 run/walk x 3 for the 3 days, then moved on to week 4 the next week and it was much easier. Gotta give the cardiovascular system a little time to increase it's efficiency sometimes. Good luck! I loved the c25k program. I will probably do it again this summer.
  • evandmegsmom
    evandmegsmom Posts: 88 Member
    I just finished last week. Do you go by the time they give you, because they assume you'll be running 6 mph and for some that's just unrealistic. I jogged at 5.5 mph a lot of the time, and just increased my time, know what I mean?
  • sunshine7966
    Whatever you feel comfortable with. I, personally, would try Day 2 and see how that goes. Several things have an effect on how I run...food the day before, water intake, eating before, etc. sometimes, the time of day changes how I run...I run better in the morning. My husband on the the other hand, can eat what he wants and run with no problem. I always give myself another chance before I decide to repeat a week. Hope this helps and good luck!!
  • silveryflutterby
    Yeah, I wondered if it might be the pace...I have been running the same pace since week 1 though. is it normal to have to decrease your pace as the weeks progress. I'm only running at a 5.0 right now and decreasing would put me further from running an actually 5k in 30 minutes (which would require 6.0). I guess I will just repeat the day and decrease to maybe 4.8 or 4.7 and see how I do. I already knew I would have to work up to the 6.0 once I finished week 9 anyway... Thanks for the advice everyone!